... a few new blogs -- Anatoly XXI http://anatolant.blogspot.com & http://vtheatre.blogspot.com webman's diary
still not sure why I am doing it...
still not sure why I am doing it...
I post the link to this "Anatoly's Blog" on my webpages (including RSS), although I still do not know how regular I would write it.
The updates are through my mailing list.
Oh, there is a new tool/toy "my yahoo"...
Time and eternity, the issue is not answered.
Tomorrow is a preview...
Rehearsals @ 7 pm
or http://bloglines.com/blog/anatolant
Maybe I do not need it. I am not using blogging... It's strange; I am online 24/7.
I still think that I am simply not used to it.
THR215 Dramatic Literature --- THR413 Playscript Analysis
authors --- themes --- subjects (topics)
plays --- periods --- showcases
[ script.vtheatre.net vertical hierharchy ]
* Revisions for the CHE'05 (Chekhov's Death @ Goodbye...)
* Maybe some writing for the project "Antohins"? The only time I have before the next week.