2008 -- new video places:
youtube.com/anatolant film books classes dir total directing plays students spectator virtual theatre
... LUL Theatre
Enter part of a movie or TV quote and click "Go" to search the quotes at imdb.com. ![]() Film Directing 101
act.vtheatre.net direct.vtheatre.net film.vtheatre.net script.vtheatre.net shows.vtheatre.net method.vtheatre.net biomechanics.vtheatre.net write.vtheatre.net web.vtheatre.net Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself! FILM DIRECTING class directory ** ![]() Theory of Spectatorship ![]() film books ![]() ![]() Student Pages: Instructions on Instructions ![]() webmaster Directing ONLINE * Amazon.com 100 Hot Videos Amazon.com 100 Hot DVDs Amazon.com 100 Hot Books Acting in Person and in StyleSubscribe to my Open Class @ 3sisters Actors on ActingSubscribe to my Open Class @ 12night The Director's Eye Subscribe to my Open Class @ Directing! How to Read a FilmSubscribe to Open Class @ 200x Aesthetics new: chekhov.us * Russian Theatre (links in RU): fest.theatre.ru + cultu.ru (webcast) ![]() SummaryDirecting is nothing but praxis (application of film-philosophy, i.e. analysis)! Part I sould be directing, as (more) primitive field. ... move it all (analysis) to film.vtheatre.net?Questions2003, new? 2007!ISSUS: Tarkovsky vs. Eisenstein + North vs. South + West & East + "Wild West" (USA) + Russian & Soviet NotesPart I -- analysis or directing?![]()
2005 * After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future... Film Analysis:
Eisenstein PDF (download 10pp.) * and storyboard PDF (download 8pp.) *
Yes, I had to break filmplus.org into two: film analysis and directing (part II); too many pages.Of course, this is in addition to the old breakdown by subjects (students, scripts, theory, web, write and etc.)
I teach theatre (and direct), film manor is my "bonus" to UAF (my MFA from Moscow Film Institute, VGIK), but since I teach film classes, I keep my notes (and this is what you have -- just notes).
Mostly two courses: THR334 Films & Movies and THR470 Film & Video Directing (both with some prereq.) -- NTL, both are rather "intro" to film. "Films & Movies" -- theory, "Directing" -- practical applications.
I am self-taught webmaster and webpages are no more than a by-product of teach (and some research -- "virtual theatre" and/or "spectatorship theory") -- therefore, my pages are not most user-friendly (I tried my best). I updated pages while I am teaching a class, come for updates!
sum (summary) as updates?
A few words about navigation and the road signs. (I keep working on it!)
The banners and logos you see on my pages:
[ for Mining Film (links & books) ]
[ glossaries and dictionaries ]
[ film list-forum ]
[ Film Analysis pages (class) ]
Flash banner "film.vtheatre.net" takes you to Film Analysis pages.
Popup alert here and there is for my film email antoh@lycos.com
New big and tall popup windows slideshow select pages (like the one that came out with this page).
Well, this is in theory, of course. Other signs and symbols are self-explanatory: film books and etc.
[ POV, nonfiction pages ]
and the Film600 directory -- flash banners "Wrong Theories + Bad Subjects" [ film as philosophy ]
Film Directing: filmplus.org/film
logo +
flash banner "Directing 101"
200X class Aesthetics ("Arts Through Film"):
logo (small and big)...
Confusing? I pay for Yahoo and Tripod -- and they gave new, shorter domain names:
GeoAlaska = vtheatre.net
Film-North = filmplus.org
Oh, yeah! Virtual Theatre! Several symbols, depending of what aspect of VT is in focus -- stage, film, web and etc.
[ what does it? I don't know. Dancing! ]
Acting One: act.vtheatre.net
Method Acting: method.vtheatre.net
Script Analysis: script.vtheatre.net
Theatre Theory: filmplus.org/thr [ there is a big logo with the naked girl "Theatre Academy & Platonic Girls" ]
Books directories. Film : filmplus.org/books... Easy to remember?
Theatre: vtheatre.net/books -- you see the logo in the right table (not everywhere).
Writing: write.vtheatre.net (Russian)
Plays: plays.vtheatre.net -- did you see this flash banner? Well, this directory for my new plays-in-progress. In Russian. You are in English directory: filmplaus.org/plays (click -- and you will get to the title page).
Web: web.vtheatre.net and the flash banner with the same URL. Wait! SHOWS: shows.vtheatre.net -- no logo? I can't believe it!
If you see my photo -- it must something about me: resume, bio, cv...
[ one day I will make it better! ]
@2004 film-north *
FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Copyright © 2007 by filmplus.org. Permission to link to this site is granted.
my books.google.com + scholar.google.com * eCitations *
www.everything2.com search!