2009 -- from filmplus.org/thr/2009: my video clip after "Caligari, Alaska" [theatreuaf.org/caligari]
![]() ...
"Youth is wasted on the young." -- George Bernard Shaw
[ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS ![]() BioMechanics Featured Pages: Biomechanics * The Images (The BM Album) are still not all in place! [new from vTheatre -- GeoAlaska, links to my graphic files are in the list minipages] This THR directory has no identity. New files Lorca, Bakhtin, etc. -- Theatre Theory? Does it all belongs to Spectator? Originally it was nothing but a depository for extra-files to support theGlobe website... The same questions I face with the ANT Theatre; the directories do mirror THR w/Anatoly -- act, direct, script... (gone) How to introduce this directory to the rest of the theatre pages? [1]Biomechanics, [2]Method of the System, [3]Spectator, [4]StageMetrix : Rehearse, [5]Script Analysis of History ... ... I hate this directory; huge and disorganized! I don't think that this directory will ever take any shape; I use it for myself. The parts 1-3 (performance, directing, script) provide very little structure. The same with the new "research" directory. Some files are still waiting for my comments (that's why they are here). I guess, it's better than nothing (or total mess, as before). Am I still struggle with the templates of the webpages? Or with the principles of this web-organization? Something is not in place in formating the texts for the Internet. Serious matter, no time to think about it. Anatoly 2002 NB. The Plato Academy drunken night parties and the Platonic Girls -- good idea, but when will write the scenes for this comedy? Besides, this formalistic trick is spilling over to The Book of Spectator -- I didn't want to write it, not another project! Allthough the genre and the plot as "developing ideas" are so tempting! The literary device of Platonic dialogues will let me keep together the serious texts. Also, the Net: how can I be serious facing such a crowd? One has to joke in front of so many. Writing online is a standup comedy format... NEW: * NEW: goto.txt : AFTER 2009 : LUL pages : teatr.us Go.dot 2006 * * 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * flickr.com/groups/stage * 2007 : the art of theatre [flickr] * 2008 : Stoppard *
new: 2003 *
SummaryI am not a researcher or a historian, there is nothing new you can find on my webpages. I teach and all what I did just keeping my notes for classes. Over the past six years the notes grew (including the graphics and links). I try to apply the existing knowledge (Method or Biomechanics) -- and I try to find the way to pass it on my students.![]() ![]() QuestionsOh yes! The gods' introduction I began on title and intro pages?"Dionysus is a god of vegetation in general and in particular of the vine, the grape, and the making and drinking of wine, with the exhilaration and release it can bring. He is the coursing of the blood through the veins and the throbbing intoxication of nature and of sex. He represents the emotional and the irrational in human beings, which drives them relentlessly to mob fury, fanaticism, and violence, but also to the highest ecstasy of mysticism and religious experience. Within Dionysus lies both the bestial and the sublime. Essential to his worship was a spiritual release through music and dance; in the history of religion, archetypal behavior demands music and dance as essential for the most exalted rituals. In Bacchic ceremonies, the god took possession of his worshipers, who ate the raw flesh of the sacrificial animal in a kind of ritual communion since, they believed god to be present in the victim. This ceremony was called OMOPHAGY [o-mo'fa-jee], and the religious congregation was known as the holy THIASUS [theye'a-sus], or THIASOS. The female followers are called BACCHAE, or BAKCHAI; as we have learned, these are mortal women who could become possessed by the god. They are also called MAENADS [mee'nadz], or MAINADS. These names are also given to the mythological nymphs, spirits of nature, who follow in Dionysus' retinue. SATYRS [sa'ters or say'ters] are the mythological male counterparts of these nymphs. They, however, are not completely human, but part man and part animal, with a horse's tail and ears and a goat's beard and horns. They are usually depicted nude and often sexually excited. SILENI [seye-lee'neye], or SILENOI (sing.: silenus, silenos), are also older satyrs, some of whom are wise." NotesSartre: Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.![]() ![]() ![]() meyerhord.us ![]() sparknotes.com philosophy * The Work of Living Art: A Theory of the Theatre by H. D. Albright, Adolphe Appia, Barnard Hewitt; University of Miami Press, 1960 - Adolphe Appia and "The Work of Living Art" - Preface - 1. the Elements - 2. Living Time - 3. Living Space - 4. Living Color - 5. Organic Unity - 6. Collaboration - 7. the Great Unknown and the Experience of Beauty - 8. Bearers of the Flame - Designs - Adolphe Appia's "Man is the Measure of All Things" (protagoras) 2007 -- I keep adding to the existing pages; they are overloaded. "Combating Information Overload" -- web2.0? * stumbleup.com * links management * librarything (biblio) * amazon + questia ...
Working Space, communal place (unlike books, not immediate connection).Oh, you don't expect me to be serious writing about theatre theory, right? Since "notes" pages are for myself, I use them to throw myself out of balance, trying different forms, including new narrators (see the eTextBooks). Yes, yes, I will get to my cast of characters, gods and heroes of theatre......The webpages are overloaded with "htmlgears" and flash banners; originally I had plain texts only. But another reason is "pages" in the near future will be fragments (transition of the web from publishing to broadcasting! The two mediums are getting closer; DVD format uses the term "chapters"...
What does it mean?
You better read Virtual Theatre files. Or some my nonfiction "books" (mostly theory too) about the future of our evolving tech revolution. We live through the changes in magnitude simular to the begining of the human history. I call it "Virtual Theatre" (VT), the future universal media, but I wish I could have the guts to drop the word "virtual" (as they will do a century or two from now). There are many positive aspects on the negative definition "Future Primitive"...
Imagine the past and you will see the future. "Logos"? In the Bible -- the Word. Or should we say "understanding"? Metaphorical feature of our mind, which makes us humans. Of course, it wasn't word or words (it came later), but today we are in this early stage of new apparatus of reflecting. How different the future primitives from the originals?
Well, we are the founding fathers of the future primitives...
We have to go back to the universal (animal, behavior) language -- like body language. The difference between then and now is that we can record it! We literally can exchange not objects (Swift), but pix of things to communicate! Remember the cave drawings? We are almost there.
Please, treat it with a smile all my "postmodern" references; you understand it's not easy to talk about the theory of the future primitives...
Theatre Theory?
I told you, we will talk about it a millennium from today...
My web past
The archive notes:See Theatre w/Anatoly and Ant Theatre; now each directory has its own 'notes' page -- the plans for development.
Indicate Directing, Acting, Theory Pages -- bgcolor! Not done. See five major projects [.]
But the logos are in Banners directory.
What Directories to list for the floating frame? ![]()
If I want all theatre directories to grow into textbooks, I need to organize them as BOOKS from the start. WWWilde page, for example. There is a copyright free texts to use in classes (acting & directing). Also, the Forums to test the pages. Could it be used as textbook for student-directors working with actors? Or the postmodern take on the classics? Construction of identity, sex and gender. Working on concept. Directing for STYLE.
It should have its own web directory.
Treat cyber space as theatre space -- PLACE FOR ACTION!
How do those five books relate?
I suspect that most of the searches on my webpages are the need for basics answers. I should remind myself to make a big deal about the growing number of "visitors" (too many are accidental).
... I feel as I am chasing my own tail; more i try to update pages, more updates they need.
This page is an example: a lot of images of Schiele for my preporation for "Four Farces and a Funeral" (Chekhov's letters, the story of his marriage to Olga Knipper).
I was looking for a style, tone...
for a connections between Chekhov's characters and Chekhov as character. [ with 3 Sisters in between ] ...
Should it be in Research directory, which I do not use? SHOWS directory? Chekhov Pages?
And what the connection do you see between Schiele images and Chekhov's heroes? In old fashion way of academia, I should write an article, make a presentation, do some conference paper... When?
and as a result I come back with chekhov2.0 idea (chekhov.us), but will it be done there?
anatoly.org 8.21.07
projects: Demons 2003 texts: Theatre History in focus: Taming of the Shrew Theatre Books list * reading: Theatre Theory ![]() play writing amazon list *
- Primary Bibliography: Writings by Chekhov
- Secondary Bibliography: Reviews
- Secondary Bibliography: Books, Articles, Sections
- Author Index: Secondary Bibliographies
- General Index [ 3 Sisters + Farces ]
2006: I do not know, if my notes are going anywhere. Especially, on theory. I have no time to follow, or simply to read what is written already. With the webpages I thought of putting in a SYSTEM, but the use of this system became unsystematic!
Is there some system in things not finished?
pomo.vtheatre.net = virtual theatre 2
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre