2009 : ![]() using theatre blog for navigation?
Go.dot'06 ...
... Lul Books:
* 2007 -- theatre biblio pages * books/ page in every subject directory (plays, acting, directing & etc.) :
biblio directing NEW : mylibrarything.com + books.google.com + questia.com + amazon.com [lists] vtheatre.net/oedipus Drive-Through Theatre History * ... 2008 STUDENTS directory
Computers as Theatre (Paperback) by Brenda Laurel 0201550601 [?]
THEATRE books directory
... Aristotle : Poetics : Oepipus : Sophocles :Playscript
... history pages
relevant (same?) pages = biblio + references + links...
Anatoly UAF & Research directory
[ reviews ? ]
Theatre/Theory: An Introduction - 2nd Edition (Paperback) 041525437X
Theatre/Theory/Theatre: The Major Critical Texts from Aristotle and Zeami to Soyinka and Havel (Paperback) by Daniel Gerould (Composer) 1557835276
Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey, from the Greeks to the Present (Paperback) by Marvin Carlson 0801481546
... and same literary tours in Moscow (Art Theatre), Greek Theatre... using google earth? [ picasa albums ]
What about shows.vtheatre.net?
Guildenstern's book for Rosencratz = shows.vtheatre.net/hamlet/webshow [ pre-production for Spring 2008 show ]
... Alternative Ways of Theorizing / Suggested Readings:
The Presence of the Actor by Joseph Chaikin
Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics by José Esteban Muñoz.
The Empty Space by Peter Brook.
Brecht on Theatre : The Development of an Aesthetic by Bertolt Brecht.
Reza Abdoh (Paj Books: Art + Performance) edited by Daniel Mufson.
The Theory of the Modern Stage: An Introduction to Modern Theatre and Drama edited by Eric Bentley.
The Theater and Its Double by Antonin Artaud.
The Theater of Maria Irene Fornes (Paj Books) edited by Marc Robinson.
[ Advanced readings include the work of Barthes, Foucault, Fanon, Baudrillard, Butler, Derrida, Althusser and Harraway. ] links to amazon
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre