2007 * 2008 : "Two figures"
"Return visitors" : for years I watch the "number game" and only in 2008 "Unique" visits are smaller than "Reload" numbers! Almost 1:2 ratio. But it should be 1:3 or 1:4 in order for any site to be serious. When will I get it? And how? ... I don't know. It doesn't matter. No more. I have invested too much time to be satisfied with any traffic numbers. ![]()
filmplus.org/books filmplus.org/classes directing.filmplus.org him.filmplus.org filmplus.org/plays filmplus.org/rat filmplus.org/rus filmplus.org/spectator filmplus.org/students ... No more webbing? Not in Africa. Or is it back to hard drives archives?
Notes for web.vtheatre.net? Not anymore.
06.06.09. Realization : no references, no cross posting of what I write. Here it is, the fact.
Conservation of my web pages?
[ advertising space : webmaster ] BANNERS + POPUPS + LINKS ... composing instead of writing: 2009 Last Picture Show: CALIGARI menu: Fall 2009 : Lul Shows : teatr.us ... 2010 -- I'm making my "year" pages since 2007; I need something to remember, even if it's numbers, not words. Some history. Here it is for you -- the "historical" election of Obama! Not history?
If I think about web-directing, I must talk about web-wrighting! Webwrighting? As playwrighting... Composing, or CONSTRUCTING my own web. And -- my own net. Here it is -- the "number pages"! As stage directions [ read DRAMA pages about theatre ]. The invisible! [ write about it in web.vtheatre.net/2009? ] -- The Summer Fool [filmplus.org/politics] ends with Obama...
Am I needed than?
When was I needed?
Summer 2008: I write this page in advance. I wish I could write page "2010"..."Year Pages" appeared in 2007 (my Web-Year), I thought that after 10 YEARS ONLINE I should make some sense of my web-chronology.
Alas, "2008" pages began to show up... and "2009"?
Web as Business (and it is business) asks for plans. Web demands analysis, understanding trends, numbers, and etc.
What's next?
I don't think about it. I should.
But question is "why I don't think about it"?
Technology. It's hard to predict what will be there ten years later.
But I was concerned about content only! Could I say what I want on my pages a decade from now?
-- filmplus.org/plays/2009 page as such an example.
... away, away from words?
[ see WEB-blog ]
my blogs? anatolant.tumblr.com
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. * calendar.yahoo.com/anatolant
2007 *
profile.to/anatoly [ my AK students ] & vtheatre.blogspot.com
![]() sellassie.info sellassie.vtheatre.net lul.vtheatre.net [right]
2009-2012 dates and deadlines [ calendars ]
* summary of Sellassie webpages, three waves [my Ethio web-history] filmplus.org/ET and teatr.vtheatre.net/et vtheatre.net/ethiopia & vtheatre.net/sellassie -- topics and issues ... web.vtheatre.net/2009 and notes -- 2009 | new.html | new.HTML | new.HTM | new.htm + NEW.html | NEW.HTML | NEW.HTM ... NEW & new [filmplus.org "new" pages] -- what this new super-structure is for?