2007 - 2008 - beta.vtheatre.net : no updates in this (theory) directory
Utopia is that which is in contradiction with reality.
Dreams of Dr. Godot... Spring'09, Theatre UAF main stage : Caligari
Originally, the main focus was the area where theatre, web and film come together. And now -- book. The structure of BOOK, the new Book IDEA. ...
Theory ?
![]() Featured Pages : Theatre Theory "Intro" is the point page for indexication by the FreeFind Search (I have to have all the links for vTHR on this page)! NEW: 2008 Russian Theatre: fest.theatre.ru + cultu.ru (webcast) * Internet2 Day presentation *
![]() HamletWeb 2002
![]() ![]() Classes: Aesthetics ![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA (907)474-7751 ![]() my eGroups * vTheatre pomo project
SummaryQuestionsSumma Theologica online (references and quotes) * Mostly from PRIMA PARS. Especially -- The Angels.Notes![]()
pomo project @ pomo.vtheatre.net ...
Theory ...What do you do when you lose an entire site?
Like a spider you begin to restore your net.
I'm talking about refcities server with the most of my Virtual Theatre pages.
It's all depend on how you came to this very page. If you are a part of the show, you must subscribe to vTheatre Forum. If you study theatre or film, you should read the subject pages first. If you already read other pages on vtheatre, you have some idea what is this big project is about.
After two year of making webpages, I came to the point where I have separate web-publishing from web-broadcasting. Virtual Theatre is the webcast!
Web is moving into audio-visual medium fast. If I understand MS new favorite baby, this is the Web and content-rich web. I too belive that the PC revolution was only an introduction of the Web Era. With the digital TV sets 2001 will be the year when television to be swallowed by the computer. The streaming video you can on many pages (24-hour-cams is already everywhere), i.e. everyone can do his own broadcasting.
How the film works with the Web is self-explanatory; since the camera is involved, all the cinematography applications should be considered. But about live theatre?
Here is a few fundamental thoughts. First, only the speed of internet (speed of light) can offer you events in real time -- theatre. Second, the interactivity. Like in theatre there is an instant reaction to the event from the public....
But the new features of web-theatre are the most interesting field. The virtuality (not flesh and blood body in the same space with you) gives you the level of interactivity, which the traditional live shows can't offer!
First, vtheatre is the Theatre of One Spectator. You link with the other viewers as an online community, during the webcast, but nevertheless you are not in the same physical space. (Alas, in the same TIME!) You keyboard is the control center of YOUR shows. You can communicate with the show and the public in very active ways. You can change the composition, rearranged the narrative, included the new elements... In fact, you can offer other spectators to watch YOUR version of the show. You are a director!
So, how does it effect the "original" show? Well, the show becomes a material; like the play for actor, director, designers. The script has to be PERFORMED and the show produced for the vTheatre has to be performed by you!
The next stage, the full virtual reality, when you indeed will in the center of action. All you a tech-costume, a VR suit.
They said that over 50 m people watched the final episode of the "Survival" --why do you think the "reality" shows became even more popular than the "games shows"? Because of the same GAMe principle (like in sport). Of course, the structure is pre-arranged, it was casted, broadcated, etc. -- and the lement of unpredictablity is still there because it is "open text"! The structure is left unfinished....
Now, what if we leave some control over the life of the live show up to the viewers? Not only up to you, but to many like you?
Look at your dreams; there is a combination of two fighting sources -- your brain and you still struggling to maintain the presence....
Wake up! Time for real serious vTheatre dreaming!
Intro, Spectacle
The Game Principle. You can it on sites employing "Virtual Theatre" principle: you select characters, sets, etc.
How important this GAME principle for vtheatre?
Even the court theatre never was for one spectator (king). Now technology changed it and perhaps build-in total alienation asks for One-Man-Theatre.
Not sharing the experience? How about a second, third PLAYER?
What about MANY? '"Many" is the machine itself.
Technology is the true MANY.
You are never alone, especially with the machine. Computer is always a mass media and medium.
The collective aspect of theatre is multiplied thousands times! Should I say billion times?
In fact, they all are present. Yes, all six billion can log in and play with you.
Yes, all who lived before us are compressed into the machine in front of you (Knowledge production, chapter in TECH).
But what does it mean in terms of practical production of vSpectacle?
This anti-theatrical component of movie-theatres is tricking: it is non-collective in principle! (maybe because the Super-Collective is already included in technology of film).
Philosophy could call our film industry The Alienation Machine!
VTheatre is the next step.
I rearrange Reality (Virtual Reality) to match MY Reality (preferences). My virtual experience is mine and mine only, it can't be shared!
No wonder that the sex virtual machines came into existence first!
@2000-2003- *
theory playlist : The Cult of Amateur [that's what Virtual Theatre is about?]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link is granted *
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