Pages "video" I made at the same time as "web" pages; in theatre theory and other directories.'06 even has THEORY playlist. Then, vids got on many (subject) pages. Came new directories as [postmodern theatre],, and etc.
... vblog? No, thanks. It has to stop somewhere.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet ![]() [ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS ... ![]() Fundamentals : BioMethod my calendar
Key Terms: Glossary
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![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan: Director's BOOK ![]() my eGroups HamletDreams 2001: mindscape ![]() 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan SummaryMeyerhold @ Work *![]() BioMechanics ![]() NotesCamus: You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.![]() Mikado ![]() as entertainment / art as instrument of education as weapon of social / political change as document of history - the plays and the theatrical events of various periods can be seen as historical documents reflecting that period. ...
| { theatre playlist :
2008 class THR221 [ my theatre blog ]
... instead of diary : forums/list [ web2.0 2007 pages ]I do not think I will get to cam/video/feed stage.
... [ Anatoly XXI ]
projects: Demons 2003 texts: Theatre History in focus: Taming of the Shrew Theatre Books list * reading: Theatre Theory ![]() play writing amazon list *
[ use Google to search my both, theatre ( and film ( sites! subscribe to forums: dramlit, directing, acting and etc. ] ©2004 *
from dictionary/glossary:
Theatre is that branch of the performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience using combinations of speech, gesture, music, dance, sound and spectacle — indeed any one or more elements of the other performing arts. In addition to the standard narrative dialogue style, theatre takes such forms as opera, ballet, mime, kabuki, classical Indian dance, Chinese opera, mummers' plays, and pantomime.
... read :
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted. +
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre
and other VIDEO pages -- ... and "theatre" :
Oedipus [lists]