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![]() Student Pages: Insctructions on Instructions ![]() webmaster DVD: Drama & Art House, Studio Specials & Classics, New & Future Releases, Cult Movies ![]() film books 2006 ![]()
2007 --
[ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS ![]() I made this page, when I was stupid and learned HTML, trying to swiz everythingthing in one page. Now I have books directories and even books pages in every subdirectory! ...how did I get myself into this listing business! ... SummaryFor 2005: Pygmalion DVD * Play * My Fair Lady (script) * My Fair Lady DVD * Plays by Shaw * Sayings of George Bernard Shaw *QuestionsAUDITIONS:Twelve Step Plan to Becoming an Actor in L.A.by Dawn Lerman The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens: 111 One Minute Monologues (The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens, Volume 4) by Debbie Lamedman More Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Men by Simon Dunmore, William Shakespeare Shakespeare for One: Women: The Complete Monologues and Audition Pieces by William Shakespeare, Douglas Newell (Editor) Shakespeare for One: Men: The Complete Monologues and Audition Pieces by William Shakespeare, Douglas Newell (Editor) Leading Women: Plays for Actresses II by Eric Lane (Editor), Nina Shengold (Editor) Fifty African American Audition Monologues by Gus Edwards How to Completely Blow Your Competition Away at Any Audition!: What by Caterina Christakos Thank You Very Much: The Little Guide to Auditioning for the Musical Theater by Stuart Ostrow (Paperback - May 2002) The Spirited Actor: Principles for a Successful Audition by Tracey Moore-Marable (Paperback - April 2002) Audition Monologues: Power Pieces for Kids and Teens by Deborah Maddox (Paperback) Audition Speeches for Younger Actors 16+ by Jean Marlow (Paperback) The Audition Sourcebook: Do's, Don'ts, and an Online Guide to 2,100+ Monologues and Musical Excerpts by Randall Richardson, Don Sandley (Paperback) Pocket Classics for Women by Ian Michaels (Editor), Roger Karshner (Paperback - November 2001) An Actor's Dickens: Scenes for Audition and Performance from the Works of Charles Dickens by Beatrice Manley (Editor), Charles Dickens (Paperback - October 2001) Audition Monologs for Student Actors 2: Selections from Contemporary Plays by Roger Ellis (Editor) (Paperback - October 2001) Actor's Guide to Auditions and Interviews by Margo Annett (Paperback - September 2001) Audition Speeches for Men by Jean Marlow, Elizabeth Ewing (Paperback - September 2001) Scenes I'Ve Seen...: A Casting Director's Original Scenes and Interpretive Notes (Monologue and Scene Series) by Dorian Dunas (Hardcover - September 2001) Auditioning: An Actor-Friendly Guide by Joanna Merlin, Harold Prince (Preface) (Paperback - May 2001) Monologues for Women by Susan Pomerance (Paperback - April 2001) Even More Monologues for Women by Women by Tori Haring-Smith (Editor) (Paperback) Neil Simon Scenes: Scenes from the Works of America's Foremost Playwright by Neil Simon, Roger Karshner (Editor) (Paperback - October 2000) The Monologue Audition: A Practical Guide for Actors by Karen Kohlhaas, David Mamet (Paperback) The Sanford Meisner Approach: Workbook IV Playing the Part (The Sanford Meisner Approach) by Larry Silverberg (Paperback) Outstanding Stage Monologs and Scenes from the '90s: Professional Auditions for Student Actors by Steven H. Gale (Editor) (Paperback - July 2000) The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens: 111 One-Minute Monologues (Young Actors Series) by Janet B. Milstein (Paperback - July 2000) More Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Women by William Shakespeare, Simon Dunmore (Editor) (Paperback - May 2000) Contemporary Scenes for Actors: Men by Michael Earley (Editor), et al (Paperback - December 1999) How to Get the Part...Without Falling Apart! by Margie Haber, et al (Paperback - October 1999) Audition Monologs for Student Actors: Selections from Contemporary Plays by Roger Ellis (Editor) (Paperback - August 1999) Tight Spots: True-To-Life Monolog Characterizations for Student Actors by Diana M. Howie (Paperback - August 1999) The Stage Directions Guide to Auditions (Heinemann's Stage Directions Series) by Stephen Peithman (Editor), et al (Paperback - April 1999) Acting Scenes and Monologs for Young Women: 60 Dramatic Characterizations by Maya Levy (Paperback - March 1999) Cold Reading and How to Be Good at It by Basil Hoffman (Paperback - February 1999) Scenes for Women by Women by Tori Haring-Smith (Editor) (Paperback - February 1999) Arthur Schnitzler : Four Plays (Great Translations for Actors Series) by Arthur Schnitzler, Carl R. Mueller (Translator) (Paperback - 1999) Pocket Monologues: Working-Class Characters for Women by Susan Pomerance (Paperback - 1999) The Flip Side: 64 Point-Of-View Monologs for Teens by Heather H Henderson, Ted