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Disorganized (old) lists of books on Directing, Film Theory, Dramatic Structure and everything else about film. Maybe I will have time to sort them out and to rate them.DIGITAL IMAGES AND FILM THEORY
Christopher Anderson, 'Easy-to-Alter Digital Images', Science, no. 263, 21 January 1994Jean Baudrillard, The Evil Demon of Images (Power Institute, 1987).
Peter Brunette and David Wills, 'Images Off: Ulmer's Teletheory', diacritics, vol. 23 no. 2, Summer 1993
Ronald F Burnett, 'Video Space/Video Time: The Electronic Image as Found Object', Mirror Machine: Video in the Age of Identity (XYZ Publications: Toronto, 1995)
C. Dodsworth, Digital Illusion: Entertaining the Future with Interactive Technology (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Webley, 1997).
Silvio Gaggi, From Text to Hypertext: Decentering the Subject in Fiction, Film, the Visual Arts, and Electronic Media (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997)
Jean-Luc Godard, '"I am closer to images now . . . video lets me look first, then I begin to write from what I see": Godard in his "Fifth Period" interview', Film Quarterly, vol. 39 no. 2, Winter 1985-6
Jean-Luc Godard, '"Video 'means' I see". . . The Carrots are Cooked Interview', Film Quarterly, vol. 27 no. 3, Spring 1984.
Daniel Grotta and Sally Grotta, 'Digital Photography', Popular Science, no. 241, 3 September 1992
Lev Manovich, The Engineering of Vision from Constructivism to Virtual Reality (University of Texas Press, 1997/8)
Scott McQuire, Crossing the Digital Threshold (Australian Key Centre for cultural and Media Policy, 1997)
Scott McQuire, Visions of Modernity: Representation, Memory, Time and Space in the Age of the Camera (Sage, 1997)
William J. T. Mitchell, The Reonfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992)
M. Punt, 'CD ROM: Radical Nostalgia?: Cinema History, Cinema Theory and New Technology', Leonardo, vol. 28 no. 5, 1995
Jonathan Romney, Short Cuts (1997)
Gregory Ulmer, Teletheory: Grammatology in the Age of Video (Routledge, 1989)
Paul Virilio, The Vision Machine (British Film Institute, 1994). Brian Winston, Technologies of Seeing (BFI, Sept 1996)*****
Tana Wollen and Phil Hayward, eds., Future Visions (British Film Institute, 1993)
F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y electronic salon film-philosophy-request@mailbase.ac.uk F-PH Check it out, if you are into philosophy of film!
(From B&N)1. Making a Winning Short. How to write Direct, Edit, and Produce a short film. By Edmond Levy $14.95 2. Grammar of the Film Language by Daniel Arion, Pub Silman-James Press Los Angeles. $22.95 3. Film Making Fondations by Jerry Bloedon. Pub Focal Press,Boston London $32.75 4. Dictionary of Film Term by Frank Beaver. Pub Twayne Publishers, NY $15.95 5. Scripting For the New AV Tecnologies 2nd Edition By Dwight Swain & Joye Swain Pub Focal Press Boston, London $34.95 6. From Script to Screen; the Collaborative Art of Filmking By Linda Seger & Edward Jay Whetmore Pub an owlbook Henry Holt and Company NY $14.95 7. The Beginning Filmaker's guide to Directing By Renee Harmon Pub Walker & Co NY $14.95 8. Film Directors On Directing By Andrew Gallagheir, PRAEGER Pub Conn. Condon $14.95 9. Directing the Documentary Second Edition By Michael Rabiger, Focal Press Boston, London $44.75 10. Understanding the Film 4th ed. Jan Bone & Ron Johndon. National Textbook Co. 11. Video Scriptwriting Barry Hampe Plume $14 12. Film Lighting Kris Malkievwicz Fireside by Simons & Schuster $20 13. Location Scouting & Management Handbook Robert G. Maier Focul Press $29.95 14. Cinematogrphy Kris Malkiewicz 2nd ed. $20 15. Film Art 4th ed. David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson McGrew-Hill. 16. Writing, Directing & Producing Documentary Alan Rosenthal, Southern Illinois Univ. Press 17. Motion Picture Camera Techniques 2nd ed. David W. Sammuelson Focul Press 18. How to Read a Film R. ed. James Monaco 1981 Oxford Paperbcks $16.95 19. Inside Television Producing Richard Lindhein, Richard Blum Focul Press 20. Film Production 2nd ed. Steven Bernstein, Focul Press $34.95 21. Screen Play: a Blend of Film Form & Content Margaret Mehring Focul Press 22. Using Your Camcorder; Techniques For Creativity Better Home Videos Mandy Matson, Amploto Watson-Guptill Publications $18.95 23. A-Z of Camcorder and Video Michael Huber, Hove Photo Books 24. The Complite Film Dictionary Ira Konigsberg A Meridian $14.95 25. On Film Editing Edward Dmytryk Focul Press $17.95 26. Writinng the Short Film Pat Cooper, Ken Dancyger Focul Press $22.95 27. How Scripts Are Made Inga Karetnikova Southern Illinois Univ. Press $19.95 28. From Script to Screen (the Collaborative Art of Filmmaking) Linda Seger & Edward Jay Whetmore, Henry Holt & Co. $14.95 29. The Filmemaker's Handbook by Edward Pincus & Steven Ascher. Penguin Group $14.00 30. A Director's Method for Film and Television Ron Richards Focul Press $39.75 31. Making Movies John Russo A Dell Trade Paperback $14.95 32. Directing (Film Techniques and Aesthetics) Michael Rabiger Focul Press $36.95 33. Media, The Continuity Handbook (a Guide for Single Camera Shooting) Auril Rowlands 3rd ed. Focul Press $22.75 34. Single Camera Video Robert J. Schihl Focul Press $36.95 35. Film Scripting 2nd ed. Dwight & Joye R. Swain Focul Press $29.95 (Old List. Spring 1995)
Barr, Tony. Acting for the Camera. New York: Harper and Row, 1982. "Learn the role-not the lines." $11Blum, Richard. Working Actors: The Craft of Television, Film, and Stage Performance. Boston: Focal Press, 1989
Hodgson, John and Ernest Richards. Improvisation. New York: Grove Press, 1974
Marowtiz, Charles. The Art of Being: Towards a Theory of Acting. New York: Taplinger, 1978
Moore, Sonia. The Stanislavski System. New York: Viking Press, 1965
Morris, Eric and Joan Hotchkis. No Acting Please. Los Angeles: Spelling Publications, 1979
Spolin, Viola. Improvisation for the Theatre. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1963
Bergman, Ingmar. Four Stories by Ingmar Berman. Garden City: Anchor Press, 1977Blacker, Irwin R. The Elements of Screenwriting. New York: Macmillan, 1986
Dmytryk, Edward. On Screenwriting. Boston: Focal Press, 1985
Edmonds, Robert. Scriptwriting for the Audio-Visual Media. New York: Teachers College Press, 1978. Survey of screenwriting forms and their applications
Field, Syd. Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting. New York: Dell, 1982
Rubenstein, Paul Max and Martin J. Maloney. Writing for the Media. 2d ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. All aspects of screenwriting
Swain, Dwight and Joye Swain. Film Scriptwriting: A Practical ManuaL 2nd ed. Boston: Focal Press, 1988
Vale, Eugene. The Technique of Screen and TV Writing. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982. Extended and analytic; usefully compares film, theatre, and novel forms
Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1957McDougal, Stuart Y. Made into Movies: From Literature to Film. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1985. Theory, texts, and case studies
Richardson, Robert. Literature and Film. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1969. Intelligent discussion of the relationship between the two forms
Bresson, Robert. Notes on Cinematography. New York: Urizen, 1977Rabiger, Michael. Directing The Documentary. Boston: Focal Press, 1987
Sherman, Eric. Directing the Film: Film Directors on their Art. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976
Carlson, Verne and Sylvia Carlson. Professional Lighting Handbook. Boston: Focal Press,1985. Professional lighting methods and hardwareMillerson, Gerald. The Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures. Boston: Focal Press, 1982
Ritsko, Alan J. Lighting for Location Motion Pictures. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979
Samuelson, David W. Motion Picture Camera and Lighting Equipment: Choice and Technique. Boston: Focal Press, 1986
Sylvania Corp. Lighting Handbook for Television, Theatre and Professional Photography. Danvers, MA: GTE Sylvania, 1984
Manufacturer's handbook detailing many lamp types but also containing articles on light, light measurement, electricity, and lighting setups.
Caiati, Carl. Video Production the Professional Way. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1985Cheshire, David. The Video Manual. New York: Van Nostrand, 1982
Costello, Marjorie and Michael Heiss. The Video Camcorder Handbook. Los Angeles: HP Books, 1987
Fuller, B., et al. Single-Camera Video Production. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982
Mathias, Harry and Richard Patterson. Electronic Cinematography: Achieving Photographic Control over the Video Image. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1985
Millerson, Gerald. Video Camera Techniques. Boston: Focal Press, 1983
Robinson, J.F. and P.H. Beards. Using Videotape. Boston: Focal Press, 1981
Robinson, Richard. The Video Primer. New York: Perigee, 1983
Adams, William B. The Handbook of Motion Picture Production. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. Encyclopedic, fully illustratedArijon, Daniel. Grammar of the Film Language. Boston: Focal Press, 1976
Clarke, Charles G., ed. American Cinematographer's Handbook. Hollywood: American Society of Cinematographers. New issues regularly, this is the cinematographer's bible and contains an incredible breadth of professional-level information compactly presented. Surprisingly accessible to the beginner
Eastman Kodak Co. Cinematographer's Field Guide. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co., 1978. Hip pocket guide to using Kodak motion picture products
Happe, L. Bernard. Basic Motion Picture Technology. Boston: Focal Press, 1978.
Malkiewicz, J. Kris. Cinematography: A Guide for Film Makers and Film Teachers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1973. A preferred text for intermediate filmmaking that extends from cameras, filters, lighting, and sound recording through editing and production.
Pincus, Edward and Steven Ascher. The Filmmakers Handbook. New York: Plume, 1984. Accessible to the beginner, lots of information both technical and conceptual.
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