Course Objective: To gain knowledge of the basic elements and tools an artist uses to create a work of art and to develop awareness and appreciation of the history and ideas in the dramatic, musical and visual arts through study and experience with these arts.
All students are required to attend scheduled art, music and theatre events outside of class.
GRADES: 90.5 and above = A, 80-90.4 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 and below = F.
5 event papers 8 points each -- 40 points (Play Review - Hamlet, Film Review, Show Review -- UAF, Art and Music Papers) Quizzes, participation, attendance -- 30 points Presentations/Projects -- 20 points (Scenes from "Mikado") Final exam -- 10 points Total = 100 points
Event Ticket/Procedures: Students will pick up tickets for their play and concert options from the respective ticket office. As soon as you know the date you wish to attend a performance, pick up a theatre ticket at the Theatre Box Office (SE edge of the Great Hall) or concert ticket from the Fairbanks Symphony
office just inside the entrance doors to Davis Hall. Plan ahead to ensure seat availability. Concerts are single performances in each case.
Attendance required at 5 of the following events: 2 Theatre UAF shows, Art Gallery, 2 Music Dept. concerts (see instructor if you have another option not
listed that you would like to attend)
[1] Fri. 9/7 INTRO. Aesthetics. [2] Mon. 9/10
[3] Wed. 9/12 Film Language and Language of Drama. Film Paper (draft). How to read films. [see Film-North]