Zapel (Editor) (Paperback - October 1998) Great Scenes and Monologues for Actors by Michael Schulman (Editor), Eva Mekler (Editor) (Mass Market Paperback - September 1998) The Theatre Audition Book: Playing Monologs from Contemporary, Modern, Period, Shakespeare and Classical Plays by Gerald Lee Ratliff (Paperback - September 1998) Pocket Monologues for Men by Roger Karshner (Editor) (Paperback - July 1998) Two-Minute Monologs : Original Audition Scenes for Professional Actors by Glenn Alterman, Theodore O. Zapel (Editor) (Paperback - June 1998) The Perfect Monologue: How to Find and Perform the Monologue That Will Get You the Part by Ginger Friedman (Paperback - May 1998) A Guide to Scenes & Monologues from Shakespeare and His Contemporaries by Kurt Daw, Julia Matthews (Paperback - April 1998) Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Men by Simon Dunmore (Editor), William Shakespeare (Paperback - March 1998) Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Women by Simon Dunmore (Editor), William Shakespeare (Paperback - March 1998) For Women: Pocket Monologues from Shakespeare by William Shakespeare, et al (Paperback - January 1998) Another Perfect Piece: Monologues from Canadian Plays by Tony Hamill (Editor) (Paperback - October 1997) Pocket Monologues for Women by Susan Pomerance (Paperback - July 1997) Monologues on Black Life by Gus Edwards (Paperback - February 1997) Next!: An Actor's Guide to Auditioning by Ellie Kanner, et al (Paperback - January 1997) Baseball Monologues by Lavonne Mueller (Editor), Lee Blessing (Introduction) (Paperback - September 1996) Classical Audition Speeches for Men by Jean Marlow (Compiler) (Paperback - September 1996) Classical Audition Speeches for Women by Jean Marlow (Paperback - September 1996) More Monologues for Women by Women by Tori Haring-Smith (Editor) (Paperback - August 1996) For Women: More Monologues They Haven't Heard by Susan Pomerance (Paperback - July 1996) Kids Stuff by Ruth Mae Roddy (Paperback - July 1996) Neil Simon Monologues: Speeches from the Works of America's Foremost Playwright by Neil Simon, et al (Paperback - July 1996) Voices by Lydia Cosentino (Editor) (Paperback - July 1996) The Audition Process: A Guide for Actors by Bob Funk (Paperback - April 1996) Next: Auditioning for the Musical Theatre by Steven M. Alper, Herbert Knapp (Illustrator) (Paperback - February 1996) The Contemporary Monologue: Men by Michael Earley (Editor), et al (Paperback - December 1995) The Contemporary Monologue: Women by Michael Earley (Editor), et al (Paperback - September 1995) Getting the Part: Thirty-Three Professional Casting Directors Tell You How to Get Work in Theater, Films, Commercials, and TV by Judith Searle (Paperback - September 1995) NotesMeyerhold @ Work *
2005: now I have separate film and theatre books directories. Several categories, in each. Consider it as my "recommended reading" lists.
The required textbooks are on my "class pages" -- see what I teach at the moment, buy the textbook, sign to my open class forum -- and follow the class (audit).
I keep adding new "service pages" -- appendix, list, biblio and etc. I do not know how much it could help the "reference" needs...
In short, go to the class/subject pages and start from there ("classes" directory)!
A must for Libraries:
The Complete Film DictionaryDessen, A C & Thomson, L _A Dictionary of Stage Directions in English Drama 1580-1642_ London, 1999:
Ira Konigsberg, Paper, 1994 $15.16 ~Save $3.79 (20%) The Complete Film Dictionary (2nd Ed)
Ira Konigsberg Hardcover 1997 $24.47 ~Save: $10.48 (30%) The Complete Film Dictionary (2nd Ed)
Ira Konigsberg, Paper 1998 Our Price: $15.16 ~Save $3.79 (20%) The Filmmaker's Pocket Reference
Blain Brown, Paper1994
$23.96 ~Save: $5.99 (20%) International Dictionary of Broadcasting and Film Desi K. Bognar Paper 1995 $27.95
International Directory of Cinematographers Set and Costume Designers in Film : Czechoslovakia (From the Beginnings to 1989) Vol 10
Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1991 $92.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers Set and Costume Designers in Film, Vol 8 Portugal-Spain/from the Beginnings to 1988 (International Federa) Vol 8
Alfred Krautz(Editor), Rui Santana Brito (Compiler) Hardcover 1988 $88.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers Set- And Costume Designers in Film : General Index Vol. 1-10/Volume 11/Parts A&B
Alfred Krautz, Hille Krautz (Editor) Hardcover 1992 $105.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers Set-And Costume Designers in Film : Hungary (From the Beginnings to 1988) Vol 9
Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1992 $55.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set and Costume Designers in Film : Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden (From the Beginnings to 1984) Vol 5
Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1986 $70.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set and Costume Designers in Film: Germany Vol 4
Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1984 (Publisher Out Of Stock)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set and Costume Designers in Film: Supplementary Vol: New Entries, Additions,Corrections 1978-1984 Vol 6
Alfred Krautz Hardcover 1987 $49.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set and Costume Designers in Film Volume 12: Cuba Vol 12
Intl Fed of Film Archives Staff, Hardcover 1993
(Publisher Out Of Stock)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set, and Costume Designers in Film Vol 2 Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1983
Our Price: $42.00 (Special Order)International Directory of Cinematographers, Set- And Costume Designers in Film: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia Vol 3 Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1984 $42.00 (Special Order)
International Directory of Cinematographers, Set- And Costume Designers in Film : Italy (From the Beginnings to 1986) Vol 7 Alfred Krautz(Editor) Hardcover 1990 $93.00 (Special Order)
Focal Encyclopedia of Film and Television Techniques Raymond Spottiswoode 1969
Focal Encyclopedia of Film and Television Techniques 1969
An Illustrated Glossary of Film Terms Harry M. Geduld 1973
Translation of Film and Video Terms into: German Verne Carlson(Compiler) Paperback 1984 $17.95 (Special Order)
Translation of Film and Video Terms into: Italian
Verne Carlson, Paper 1984 $17.95 (Special Order)Translation of Film and Video Terms into: Spanish
Verne Carlson(Compiler) Paper 1984 $17.95 (Special Order)Translation of Film and Video Terms into Japanese Verne Carlson, Paper 1984 $17.95 (Special Order)
Video Shakespeare + Shakespeare Comedies + History Plays: Videos
@1999+ film-north
www.kendallhunt.com ANTHOLOGY OF DRAMA IN THE THEATRE by ANTHONY GRAHAM-WHITE ISBN 0-7872-7358-9 / Edition: 00 / Publish Date: 2000 / 317 pages / $72.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. BLACKS IN AMERICAN THEATRE HISTORY: IMAGES, REALITIES, POTENTIAL by H.D. FLOWERS II ISBN 0-7872-6773-2 / Edition: 03 / Publish Date: 2000 / 218 pages / $58.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. EXPERIENCING THEATRE: A HANDS-ON INTRODUCTION by JAMES W RODGERS ISBN 0-7872-8231-6 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 2001 / 196 pages / $34.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. GUIDEBOOK TO THE THEATRE by JULIE T BURK ISBN 0-7872-6087-8 / Edition: 02 / Publish Date: 1999 / 188 pages / $32.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. GUIDEBOOK TO THE THEATRE by JULIE T BURK ISBN 0-7872-8194-8 / Edition: 02 / Publish Date: 1999 / 146 pages / $32.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. IMITATION/IMAGINATION: THE ART OF THE THEATRE by LOREN K. RUFF ISBN 0-7872-6073-8 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 1999 / 500 pages / $82.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. IMITATION/IMAGINATION: THE ART OF THE THEATRE by LOREN K. RUFF ISBN 0-7872-7456-9 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 2000 / 50 pages / $87.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY EXPERIENCING THEATRE: A HANDS-ON INTRODUCTION by JAMES W RODGERS ISBN 0-7872-8376-2 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 2001 / 22 pages CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. THEATRE APPRECIATION by HOWARD BLANNING, MIAMI UNIVERSITY THEATRE (191) ISBN 0-7872-7252-3 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 2000 / 610 pages / $48.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. THEATRE: THE COLLABORATIVE ART: A WORKTEXT WITH READINGS BY PROMINENT AUTHORS by FARLEY P RICHMOND ISBN 0-7872-7327-9 / Edition: 02 / Publish Date: 2000 / 662 pages / $76.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. THEATRE: THE COLLABORATIVE ART: A WORKTEXT WITH READINGS BY PROMINENT EXPERTS by FARLEY P RICHMOND ISBN 0-7872-6008-8 / Edition: 01 / Publish Date: 1999 / 0 pages / $78.95 CALL 800-228-0810 TO ORDER. www.mayfieldpub.com Arnold, Stephanie THE CREATIVE SPIRIT: AN INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE Second Edition ISBN: 0-7674-1703-8 528 Pages Published: 2001 Cohen, Robert THEATRE: BRIEF VERSION Fifth Edition ISBN: 0-7674-0494-7 400 Pages Published: 2000 Cohen, Robert THEATRE Fifth Edition ISBN: 0-7674-0493-9 560 Pages Published: 2000 Cohen, Robert TWELVE PLAYS FOR THEATRE First Edition ISBN: 1-55934-144-0 628 Pages Published: 1994 Cohen, Robert EIGHT PLAYS FOR THEATRE First Edition ISBN: 0-87484-850-4 275 Pages Published: 1988 Snively, Devi, Jeffrey Gress, Jennifer Campbell Koella, and Michael Keene THE MAYFIELD QUICK VIEW GUIDE TO THE INTERNET FOR STUDENTS OF FILM AND THEATRE First Edition ISBN: 0-7674-1658-9 64 Pages Published: 2001
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