2009 : LUL Theatre 2009-2010:
Williams: Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you'll know you're dead.
[ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS Read, when you feel that you are stuck and ran out of lack and your career goes nowhere... Read, when you do not know how to move yourself further, how to crack the text for tomorrow auditions or rehearsals... Yes, yes, that is what "theory" for! my calendar vtheatre.net
Key Terms: Glossary
![]() theatre books Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself *
![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan: Director's BOOK ![]() my eGroups Featured Pages: Teaching & Artistic See Russian-American Theatre Project 1992-94 Too many pages? I had save my notes for the classes, or my notes for myself -- and many of them are just notes. But I getting more and more hits and feel responsible for the surfers' time. So, I put HTMLgear codes everywhere to make your click usefull, but it takes several editing rounds to make each page really working. I do not know how to change the process; most of the pages are done online and I do not have the backups or even printed copies. It's all about having enough time. For now I use "touch and go" style. Do you see the two links/graphics I just placed (above)? No strategies. I am to teach the Aesthetics again -- and I am getting ready for this class. The webmasters' appeal -- because I can't catch with the maitainence and updating the page. I realize that what I do is not "personal homepage" anymore, but I have no room in my days for a business, I already have two full time job. Maybe, three -- counting the webmaster's responsibilities. The good news that once built, the pages live on their own. I didn't touch Sellassie WWW for many months, but the number of visitors stays the same. 2002. I am so behind, I have to give up on one project or idea after another. The moment I thought that I can manage both, textbooks and nonfiction, this Russian Play (in Russian) appeared! So, I have to finish it in order to free my mind.... I think that you want to know who are they, the Plato Academy Girls... Silly you, you know them! ![]() Prof. Anatoly Antohin University of Alaska Fairbanks Theatre UAF Fairbanks AK 99775 907-474-7751 * ffaga@uaf.edu anatoly.org SummaryThis directory was the only place for my theatre files on the film site. Later theory issues branched out (most of theatre instructional pages gone to vtheatre.net); you better check the new directories (virtual theatre, spectator and etc.) for updates on theory topics.QuestionsThis the only thing I have -- the questions. I'll posting them here.NotesIf you didn't find something you are looking for on my pages, go Amazon (our recommendations).![]() ![]() meyerhord.us ![]() ![]() The Possessed 2003 ![]() Illustrated Theatre Production Guide: Illustrated Theatre Production Guide contains a brief history of physical theatres and the development of various forms such as thrust, proscenium, and black box venues. Operation of theatre equipment is covered in detail in the chapters on rigging and curtains. Instructions for operating a fly system and basic stagehand skills such as knot tying and drapery folding, are clearly outlined. The use of metal tubing as a structural element is explored as an alternative to wooden scenery. The chapter on lighting discusses electrical theory as well as the practical aspects of hanging and focusing lights. The final chapter in Illustrated Theatre Production Guide is a compilation of many different projects that are easy to approach and to complete, and have practical value for a theatre group. $24 0240804937 The Production Notebooks: Theatre in Process (Theatre in Process, Vol 1): (Paperback) Theatre Audiences: A Theory of Production and Reception: Susan Bennett's highly successful Theatre Audiences is a unique full-length study of the audience as cultural phenomenon. It considers both theories of spectatorship and the practices of different theatres and their audiences. Published here in a new updated edition, Theatre Audiences now includes a new preface by the author, a new chapter on intercultural theatre, a revised conclusion encompassing the influences of cultural materialism and psychoanalysis on audience theory, as well as an updated bibliography. A must for anyone interested in spectatorship and theatre audiences. Create Your Own Stage Production Company: The practical, step-by-step guidance packed into this book shows aspiring theatrical producers just how to set up and run a successful stage company. Starting with forming a company, the author explains how to establish and fund a budget; book a stage venue; obtain necessary licenses and insurance; see that health/safety regulations are in compliance with local laws; then cast, rehearse, and put the show on view for the public and critics. Details on the duties of the house manager, stage manager, technical crew, and box office help are all included, along with tips on publicizing and promoting shows. How to Run a Theater: A Witty, Practical, and Fun Guide to Arts Management: The definitive arts management guide, this book is written with tremendous insight and humor and packed with dozens of lists, such as "22 Wonderful Ways to Improve Your Life in the Theater" and "20 Distractions that Erode Productivity." It provides information on improving an organization by building audiences, bolstering fundraising, and tightening finances. Also covered are tips for solidifying relationships with boards, volunteers, communities, and colleagues. It's all here, from managing one's own life, working with a board of trustees, and managing a team to negotiating, fundraising, marketing, and financial management. This resource will appeal to all those who work in arts management-from novices to veteran middle managers and executive directors. Stage Management (7th Edition) (Paperback): The "bible" in the field of stage management, this book is a practical examination of the role of the stage manager in overall theater production. Full of practical aids such as websites and email addresses in every chapter, checklists, diagrams, glossaries, and step-by-step directions, this volume has been used and admired by students and theater professionals alike. It eschews excessive discussion about method or philosophy and, instead, gets right to the essential materials and processes of putting on a production. Perhaps most importantly, Stern has continued to keep pace with the technological and professional developments affecting the stage. For theatre professionals, or anyone with an interest in stage management/ theatre management. Theatre on the Web:
Box Score: Writing: 1-5
.... 2006. WebHistory of directing pages:
direct @ vtheatre.net/thr
this very directory -- "theory" -- filmplus.org/thr
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
... Dionysus, with the emotional din and clash of his music and the unrestrained freedom and passion of his worship, is often presented in direct contrast to Apollo, god of the lyre's disciplined melody, reason, and self-control. These two antithetical forces of the irrational (Dionysian) and rational (Apollonian) are dominant archetypal motifs inherent in human nature, and they have attained a particular importance and influence because of Friedrich Nietzche's study of drama entitled The Birth of Tragedy. MythsPlease, pray to both...
