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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Movie segment for test

which one to select for the second test?

 Politics & Movies playlist

 see part 3.

What is politics?

2008 -- playlists @ :

1. masters 15 Videos Fellini, Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Bergman

2. 2008 27 Videos 334 film & Movies 2008 class -- Movies & Politics final project [titles] -- compare with "W."

3. directing 17 Videos directing class 2006 --

4. film 19 Videos film classes 2006

5. Film & Movies [class] 20 Videos Film & Movies pages @ [next : Fall'08]

6. film HISTORY 22 Videos

7. film study 27 film study -- film classes, see film and


* kino 46 Videos new pages/directory -- Russian Cinema Century 21

* cinema-ru 6 Videos vs. KINO ? Film vs. Movie [ XX century collection ]


Posted by afronord at 10:30 PM YST
Updated: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:23 AM YST
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Second Conference ?

Feedback on midterm -- in class and CONFERENCES?

Chapter on Sound and Amadeus -- [ script -- htpp:// ]

After 8.5 -- Artist & Society (?)

 ... and Mirror by Tarkovsky [now] before moving on the last assignment -- Movies & Politics.

 Second movie for the final paper is an individual choice : samples in class.

Second test [ in class, open book, 30 min. ] after the textbook reading is done. 


Posted by afronord at 10:58 AM YST
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Film Class 2010 in Addis Ababa

New directory -- [Film & Movies]

drafts -- FM; [Film Masters, FilmMaking]

Anatoly After UAF -- 

Work while teaching 334 -- CD/DVD by 2009? 

Example -- today's Fellini [8.5]


Segments/scenes in class 


"Crisis" compare with "W." [continue with The Wild Strawberries]

Recall Kurosawa's Dreams.


Chapter Eight - The Relation of Shot to Shot: Editing
What Editing Is
Dimensions of Film Editing
Continuity Editing
Box: Intensified Continuity: L.A. Confidential and Contemporary Editing
Alternatives to Continuity Editing

Ch. 8 -- Sound.

Ch. 9 -- Style


Posted by afronord at 1:23 PM YST
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Politics & Movies : class project
Topic: classes

discussion & must see this weekend!Photobucket

and ?


 Concept and script [slade] saved @ ?

Posted by afronord at 2:00 AM YDT
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Who is Dr. Berg?

From Mise-en-scene to Montage

Bergman, The Wild Strawberries -- two worlds of Dr. Berg.


Narrative (review of Forman's movie -- McMurphy as hero) -- Director = Camera.

WEEK : Conferences (to schedule) and midterm papers: proposals/drafts

 Tests back.

Next? Fellini? "View from Inside"

8.5 and montage - Vertov -- when?

Posted by afronord at 7:29 AM YDT
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Last class in Sept. -- New pages @ filmstudy group

Politics and Movies (final papers thought):

 Use Citizen Kane (review in class, feedback) --

Preview -- The Godfather --


Again, compare "Winners" with "Losers" (Chaplin's hero) -- and "your list" on Personal Page

[calendar points]

Posted by afronord at 9:07 PM YDT
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
3rd class
Topic: classes

from my google calendar (crossposting):

class 3 --
feedback on Dreams, Kurosawa
in class -- Godfather or Forman?
Required Reading: Bordwell Ch.3 - Narrative as a Formal System
* Images and Symbols. Pictures in Motion. Fictional & Dramatic Elements

[Eisenstein] Time-space in film [ to requared ].

[ How to in class ] FIRST TEST (Take home) --


Posted by afronord at 12:24 PM YDT
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Class 2
Topic: classes

Overview of Ch.1 [Chaplin] and preview of Chapter 2 : Film Form &

 * points @ my google calendar 


  •  form vs. content [ see textbook on SYSTEM ]


 + principles 

Dreams by Kurosawa in class & homework 

Posted by afronord at 8:06 AM YDT
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First Class Film & Movies
Topic: classes

Notes for myself:

1. How to 'read" a movie -- why do we need to understand it? [Entertainment and MESSAGES]

2. How much ART is in the movie? [ch.1] 

Comparing with other arts -- the difference. 

Art vs. Craft

Craft and Technology -- from photography to motion pictures. Hi-Tech

3. Showbiz and the film industry -- Why BUSINESS is so important: mass medium and cost.

4. FilmMAKING -- many... as in theatre? "Who is the author?"

Production cycles

MODES of production

Concept and funding phase -- pre-production

Cast & Crew  [ which one is first? ]

 [ terms -- dictionary & glossary ]

NEW : film and video

Distribution -- selling it [commodity].  Marketing, promotion, exhibition...

SUM p. 47


 + (my) google calendar

Posted by afronord at 2:43 PM YDT
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Fall'08 Film & Movies
Google Groups
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Fall 2008 Class WEB. 3:30 - 6:30

calendar -- see -- 

Posted by afronord at 11:56 PM YDT
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