2008 - 2009
... ... eTheatre: ... pomo.vtheatre.net/dict : Side Notes : from film600/dict : hypocrisy & hipocrite [w]: Whereas hypokrisis applied to any sort of public performance (including the art of rhetoric), hypokrites was a technical term for a stage actor and was not considered an appropriate role for a public figure. In Athens in the 4th Century BC, for example, the great orator Demosthenes ridiculed his rival Aeschines, who had been a successful actor before taking up politics, as a hypokrites whose skill at impersonating characters on stage made him an untrustworthy politician. This negative view of the hypokrites, perhaps combined with the Roman disdain for actors, later shaded into the originally neutral hypokrisis. It is this later sense of hypokrisis as "play-acting," i.e. the assumption of a counterfeit persona, that gives the modern word hypocrisy its negative connotation. filmplus.org/thr/dict -- thr theory ... we all are on stage now [cyber-world] myspace.com/anatolant
Virtual --
not physical... Something which is a representation rather than the real thing. Refers to an image produced by the imagination and not existing in reality. Something that has conceptual but not actual existence. Refers to the essence or effect of something, not the fact. Possessed of certain physical virtues or powers; effective in respect of inherent qualities. Capable of producing a certain effect or result. That is so in essence or effect, although not recognized formally, actually, or by strict definition as such; almost absolute. [Oxford Dictionary] Where are the definitions from Theology and Physics? ![]() The Virtual Theatre was a video games engine designed by Revolution Software to easily produce adventure games for computer platforms. [ wikipedia ] Cyborg theatre is an art form that uses cybernetics as part of its method and practice. Featured Pages: vTheatre Theory NEW: eTheatre It will take forever to build this page! ![]() SummaryAngels = messengers * According to the Slavonic Book of Enoch, God created them on the second day out of fire. (email as act and performance) * The angels mediate between God and man. [ Jewish Encyclopedia ] * Angels minister to Adam * Inferior to Man * Philo also calls them logoi, "words," or "intellects"![]()
QuestionsAngels should neither be worshiped nor disrespected: In any discussion of angels, it is important to keep in mind both their present superiority and their eventual subordination to us. Angels are not to be disrespected (Lk.10:20; 1Pet.2:10-12; Jude 8-10; cf. Rom.13:7), but neither are they to be worshiped (Rev.19:10; 22:9; cf. 2Kng.17:16; Jer.19:13; Col.2:18). This is especially important in regard to fallen angels. God counterbalances their evil efforts with the work and ministrations of His holy, elect angels. Therefore, although we are to have a healthy respect for the Adversary and his potential to oppose us (2Cor.2:11; Eph.6:11; 1Pet.5:8), we are not to be unduly terrified by him and his minions. And while we are to have an awareness and appreciation for the positive function of the elect angels on our behalf, we are not to be inordinately fixated upon them (especially since both their persons and their work are invisible to us). In neither case should we "go beyond what is written" in the Bible about angels, whether through excessive fear of Satanic influence or an exorbitant fascination with the ministrations of the holy angels. *NotesAngels are finite beings: As created beings, angels are dependent upon time and space. Though more powerful (2Thes.1:7; 2Pet.2:11), mobile (Gen.28:12) and knowledgeable (2Sam.14:20; Acts 7:53) than mankind, they are neither omniscient (Matt.24:36), nor omnipotent (Rom.8:38), nor omnipresent (Dan.10:13). general theatre glossary: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5Quantum Mechanics dict. Cinematography [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] Although literally it means writing in light, the term cinematography is generally understood as the art and process of recording visual images for the cinema (with a camera) and later developping those images in a laboratory. Thus, it has as much to do with lighting and photography as it does with film. As a process, it is closely related to photography and, as the former, it extends from conception and pre-production to post-production and presentation. Also like photography, cinematography is a creative and interpretive process that affects the motion picture as an aesthetic product. A cinematographer frequently has to work together with a director to ensure the artistic coherence of the final product. Some aspects of cinematography also involve the framing, photographic aspects and duration of a shot. Cinematographic effects include sound, lighting, camera angles, and appearance (scenery, costumes, etc.). Cinematography traditionally referred to the capture of moving images using film media, whereas videography referred to the capture of moving images using electronic media; the advent of digital cinema, however, has begun to blur that distinction. vfilm vtheatre * my dictionary portal 2008 ...