Old Business
from the past:The only way not to repeate myself is to have hyper-links!
Repetition is the way of learning or... becoming rediculous -- in the later, you do not know that you repeat yourself. So, I want to repeat -- for you and as usual for myself: keep reading. Do you have your reading list, kid? Yes, the list of books you MUST read before you die... Make one. Before you die. Make several of them. Unofortunately, I do not have have one on "theory" for you -- you have to collect the names and titles out of the texts.
Sad poll ("what do you read on my webpages"): almost 1/3 of the visitors -- first time! Welcome, welcome, but you, first-times, are not the ones I write for. I, personally, write, because I read what I wrote. I do not believe in one-night-stand; the real books are those you can read many times. If not, it's not that good. So, read (take notes) -- and come back.... Or even better, go away and do something with your life that you too can join the Plato Academy later.
... 2003: Folks, I am doing serious rethinking on the nature of web (thoughts are @ web.vtheatre.net); for too long I was focusing of the "publishing" attributes, time to explore "broadcasting" qualities of the Web. You will see more features of the webtheatre, when web as medium becomes not only a tool (or form), but a message itself. Think of yourself not as a reader (never mind, a surfer), but as a spectator (read The Book of Spectator).Consider this page as "web-show" -- what would you expect?
Ah! Dramatic structure!
Action, characters and the rest of the Spectacle.
It's coming...
Film is coming to the web. Read my film pages, if you want to know how the Internet will look like ten years from now.
Of course, I try to see the future from the aestjetics level, theory. Practical applications of the webcast I gave up in 2000 (see shows.vtheatre.net)
Now image the "backstage" of this very page. Imagine the pre and post-production phazes. Imagine how to "run" this segment of the web-show. Image the maintainence of the web-internet facilities. To help your imagination read files in web.vtheatre.net or filmplus.org/web...
Now think about "web-writing" -- yes, yes, about how this hyper-drama (web-narrative) looks like. I bet you do not know what I am talking about. Me too. Because this new way of thinking-seeing is not here yet. Go to PLAY directories; my new drama (in-progress) is for web-theatre (if you can read Russian).
Wait a minute! Why in Russian, Anatoly?
Because it's about me, about Russian Anatoly... The commentaries (not texts) are in English.
Now -- imagine....
Last Scene
No, I don't have it yet, the last scene. I know that it's something nice, but I'm sad to departure from the guys of the Plato Academy. But the laws of dramatic composition demand it."Happy is the one who, blessed with the knowledge of the divine mysteries, leads a life of ritual purity and joins the holy group of revelers heart and soul as they honor their god Bacchus in the mountains with holy ceremonies of purification."
[ .... ]
ModiglianiAbout the girls (art pix on my pages). I hope that by now you understand my fear to write something in the "great" tradition of the Socialist Realism (by accident) -- and I have to keep myself of balance (humor). Besides, I believe that any good theory ends in life...
Oedipus (left), the web directory, was to serve all courses I teach (acting, directing, drama). But ...
I directed it in 2005 and the show was full of contemporary references (the reason for staging this play), i.e. existential and postmodernist thoughts. The faces you see on my pages (philosophers) are important for directing (new comes only from and through tradition). Art (especially theatre) is an intellectual discourse in very practical terms. Yes, Oedipus is about us, about me -- how else?
.... "Educational theatre"? Good theatre is always educational. Anatoly-Brecht.
PS. Of course, I still to come back to this and other theory pageds to edit or simply write and rewrite them... See you later.
Everybody! Back! Come back!
All! On stage, please!
Yes, all, the whole Academy!
No, no books! No prop! The show is over, this is a curtain call!
Light! Give me everything you have!
Who is this guy? What? What is he doing here? I don't know him! No, not every phisopher, sir, only the members... Yes, you can complain. Get him off stage! I don't care! So what that you are Spinosa!? Did I quote you? No, only people with the lines! I know about your contributions to the history of philosophy! Out! I am directing it!
How do philosophers relate to directing? ![]() Aristotle (Poetics) ![]() Plato (the concept of Ideas) ![]() Hegel -- Dialectics. ![]() Kierkeggard -- Existentialism ![]() Perhaps, in the Fall 2006, when I teach THR413 Playscript Analysis, I can extend philosophy pages Also, to link "philosophy" to shows (directory)! ....
Now, go! The curtain!
It went up, slow, without any music. There was silence. Not a sound. No applause... the house was dark.
And empty.
Maybe it wasn't a comedy after all...
Stay away from drama (melodrama), direct only tragedy and comedy. Especially, when direct "drama" (Pinter'06).
Links Exchange -- webmasters = copy & paste:
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre