2009 :
Of course, this is very old page; now not only filmplus.org/book directory, but amazon.com take care of recommended readings. Although, I still didn't figure out how to make my lists semi-automatic. And -- books.google.com! Questia.com My librarything.com... Enough? ... * my profile @ amazon
Globe = Lul = Cosmos = 3rd Millennium Readers Club : Lul Lib
"Television has brought murder back into the home - where it belongs." Hitchcock
I will link the pix (thinkers) below with the right pages... ![]() theatre books The Class -- " Thank you, The Academy..." [The Platonic Girls are in Theatre Theory Directory]: ![]() Aristotle: Objective Idealism ![]() Platonism: Subjective Idealism ![]() Hegel: Objective Idealism ![]() Existentialism ![]() Marxism ![]() Objectivism Neitzsche and some more antisocials (20th century, Foucault & Co.) are missing... Amazon Search: film600 ... "In art economy is always beauty." --Henry James ![]()
Enter part of a movie or TV quote and click "Go" to search the quotes at imdb.com. ...
POV : metaphysics or philosophy of film...2007 ...?This book began its life long ago with my notes on film (I teach film from time to time). In 1998 I made this Film-North website and placed all my texts as webpages -- and I am working on them online ever since.
Keep it in mind, it's only a draft....
[ Anatoly ]
The Classic Film-Theories...
French New School
... Make "Film History" category? Film, Form, and Culture CD-ROM: Unique among film appreciation materials, this CD-ROM is the ideal supplement to introduce students to visual concepts that defy easy explanation. Through clips, stills, and animations, the CD-ROM shows users the basic elements of editing and montage, shot structure, point of view, mise-en-scene, lighting, camera movement, and music.
* Virilio: Crepuscular Dawn * * Pure War (Semiotext(e) Foreign Agents Series) :
Art and Fear (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers S.) (Hardcover)
by Paul Virilio, Julie Rose (Translator)
Crepuscular Dawn is distilled from a series of conversations between Sylvere Lotringer and the noted urbanist, critic, and political theorist, Paul Virilio. From the book: "The accident is a new form of warfare. It is replacing revolution and war. Sarajevo triggered the First World War. New York is what Sarajevo was. September 11 opened Pandora's box. The first war of globalization will be the global accident, the total accident, including the accident of science. And it is on the way." --Paul Virilio
A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Brian Massumi : "Anti-Oedipus, the first collaboration by Deleuze and Guattari, is more famous than a Thousand Plateaus, but this is their masterpiece. It takes a while to get used to their strange terms and phrases, and an English-schooled "analytical" philosopher would probably find their work to be nonsense, but D & G work differently. They are creators of concepts, and A Thousand Plateaus is overflowing with them. The book moves from meditations on the face, to nomads, to courtly love, to geology, to, well, a thousand other things . . . you name it. A reader who is willing to be led where they will take him is in for quite a trip."
* A lot of books by Virilio: If you want to see the postmodern take on cinema, please, read -- the best French thinker after Foucault aud Baudrillard!
In The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Paul Virilio traces out the relationship of biological optics to the technological "production of appearance." In the perceptual gaps demanding illusions of continuity, Virilio posits a hyper-opportunity for the production of art in speed. Jumping from Old Testament parable to the history of contemporary cinema, to the history of philosophy and contemporary technology, Virilio teleports among an irregular constellation of high-speed artifice where love is a motion faster than light and the paradoxes of empiricism mire science in "motion without mobility."
"Baudrillard does think the Gulf War happened - the title is just a provocation (it was clearly effective, since people who didn't read the book fell for Baudrillard's little joke and gave it one star).
This book is a great European perspective in the changes that war has undergone, which places it in the same tradition as the work of Paul Virilio's STRATEGY OF DECEPTION, which is a vaguely Baudrillardian take on the Kosovo conflict, written in the same style.
What Baudrillard has begun to see is that war isn't what it used to be. It's not about two countries getting in a political argument that breaks out in violence and all-out war. Baudrillard observes that Mutually Assured Destruction has brought war into the realm of virtuality. No longer is war the simple clash of brutes. Instead, it is a programmed operation that is executed according to a pre-defined model. The UN troops were not responding to the actual capabilities of the Iraqi army, Baudrillard says, but simply executing a plan that had already been decided upon. Thus, you didn't have the UN responding to Iraqi fire, but instead to the signatures on their infrared and radar, satellite images, coordinates, etc. The UN was essentially fighting a virtual reality war using real guns, pointing their missiles at dots on a radar and killing people in the process.
Thus, the Gulf War dissociated the image from reality. The Gulf War was a war of images: intelligence images, news images. A media phenomenon for the world and for the military and for the world. For the military, because virtual reality replaced war as we used to know it, and for the world, because the media phenomenon of the Gulf War became a prime-time expos§Û of America's technological might, and of the threat of Saddam to the New World Order. Beneath the proliferation of images were thousands of dead Iraqis. But all we saw was the images. The real didn't matter.
This is what Baudrillard is talking about when he says 'the real is no longer real.' Reality has become images - the real behind the images is no longer relevant. Did the Gulf War really happen? Eh, who cares. We saw the images.
This isn't necessarily a profound or true statement on the war, but the subtlety of Baudrillard's perspective is very interesting, because I think Americans don't really see the difference between old and new warfare. Americans don't perceive the way in which d§Ûtente moved deterrence into the realm of virtuality by turning the Cold War into a scary period of hostility to a game of let's-try-and-be-really-scared. As an intelligent foreigner, Baudrillard notices, and this quick book contains a host of very interesting observations such as the ones discussed above.
Too bad it's so brief. Sometimes Baudrillard is too brief. But this book really has a great deal of very novel perspective. Read this, and then read Virilio. I think you'll like them."
* Virilio :
The Illusion of the End by Jean Baudrillard, Chris Turner : Jodi Bowen (State College, PA United States) - Jean Baudrillard's The Illusion of the End is a fantastic read whether one chooses to take the author seriously or whether one simply wishes to loose himself in the author's creative metaphors which sum up the meaning of life and death in our modern (post-modern) society with a few hard-hitting words and phrases. Baudrillard's style is fairly simple, and I would say that his texts are easy to understand in French and in English although finding his texts in the original French can sometimes be problematic. Chris Turner's translation ... , does a great job of capturing Baudrillard's humorous and sometimes shocking ideas about the world and what he considers to be the illusion of time.
The central theme of this book is that time is becoming an illusion, and I would even say that Baudrillard already believes time has disappeared. Humankind, by falsely believing that time is linear and that "ends" exist, has created a reality out of illusions and is now gradually erasing history in an attempt to make itself "feel" better about living a life that is all but certain.
Baudrillard does not spend a great deal of time wading through previous critics' opinions about the nature of time or what physicists may say about the past, present, and future. He jumps right into his own theories which really ask the reader to rethink his notions about our world and where humankind is going, or as Baudrillard would say - re-visiting - in its attempt to revise all of those little unpalatable events from the past such as the Cold War, Persian Gulf War, and the Timisoara massacre.
Baudrillard is refreshing and shocking at the same time. Although his style is simple and stimulating, his ideas verge on the outrageous and the unpredictable. I recommend this book highly.
Illuminations by Walter Benjamin : "Studies on contemporary art and culture by one of the most original, critical and analytical minds of this century."
What Is Philosophy? by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari : Called by many France's foremost philosopher, Gilles Deleuze is one of the leading thinkers in the Western World. His acclaimed works and celebrated collaborations with F¨¦lix Guattari have established him as a seminal figure in the fields of literary criticism and philosophy. The long-awaited publication of in English marks the culmination of Deleuze's career. Deleuze and Guattari differentiate between philosophy, science, and the arts, seeing as means of confronting chaos, and challenge the common view that philosophy is an extension of logic. The authors also discuss the similarities and distinctions between creative and philosophical writing. Fresh anecdotes from the history of philosophy illuminate the book, along with engaging discussions of composers, painters, writers, and architects. A milestone in Deleuze's collaboration with Guattari, brings a new perspective to Deleuze's studies of cinema, painting, and music, while setting a brilliant capstone upon his work.
America by Jean Baudrillard, Chris Turner : Like de Tocqueville before him, Baudrillard, a French social scientist, is in search of the American ethos. His little essay, however, lacks the substance, perspicacity, and originality of a Democracy in America . Rather, Baudrillard's analysis tends to be grandiloquent and sometimes hackneyed, as when he observes "Americans believe in facts, but not in facticity , " and "The cinema and TV are America's reality!"
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