Notes VTHR @ Theatre w/Anatoly * vTheatre Glossary: Click to View or Add Text.

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... 2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov
I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles.
Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )
[ advertising space : webmaster ]

Stage Directing Theory
Directing Theory: pre-text, text and super-text = playscript + spectacle + public

2007 --> bring some thoughts from POV, PostAmeriKa, Tech... (summer?)

Featured Pages : vNotes

Side comments: There are several basic elements of the vTheatre you need to know; each of them have its own page.

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2008 Russian Theatre: fest.theatre.ru + cultu.ru (webcast) * Internet2 Day presentation *

Notes? Call them the after-thoughts. Something I noticed, but still do not understand. Like a question. VTheatre is full of them, the questions. I have to remaind myself that I most likely will not see the real Virtual Theatre. Unless I am about to live another 50 years.

Perhaps, I should call "Virtual Theatre Manifesto" -- but I am too old to be a revolutinary.

I don't even call it "visions"!

Ideas. Thoughts.

2003 Don Juan


For "theatre" components of Virtual Theatre, go to vtheatre.net!

I have ambitions as a writer, scholar or philosopher. I hope I don't. I like the style of Mikhail Epstein and his attitute to "Transculture"... and proto-humans, us.


The problems: 10.000 years from now would they be interested in decades of film history or even centuries of theatre? Would they see the 20th century as a transition to NEW media (medium)?

... Digital is the finale of the long process. The moment we began to "record" mechanically (photo) it was a matter of time for the recording to become digital. Recording vs. Memories (remembering)? Mimesis is outdated concept?

Utopia Project




vTheatre acting (powerpoint)

vTheatre directing (powerpoint)

dramaturg SHOWS directory

Cirus, Variety Shows & Virtual Reality:

4.19.07 - notes on "Sound of Voice" (Discovery Lab presentation)


"Digital Performance Center" in Anatoly UAF (plans)

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2005: 2006 ... 2008 Project Utopia? u21.us
vNotes about Virtual Theatre; this page is about the vTheatre directory and pages.

I lost "vTheatre" site and I don't know if I have energy to restore it....

Like a dream. Gone.

Like a live show. Memory.

Like youth....

Like life.

Well, not really.

As long as it digital, it could be saved. Forever.

Are you getting an idea?

You see, on one hand vTheatre can be preserved as DATA, but on another hand it could become alive as soon as other "live" elements become a part of its structure. Something like YOU.

It was the same with books, music, paintings -- it "lives" the moment you see it!

This universal law (Bakhtin called it "Dialogical Nature of Art") became obvious in the phenomena of the Virtual Theatre.

Kant, can help us. You understand that the final product is in us; not on the screen or stage. In our memory, in our mind, our imagination. It's always was VIRTUAL.


* "Theatre of One"? Specator in position of actor -- return to ritual?

"Turner has another word--ceremony--that he uses for ritual-like events designed simply to celebrate the status quo. Ceremony and most rituals serve normative purposes. It actually makes no difference whether the entire community or congregation actually believes. What matters is that they feel compelled to act as if they believe, thus supporting the normative order and maintaining social cohesion. But ritual, which possesses a liminal phase (ceremony does not) contains the potential for disruption of the norm (again, in Turner's view)."

... An important aspect of ritual is that it is supposed to be efficacious. It is supposed to bring about some result which is useful beyond entertainment.

... The logos for vTheatre are rather silly, but I have them stay for now. Virtual Anatoly Y2K @ the End of the real Summer...
WWWilde @ Theatre UAF
@2000-2004 vthr w/anatoly *

The Sound of a Voice
by David Henry Hwang
April 19-21, 2007 @ 5 PM
ARSC Discovery Lab
University of Alaska Fairbanks

NOTES : (handwritten)

Oedipus Virtual Theatre w/Anatoly eTheatre Files: Click to View Links.

Oh, questions! I became so slow, even copyright is an issue for me! Philosophical... Especially, for vtheatre pages.


... http://www.virtualtheatreproject.com/ The Virtual Theatre Project is a theatre company dedicated to identifying, developing and staging new work. OUR MISSION . . . TO IDENTIFY, DEVELOP and STAGE NEW PLAYS [ 10 min fest = Theatre UAF ]


VTheatre and Biomechanics -- where?

"Biomechanical Camera" ---


Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link is granted *
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From 2007
2007 (album) -- I keep the stock photos (came with a new computer): as if there is some direction for "Utopia Project" ...

... Man is between Cosmos and Life. [ life 2.0 ]

Between Real and Virtual.

What is real for my mind?
