I hate the very idea of "updates"! Does "War and Peace" need updating? New texts -- yes. How to avoid the useless "re-writes"?
[ advertising space : webmaster ] BANNERS + POPUPS + LINKS I don't know... [ Where is the guestbook? Never mind! ] Sister-pages: Notes at WEB Directory with Sellassie WWW. Build a portal for ALL web-related pages at BUSINESS Sellassie! (I dropped this project). I know, my webpages have a lot of problems. The biggest one is that I am not real webmaster. I do it by default. I got myself into something, which is not my business. Again, at first I did it for myself, without much of a plan or even a thought that the pages will be read by the others. Too late now, I'm too deep into it... Spider is the biggest prisoner of his web! ![]() virtual theatre stagematrix.vtheatre.net & teatr.us ![]() webbing Premium listings include a short description on our frontpage under the "Featured Listings" heading. In addition, all premium listings include a full page listing where you will be able to list anything you want. This would include any and all banner sizes along with how many impressions you have available. You could go into detail about your site and what market it is targeted toward. These listings will eventually be featured on our sister sites. Also, premium listings include the standard 468 x 60 CPM listing that is offered in the free listing, but premium listings are not required to link back. More benefits for premium listings will be added as they become available. If you have any questions, email." To order, just click the "buy now" button to pay with paypal. We will send a confirmation notice and ask you for all the details." Just look at them! [ Something I should offer... No, not me. ] It's hard to be smart, when you are a webmaster. I say, impossible! 2005 SummaryWebmaster, your work never ends... "...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident." Jefferson, Thomas. [1791] 1984. Thomas Jefferson to Ebenezer Hazard, Philadelphia, February 18, 1791. In Thomas Jefferson: Writings: Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Addresses, Letters, edited by Merrill D. Peterson. New York: Library of AmericaNotesOh, how I wish I could this -- the PS pages in each directory! To know that I am done, that I can move on other projects...![]() 2006 & After 3.29.06. I do not think I can monitor the traffic anymore. What do I get from knowing the paths, keywords, trends? I have my own logic of working or not working on specific pages. My own interests and needs. As at very beginning... One more time -- Goodbye, web!
... 2008 CALIGARI menu:
... video/audio way? No texts? [2009]
2005: I have to double and triple the traffic, if I want to make a few hundreds/month. They say it has to be in thousands/day, the "visitors" (I want to see them as readers). There is only one recipe -- content! Keep going back to the strating point of your webpages -- the texts.
5K/day? Can be done. Fall 2004. 10k/day -- possible -- Spring (Fall?) 2005...
"2005" was the best year [ see cqcounter ]
new pages in every directory.
No, I do not know when I will have 5k/day...
Photos -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/vtheatre/
Profile -- http://www.flickr.com/people/vtheatre/
[ Too bad I can't find the smart ways of doing webpages. The technology evoles faster -- what a wonder this "flickr", for example! ]
* sister-page @ vtheatre.net/web (yahoo.com hosting)
8.25.06. Every summer I think: This is the last time I do it...
No need to list the new things (they are on my pages).
Until next summer?
Did you read PS in the Diary of a Webman? Did you see Intro or the title page? You don't know about the webBook "Diary of a Webman"? How did you get to PS page?
PS -- something like a summary (see the footnotes -- right table). In short, don't let webmaster in you to take over your pages. Nothing but the content matters. [Did you notice that I make my pages more simple as ever?] Do not become one of many, who recycling the same data. Go after what you and only you know. Everything else is secondary. Learn what you need to learn and go back to YOUR mission. What is that? Okay, call it a "product"...
Why did I get into webbing in the first place? Because I write. And that is what I should stick to. Web is only an extention of what you are. Yes, find your style, your web-identity, but web does it give it -- only expresses it.
