* 2007
"Stavrogin" [ my title for The Possessed ]


Devils, The Possessed... Dostoevsky + Camus -- I have to re-write the play (adaptation).

... I was to gentle to make a good composition. "Stavrogin" -- my own students, actors, understood what I was going after.

I should cut out everything that wasn't related to Stavrogin.

... (Director's) Notes ?


topics.txt -- filmplus.org/write : dreams.vtheatre.net
... no more "Ethiopian" texts, not even web-updates?
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


2003 -- My "Russian" Year?

Don Juan Spring 2003: see classes and Don Juan directory


In the Summer 1998 I started my webbing without any plan or even understanding the nature of the Internet. I am very much in the same position today. What are the forms of web-writing? I know that there are new rules, but I have to go empirical. "Web-drama"? Yes, I feel and even intellectually realize that since web is a "performance" (broadcasting in addition to publishing -- why what are the forms of this new Virtual Epic Theatre, where acts and chapters co-exist? I know that the notes (and "files") method I have has something to do with the "immediacy and urgency" of the web communications (real time). I know that maybe even "poetry" must be included into this consideration -- I notice that the layout simply effect the meaning of what I want to say... Oral tradition?


So, what am I to do?


I have to change the way I work on my texts (I wrote before) -- but is it possible? Nothing is finished...




... let me think.
I do not remember what I was doing tomorrow...

... I do not want to think. [ something for/from my diaries ]

... here it is -- anatoly antohin 2003 (Google) :

The Possessed 2003

Diary of A Webman: 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003

Film and Movies 2003 class

A Review of the 2003 production Don Juan. ... It seems likely that director Anatoly Antohin's only instruction to Don Alonso (Jeffrey D. Aldrich) was to run ...

Anatoly Antohin said the following about Russian Ark: ...

... depressing.

banner.txt -- filmplus.org/write and Project Utopia

"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time." ~ Carl Sagan [ ... ]

... I wish I could re-work the script, the Terror Idea (Existential) is killed by the stupid "War of Terror"... index

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