2008 ... "Critical mass" = traffic -- this is what you need in PoMo world, power of attention. I do not have it to have a true webshow. ... web.vtheatre.net and/or filmplus.org/web -- no updates web blog ? vtheatre.blogspot.com webmaster's diary
The Internet causes billions of images to appear on millions of computer monitors around the planet. From this galaxy of sight and sound will the face of Christ emerge and the voice of Christ be heard? /John Paul II/ -- Why the question mark?
![]() The biggest problem is that the Web is the Newest of them! ![]() 2008 Russian Theatre: fest.theatre.ru + cultu.ru (webcast) * Internet2 Day presentation *
SummaryThe synthesis of 500 years of print, 150 years of photography, and 100 years of audio recording and movies!QuestionsAesthetics = Ethics (?) of the future. "Should the technology be used to reproduced reality or replace it, to capture the world or to invent it" Monako 544. Both!NotesIf movies are paintings, VR is both architechture and sculpture!
3.20.06. Everything about vtheatre became WEB-building. This is my experience of the past few years. And I do not see the end of this job. Too many unfinished projects. Most obvious -- Show directory. In what order to read chapters? Theatre > Film > Web? ... link to POV! ... Web 2.0, which describes the ability to seamlessly connect applications (like geographic mapping) and services (like photo-sharing) over the Internet, has in recent months become the focus of dot-com-style hype in Silicon Valley. But commercial interest in Web 3.0 — or the “semantic Web,” for the idea of adding meaning — is only now emerging. *
... We are returning to an oral culture—or more precisely, an electronic oral culture—where "words" or sensory images have power. They will speak "of nonexistent things ... as if they [already] existed." They will declare "the end and the result from the beginning." (Romans 4:17, Isaiah 46:10; AMP)
That's where everything ends. On your monitor. You are the web-audience....What is this new public?
Read SpectACTOR [ Total Actor & Total Director + The Book of Spectator pages? ]
You are in the center....
Stage, film -- and you....
Maybe you guessed it aready; we have to begin with you, my friends, in order to arrive to you!
And you are on the Internet -- and our meeting place is the Web!
...Spring 2003: I do not know how much I can cover in Film & Movies class on Part 6 and 7 (Media and MultiMedia - "How to Read a Film"). Stange, but we didn't noticed 20-25 years of the invisible transition, the growth of the new technologies. Yes, we are ready for "home movies" made by anybody. The exchange of dreams is here!
The "consumer" celebrated in the fifties and sixties was yielding to the "user" of the eighties and ninties. (Monako 523) -- Do you understand the difference?
First, the general tendency is from "economics" to "politics"!
Second, we underestimate the significance of transition to digital recording. [ Visual Economy 200x ]
Third, instead of "multimedia" we should use the term "unimedium"! (producing a unified experience). Also, "the term 'virtual reality' is, after all, an oxymoron. In physics, what is real is real, what is virtual is not real." Monako 547 -- not the term came the new physics!
The HyperText: different ownership of the text. The end of copyright? [ Protected not ideas, but their expression ] but who is the "composer" of the narrative, if it's done by each individual user? "Now we have no physical barriers between us and the idea." Monako 543. [common coding system for all forms of media -- digital: "Digital imagery has reached a level of mathematical abstraction that now makes the one indistingishable from the other." Monako 544 ]
Think: Play vs. Game
Web exists in time, not in space!
Cyberspace is the space of time! Only when time becomes organized, the space (illusion) appears. Film is a prioru temporal -- duration gives a chance for space to be refered to. How does this "cyber time/space" operate?Virtual = Ideal: Game with Nature
The world of ideas, constructed and operated by ideas. What about the original reality? Based on "natural" laws! Gravity or electricity are independent of human influence, laws? The world before us was without us! The world we can use, but do not control. We can put some "meaning" into sunset (interpretation & preservation), but we can't manipulate it. Not in film, where we can play with reality and where (our) meaning comes first and formats representation of reality.[ ... ]
Plans for my (original) hyperdrama: * old wishlist...Trinity
Story of David Z
Special Topics Class (not now)
The Theatre Banner Exchange
http://www.amen-dir.net/Cybertheology/index.htm -- Theology of the Internet and advanced technologies (cybertheology) is a new plot in theology of the means of social communication. It can help in new evangelization. The task of the theologians of the mass media is to serve others to understand anthropological and moral consequences of existence of the World Wide Web.
... Too much philosophy and metaphysics?
... Maybe not enough.
... I stopped DOING vtheatre. The direction of technology development is obvious. The question is the Aesthetics!
Look at the tags cloud at the bottom -- here is "montage of attractions" for you!
How many narratives, but not stories?
... [ work on glossary ? ]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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