April 1 or around [ "Church Scandal" ] : no more updates from me -- Obama is another politician. New type -- perhaps. Maybe, worse -- he will abuse the youth and idealistic momentum.
![]() And, of course, The Grand Depression! What else did you expect? It's time to mean it -- "the global economy"! biz.vtheatre.net -- ... W. & Olive Stone [knol]
"Not by force of arms are civilizations held together, but by subtle threads of moral and intellectual principle." --Russell Kirk
![]() Post-Communism: Private Politics 2007-2008 updates? Liberty -- Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL * Date: 14th century * 1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice If this is your first visit -- search the pages! 2002, 2001 * Theatre w/Anatoly * TOUR
![]() Theory of Spectatorship ![]() Bookmark FILM-NORTH ![]() My life is my own ![]() American Libertarian Party (LP) is an opposition movement and has no vision. I am no longer a registered member. 2008 !!! Blogs: bloglines.com/public/anatolant Blogger. profile
* anatolant @ google.com
Russian Diary * ðóññêèé äíåâíèê *
After 2008 ... Summaryu21.us -- utopia project...Questions4.11.04. Who do we fool? They gave the name "Jihad" -- and they are right. Everything we know as "West" is a holy war; free market or democracy. Christianity is a way of life, enbeded so deep that we think no more about the ideology. Message of love and tolerance is in and around -- and this is the secret of our success and modern wonders.Late Paradise : 2012 ? NotesThe future of Islam? Does it have any future?![]() 2004 & After: vote yourself! philosophy books American communism will finish what the Soviets left. They tried to do it in the state forms (fascism), not in societal formats (read Foucault). Holy War? Interesting. They sensed that the Age of the Holy Ghost is here. The terrorists are using websites and internet, the weapons very much designed for expansion (Islamic Idea), but they do not understand that computers are "christian" in essense... Who wrote it (Buber?) that our technology would be possible without the idea of separation body and soul and placing them in conflicting position. We separated ourselves from the (mortal) world and this is how we can see and study it. Islam is too social, no much metaphysics in it. It's not as radical as Christianity. I realize that a car as a "Christian" entity is too much for the post-Christian brains, that The Industrial Revolution as a stage of the Christian Revolution is not for the books... Hey, I do not write it for you, for myself only. I don't write it, I think about it -- and, yes, I record it -- my or your thoughts could be published "www style"; instantly and for all. Listen, I myself am not used to the thoughts of the 3rd millenium. I wish I could trust fully my feelings; if I could, I would be writing stories about my world, the tales filled with images and characters... Without using the long words like "communism." About the electric poll and the tree standing next to each other. What a wonderful short-story it could be! "Islam," "Christianity" -- thoughts without images are nothing, I need to see! "Personal Politics" must personal, visions and poems. My thoughts must be mine! They should have my own expressions, unique forms and non-repeatable shapes. It's my life, my time, my universe... And I still can't claim the ownership over myself! I probably should move to 600 directory (Bad Theory, Wrong Subjects) for more... ... PoliSemio : Invisible Politics [ film600 ] "Open-minded Americans" and "Closed-minded Terrorists" ... Sweet Jesus Rapping [ ... ]
America misses her artists and we have to listen to the nonsense of politicians and media, when it's time for them to leave the stage for thinkers and poets.
What strength I had was so bewildered that my voice stirred and was done before it was set free of the organs that made it. She scarcely waited, and then said, "What do you think? Answer me, for the water has not canceled the sad memories in you yet." [ Dante Page ]
Dictionary -- to collect our "words"!... 10.21.04. How many do understand that the Watergate was a triumph of American freedom and politics? How many do understand what the first Pomo president Clinton did to American politics? Politicians lie, it's the nature of the beast. Postmodern propaganda is different -- lies became legitimate. We are not ashame anymore. "Lie? So what?" This is the end of politics the way we know.History of the Future
Yes, this is what I need to write! It's rather simple task, if we indeed believe that past does exist. No matter how much our PC politicians dance around, the war with Islam, is ideological (ten centuries ago it was religious). Christianity through blood and time separated itself from religion (personal matters), the same reformation should take place with Muslims... when they will go through the Christian values. The same with Zionism, which fights Arabs on the same ideological ground of national socialism (Nazi fought Communists too -- Stalinism was national socialism: "socialaism in one country").[ the rest is on notes page ]
...I am too old for you, my postmodern times, but I understand why in America religion and politics, not sex, are private and personal. Sacred must be hidden; God and love for your country -- deep inside....
Chapter 1. The Coming Libertarian Age
"In 1995 Gallup pollsters found that 39 percent of Americans said that "the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens." Pollsters couldn't believe it, so they tried again, taking out the word "immediate." This time 52 percent of Americans agreed."
A crime is any deliberate act, attempted act, or premeditated threat of harm against another's person or property.http://www.thenewamerican.comWe will also now make a distinction between petty crime (committed by an individual or small group of individuals) and organized crime (committed by large groups of individuals operating on a significant scale).
In Russia it was an open secret that most of laws were designed to make everyone into a potential criminal. The whole population was in violation of the laws and the government might get anybody at any point as a criminal. How different is this in America?
Subject: fw: gun control in Australia Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:28:20 EST
"Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australian taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent.
Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent.
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent!)
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned guns in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!)
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly.
Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns.
You won't see this data on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.
The Australian experience proves it. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note Americans, and Canadians now, before it's too late!"
Remember the adage : "When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns"
Is "PostAmeriKa" (PA) a POLITICAL book? [an error occurred while processing this directive]
-- anarchy, new anarchy idea is needed for mortal man in this global society.
American political dialogue is no more. We will never recover...
projects: Demons: Dostoevsky, Camus & Me -- War of Terror texts: HIM web-biography in focus: filmmaking 101 reading: The Decline of the West, two volumes, 1922 and 1926
I tried to be older, to be old. Because I was young. I don't have to try so hard anymore. I am old. How do I know it when the world insists that I'll be forever young? I close the door, turn down the blinds on the windows and recall the time when I was young. I have to go way back into the time, where I no longer exist. The past. The time before my children. My grandson, I haven't seen, already walks and talks. Why the world can't let me be an old man? It tells me that I will never die. They want to believe that they are immortal. I see how bad they want it and I forgive their lie. But I don't forget, I try. I write to restore the real.
.... After the defeat in this strange Cremian war Russia needed the money and it had no much use for Alaska, it still has plenty of land today. Not all Russians went back after the sale, some had families, like I do, some stayed. They became Americans. At least their children did. Like my family....
The Russians are not that visible in America. Even Ukrainians preserved their past. Not the Russians. They are reckless with themselves. Look at me! I know what I talking about. I even do not speak Russian with my children. What for? They are not Russians. The Russians are in Russia, if indeed some are left. Russians do not come back.
©2004 filmplus.org *keys: end notes : profile.to/anatoly + "american" or "politics" blog?