"Where did I see it? Was it at the Art Theater on Eighth Street? Or was it the Beekman? I don’t remember, but I do remember the charge that ran through me the first time I heard that opening musical theme — ominous, staccato, plucked out on strings, so simple, so stark, like the horns that announce the next tercio during a bullfight. And then, the movie. A Mediterranean cruise, bright sunshine, in black and white widescreen images unlike anything I’d ever seen — so precisely composed, accentuating and expressing ... what? A very strange type of discomfort. The characters were rich, beautiful in one way but, you might say, spiritually ugly. Who were they to me? Who would I be to them?"
The Man Who Set Film Free : By MARTIN SCORSESE Published: August 12, 2007
Fall 07 dramlit.vtheatre.net : Dramatic Literature class *
... Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - in the Lee H. Salisbury Theatre : Spring 08 : Friday, April 18, 8:15pm
Film & Movies -- 2007 guide for case study ? ... "In adapting Jon Krakauer's 1998 best-seller of the same name, writer-director Sean Penn gives him a wealth of material to work with. Hirsch gets to be charming, passionate and idealistic but also impetuous, stubborn and self-righteous. Penn depicts this flawed figure with all the richness and complexity you'd find in the unforgiving Alaskan terrain, presenting McCandless in both his selflessness and selfishness without once judging him or turning him into a martyr. At the same time, there's an innocence to Into the Wild, with its notions about the purity of freedom, that harkens to films of the late 1960s like Easy Rider. And Penn, working with cinematographer Eric Gautier (The Motorcycle Diaries) and sometimes shooting his own footage, captures the grit and grandeur of this nation so vividly, he almost makes you want to chuck it all, too, and head for the open road." * What is more beautiful -- nature or man's heart? "Happiness is real only when shared." Alexander Supertramp -- the never ending US adolescence, ... boy dies, but man is not born. ... "Innocence" -- you don't want it in Iraq. 2009 :
Subtext (just a little): History of [my] "Year of 2007" [ story ] Where? ... new blogs [ theatre | ru & russian ] Ethio Y2K : if you have three thousand years of history in mind than the millennium year has different meaning. Nor Europeans, neither Americans with centuries count will not comprehend or appreciate the ancient point of view. Their history is "written" history and starts somewhere after "Dark Ages" ... What millennium? Just another day. "The End of History" had it right, if we to consider the end of sense of history. It's not the place to write about it, not to make a (foot)note -- watch it! Take a notice -- I say to myself, making so many 2007 and 2008 webpages. Of course, I shy away from stating -- The End of the World! But how about "the End of the World as we know It"? Oh, the PC world! We can't write about 9-11, not really, -- and nothing is written. Why? We don't even ask this question. Six years later? But what if the answer will like... you know, to much, to handle. How not to ask what must be asked? Talk, talk non-stop! La-la-blah-blah... Sing! More "news"! What "news"? Anything, everything -- "entertain" me! ...
The point of living and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come. - Peter Ustinov
2004 * 2005 * 2006 * 2007 : tarkovsky.wetpaint.com ***
Blogs: bloglines.com/public/anatolant Blogger. profile
* anatolant @ google.com
Russian Diary * ðóññêèé äíåâíèê * groups.google.com/group/vtheatre "ðóññêèé ëèñò" (ïîäïèñêà)
Theatre Directing related: total directing files
... Film Art An Introduction, 7e, 2004, Bordwell (beta site) THR334W: Film & Movies [ aantohin.pageout.net ] ... 2008 -- http://ic.media.mit.edu/ interactive cinema *** research End of July : Bergman, and next day - Antonioni... dead.
ReminderFeed - Ethiopian Millennium (06/16/2007 - 09/11/2007) Addis Abeba Time : get Ethiopian Millennium Calendar! [link] All right, we had our second chance: the new millennium started again. Did you notice the new century at least? Did I? More work? What else? ... old calendar.yahoo.com/anatolant I use for tracking my web-writing tasks. ... 2009?
... too much info for one page!http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Topic:Narrative_Film_Production : WikiU Film School | Filmmaking | Script Formatting Lesson | Narrative Film Production | Thumbnail Storyboard Lesson | Homework Assignment... removing jumpcut.com links! I hope no more online business will go out of business. At least, in a year,or two.
* film pages new
{ 2007 }
Theatre UAF: the changes for our academic year 2007-2008 are approved (two new filmmaking classes for majors concentrating in Film). I will be developing film directing II and III (200 level will be tought by another instructor). See pages "new"!* Spring: acting II + stage directing : new groups -- google.com/group/directing and THR221 Intermediate Acting (acting2)
* Fall: THR215 Dramatic Literature + Film and Movies... [ playwrighting -- "dramaturgy room" under development ]
... pomo.vtheatre.net "Utopia" Project -- picasaweb.google.com/anatoly.antohin/Utopia
[ Mamet06 ]
... 07-08 season Theatre UAF - R/G are Dead by Stoppard
Changes in Classes:
-- THR470 Film & Movies (film analysis) [updated]
updates: ("Teaching, Writing, Film -- directing + theory, Webbing, 2006") Film-North pages *
FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Copyright © 2007 by filmplus.org. Permission to link to this site is granted.
my books.google.com + scholar.google.com * eCitations *
www.everything2.com search!
New page? Russian Cinema.
http://marlowe.classicauthors.net/TragicalHistoryOfDrFaustus/ [ shows to direct ]
Another WEB revolution (video):
http://cinema.lycos.com Lycos Cinema!?
and jumpcut.com/anatolant --
The Mongolian Horde was merely the Russian army (Fomenko math-history)
http://www.current.tv/google -- ?
... 2007
Add to My Profile | More Videos + selassie.net
... youtube.com/anatolant [+rutube.ru] see playlists : video page and vids (web-videos) in many directories!
... continue "vid" subject at fool.vtheatre.net/future
Main 2007 sister-page at vtheatre.net and many other 2007 pages!
2007 images ...
my docs.google.com video page
footnote : ... 2007 -- NEW Millennium Year, according to Ethiopians and many other non-western calendars, including lunar... read my "2007" pages [notes for myself]