Be aware of the web power. Don't let it suck you in and forget why you do it. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. A sucker is born every day, the Internet gives birth to millions of them every day. 2001 was the best expression of it, when the whole world paid for the new bubble. No, I don't contradict myself; I am still believe that the electronic revolution of the end of the century was one of the biggest historical events in human history. Yes, the future belogs to the Internet and Web, but the issue is what do YOU with it? Be smart, street smart.
I don't have time to work on the Webman's Diary (not on the top of the list), so I write it here. Yes, it's business (even if you do it for fun and pleasure). It's easy to start... but it gets more complicated while you learn about the business side of it. Think, the technology makes it so simple that a ten-year-old could step in! Anybody. Imagine the poll of your competitors! All again all, indeed..... Old pages (above), why do I keep them? Oh, what does it matter!? I might say it here as well.
Survival, my friends, nothing more. The environment keeps changing -- and I have to adapt. I went through no less radical transformation before. I was Russian for thirty years. It's bigger than a sex change.
Not that long ago losing one's homeland was considered to be a great catastrophy, a big human tragedy. Do it yourself, said America. Enjoy it!
This is a simple secret of the American success story. Betray the past! So, I do. My new motherland is the cyber space!
I had to remove all the Russian software and install the American programs in me. I have to go through through changes if I don't want to left left behind... I am the technology.
I better treat myself as such. I better do it myself on myself before it wiil be done by the others!
For those who indeed read my writings, the difference between the old Anatoly and "Anatoly48" (@ Spree) is rather simple. The young one belived that the Soviet System is just a system in the Soviet Union. Not the Final Solution. That Others are not my enemies. That is what all children think.
Webman? Big deal! I went through so many changes already that even my death is not so shocking anymore; just another program to download.Read PostAmeriKA or/and Father-Russia. Anatoly Y2K
No, there is Anatoly 2002! He knows more, he is older, wiser!
Go to my professional pages, friends. Go to writing directory! Go, go!
Good night.
@2000-2004 film-north * Web Directory *
©2004 filmplus.org *
... Eight years. Still doing it. Still "notes" for myself?
bar.txt : web.vtheatre.net + vtheatre.blogspot.com webmaster's blog + ... and the [same] navigation bars in other directories + comics? my notebook WEB with doc.google.com [ 2007-2008 ] calendar.yahoo.com/anatolant webmaster | live.com/anatoly.org
anatoly2.0 : Anatoly XXI * Webman's * Anatoly ALL * film * theatre * feeds * links * anatoly.ru * bloglines * myLibrary
books.google.com 2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. * calendar.yahoo.com/anatolant
web film-north home: [ 1 ] + [ 2 ] * appendix * new * links * biblio + books * list * faq * NEW * flickr * web.vtheatre.net/2009 * web.vtheatre.net * vtheatre.blogspot.com *
profile.to/anatoly [ my AK students ] & vtheatre.blogspot.com
"Get attention:
Since there is a great possibility that your reader has something else in her mind when she sees your ad copy, you have to grab her attention. You have to make her read at least the initial few words so that you prepare the ground for further communication.Get interest:
Once you've got her attention, you should be interesting enough to make her read on. Getting attention is fine, but if your copy is drab and uninteresting, she'll soon get distracted and move on to something more interesting. Make her want to read more by using captivating expressions.Create desire:
If your copy is interesting, your reader will desire to know more about the product or service you are trying to promote even if she has no requirement for it presently. Kindle that desire. Do not spill all the beans at the outset but show enough to encourage her to explore further or at least remember to return back to your ad copy or your web page.Initiate action:
This is the final stage, and the ultimate goal for every ad copy. After all your copy needs to generate business for you or your client. All the above points should lead to your reading buying the product or service. Even if she doesn't buy, at least she should call or write for further enquiries.
But then again, in advertising there are no hard and fast rules. Computer ads are longer. You explain their individual features and how adding or subtracting those features can alter their prices and configurations. This is where comes your individual wisdom and your client's plan and budget."[ cheap wisdom... ]
... Who wrote it?
I should keep URLs...