anatoly: virtual film
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
2nd dress Godot
Topic: My Shows
Moon? Day and night there?

Time and eternity, the issue is not answered.



Tomorrow is a preview...

Posted by afronord at 4:54 PM YDT
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Internet2 Day presentation


Rehearsals @ 7 pm

Posted by afronord at 4:32 PM YST
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Godot Theatre UAF
Topic: My Shows
New directory at my SHOWS: Waiting for Godot All news are there!

Posted by afronord at 5:37 PM YST
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
The End of the Year
Aha, here you are again:

Subscribe with Bloglines

Maybe I do not need it. I am not using blogging... It's strange; I am online 24/7.

I still think that I am simply not used to it.

Posted by afronord at 3:11 AM YST
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Before and After
rate Two years I spent learning HTML, 3 years -- making webpage for use by myelf. Now I design them to be used without me, after me.

I suspect I started this shift even a year ago or more... How long will it take?

Posted by afronord at 12:08 PM YDT
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Topic: Textbooks
[ Anatoly's Drama Notes ]


THR215 Dramatic Literature --- THR413 Playscript Analysis

authors --- themes --- subjects (topics)


plays --- periods --- showcases

[ vertical hierharchy ]

updates for THR215 I teach (see my calendar).

* Revisions for the CHE'05 (Chekhov's Death @ Goodbye...)

* Maybe some writing for the project "Antohins"? The only time I have before the next week.

Posted by afronord at 1:48 PM YDT
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
New tools
Topic: Webbing
The school started a month ago; only now I have some time to fix the RSS, which I hardly understand. I teach THR215 Dramatic Literature and alredy have many new webpages at DramLit 2005 and THR334 Film & Movies Film Analysis. I want to see, if page really works My Feed... A.

Posted by afronord at 5:57 PM YDT
Updated: Saturday, October 8, 2005 1:53 PM YDT
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Going Public
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: What is that? Playing?
Topic: Webbing
I placed the link to this "Anatoly's blog"; now I have to keep it up...

I am still not sure how to use it. Topics, for example -- is this message under "Webbing"? "Mood" -- cheked the "ok"? I simply didn't want to bother the folks on my mailing list [ ] with anything current, daily stuff...

Webmaster is killing me. When could the "writer" finnaly enjoy the webpages? BTW, I began to make "doc" files (MS Word), "text-only" -- must be tired of webbing.

Posted by afronord at 6:43 PM YDT
Updated: Friday, July 29, 2005 7:01 PM YDT
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Diaries: two languages
Topic: notes
I know I must do it; I have to spare the nonfiction from "notes" -- so, I have two places; here and in Russian... The same question: who to link the texts together? What is the logic of the narrative? Father-Russia (new)

Posted by afronord at 9:34 PM YDT
Updated: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:43 PM YDT
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Panic
The horrors of the last century, the masses and their heroes -- the Internet is nothing short of the continuation of this revolt. Everything original, talented will be burried under the nonsense generated by millions. No way out? The connection, not the content matters. The chat over text. And I, as always, is working for what is against me! A servant of the master, the crowd, "webmaster"! Madman, do you think in a thousand years they will enjoy Mozart? Fool, the enemy of man is men. Yes, the people. Isn't that story abvious after two millenniums of repeting it? They killed the Creator of Life, they are suicidal! Each of them, in his solitute? He cries... The spark of God in his heart... no? Never? Not enough? And the evil is to stay with us -- Them. Am I missing something about the Years of the Holy Ghost? But they are so close, they are your relatives... Write -- and read the Antohins The Generations (Russian) I can say "miracle" -- a woman, a child, a friend, a sun... Miracle is the break of universal rules. I say -- miracle, the very chance of meeting another soul. Wonder. The rest is war. Now and forever. You don't believe it? I know, you don't. That is your problem. Who can you believe, if you don't believe yourself? Oh, go write it in Russian, weak heart! [I switch the language in order not to be understood.] Croll back into darkness. No hope for you. "Them" is you.

Posted by afronord at 1:30 PM YDT
Updated: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:39 PM YDT
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