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2007 -- 2008 R/G are Dead Theatre UAF
* NEW:
goto.txt : AFTER 2009 : LUL pages : teatr.us
Go.dot 2006 * * 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * flickr.com/groups/stage * 2007 : the art of theatre [flickr] * 2008 : Stoppard *
[ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS ... 20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 23 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day. [ seven days : 0 * 1. Actor * 2. Director * 3. Writer * 4. Spectator * 5. Postmodern * 6 ] Liberal Humanism (Modernism) ... Postmodernity : Created by the breakdown of the Enlightenment and the transitions brought on by the Industrial Revolution * Movement from agrarian to industrial economies (division of labor, disassociation b/t the product and the producer, etc.) * Collision of multiple cultures, genders, ethnicities, religions ...
Four central areas of PostmodernityPM drama script.vtheatre.netSelf-concept: understanding ourselves in terms of the made identity (constructed and reconstructed out of many cultural sources)
Moral and Ethical discourse: morality based on the ever shifting ground of socially constructed worldviews--relativism
Art and Culture: no single tradition with the position of artist re culture re observer re society/issues constantly being negotiated and rearranged
Globalization: truly global society separated by access to technology, w/unprecedented access to information, quick pace, highly mobile, unstable boundaries
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre
Themes of Postmodernism
New understandings of "culture"
Doubt in any one "truth" as representative of reality
Focus on language as constitutive and constituting reality
Preference for the local and the specific over the universal and abstract
Acceptance that different descriptions of reality cannot be measured against one another in any type of final (objective) manner
Themes of Postmodernism-boiled down by Peter Barry
Politics is Pervasive
Language is constitutive
Truth is Provisional
Meaning is Contingent
Human Nature is a Myth
Postmodernism and Art
Art is not merely an aesthetic experience but a way of knowing the world
Art contains a plurality of foci, methods, and references
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