2008 : We are the children of man, the people...
... return of cinema.ru?
flickr : [ pix ] & images ... Theatre : teatr.us [ to work on ] I hope the notes will end before 2009; the project is stillborn. Nothing is coming aout of it. It goes nowhere. Why? I just watch movies. Russian movies. I watch the best. I watch only what I heard (read) about. And? I thought that I could "read" them and understand what I couldn't, writing Book of Fool...
... menu-chronology :
... and ? Homo Sovieticus and Homo Americanus : Homo Erectus [an error occurred while processing this directive] ... [ antohins.vtheatre.net : 1980s * 1990s * ... ] * tarkovsky.wetpaint.com as wiki ? Forum/List ... google.com/group/vtheatre KINO list? NEWS ? anatolant.narod.ru -- ...
There is no narrative in those notes, but some logic? My last "new" Russian project, I hope. I better finish what I started already before I die. Of should I die first? ... 2009 : The End. The end of my notes, not new Russian cinema, of course. I hope that the crisis will give birth to a lot of good movies. Bad times are good for art. Especially, in Russia. cine101 Lul-Film Well, this is another story, African one. Anatoly
filmplus.org/kino.htmlfilm600 and tarkovskyfilm.vtheatre.net -- russian cinema pages:
... father-russia + fool.vtheatre.net [ru]
filmplus.org -- russian directors : Eisenstein + Tarkovsky + filmplus.org/kino (century 21)
RAT I -- film page
RAT II -- film century 21 : russian.vtheatre.net film
American and Russian Fools and Their Age (Kino)