2005: Traditionally theatre production designers have worked with drawings and scale models. Now software offers them the chance to try things more quickly and easily. It works by modelling the interior of the theatre, and enabling the "clicking and dragging" of scenery and props. [ ABC Radio ]
Virtual Theatre class (link) 2004 *
* The Virtual Theatre Project: VT Demo ** (big QT) links *
Virtual theatre - Art in cyberspace: Electric Dreams #27 * 5/September/1994
VT Community of Artists (membership)
Aug. 2004 -- The Taming of the Shrew & Oedipus X are the last two shows I will have online. Webbing takes too much time, I became a webmaster by default. Enough! Goodbye vtheatre! Anatoly
Disclimer: the original page of the vTheatre terms page is gone (with the refcities.com server that became porno!).[ see other glossaries ]This is restoration project!
Use existing dictionaries (I creating them in every directory nowadays).
Check out Spectator and Web (new) directories.
Related Terms
information highway
online service
virtual reality
VRML(1) A metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems. Online systems, for example, create a cyberspace within which people can communicate with one another (via e-mail), do research, or simply window shop. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects (files, mail messages, graphics, etc.) and different modes of transportation and delivery. Unlike real space, though, exploring cyberspace does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard or moving a mouse. Some programs, particularly computer games, are designed to create a special cyberspace, one that resembles physical reality in some ways but defies it in others. In its extreme form, called virtual reality, users are presented with visual, auditory, and even tactile feedback that makes cyberspace feel real.
The term was coined by author William Gibson in his sci-fi novel Neuromancer (1984).virtual reality
Related Terms avatar cyberspace HMD IPIX MUD QuickTime VR tele-immersion virtual VRMLAn artificial environment created with computer hardware and software and presented to the user in such a way that it appears and feels like a real environment. To "enter" a virtual reality, a user dons special gloves, earphones, and goggles, all of which receive their input from the computer system. In this way, at least three of the five senses are controlled by the computer. In addition to feeding sensory input to the user, the devices also monitor the user's actions. The goggles, for example, track how the eyes move and respond accordingly by sending new video input. To date, virtual reality systems require extremely expensive hardware and software and are confined mostly to research laboratories.The term virtual reality is sometimes used more generally to refer to any virtual world represented in a computer, even if it's just a text-based or graphical representation.
Related Terms: ARPANET ATM dial-up access domain FTP gopher I2 IAC IETF IMA InterNIC intranet IP address Mbone Mosaic NAP NGI Initiative online service PPPoE USENET User-to-Network Interface (UNI) vBNS verti-port World Wide Web
A global network connecting millions of computers. As of 1999, the Internet has more than 200 million users worldwide, and that number is growing rapidly. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions.
Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent. Its operators can choose which Internet services to use and which local services to make available to the global Internet community. Remarkably, this anarchy by design works exceedingly well.hypertext
Related Terms: authoring tool Help HTML HyperCard hyperlink hypermedia linkrot multimedia SGML
A special type of database system, invented by Ted Nelson in the 1960s, in which objects (text, pictures, music, programs, and so on) can be creatively linked to each other. When you select an object, you can see all the other objects that are linked to it. You can move from one object to another even though they might have very different forms. For example, while reading a document about Mozart, you might click on the phrase Violin Concerto in A Major, which could display the written score or perhaps even invoke a recording of the concerto. Clicking on the name Mozart might cause various illustrations of Mozart to appear on the screen. The icons that you select to view associated objects are called Hypertext links or buttons.
projects: pomo'06 new: missing: wish list (short): Archive files (Web): ![]() |
* Postnuman Manifesto
[ Virtual Theatres: An Introduction by Gabriella Giannachi; Routledge, 2004 ]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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