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![]() Bad Theories, Wrong Subjects View GuestBook Sign RA - Resurrection Age (RAGE) Resurrect Page in The Book of Spectator and another one in POV -- maybe the answer for that big narrative problem, which began in the last (third) part of Self... I shouldn't force myself to "write" the story and the web-versions of the books are this format, when "living = writing" or life as a text. I work on my books without thinking about "writing" them (including the textbooks) and simply could include them within the narrative of the nonfiction. "Nonfiction" is the limits I can't violate. No need for inventions; the discoveries are the inventions! NEW: SummaryПоистине творение мира не закончено Богом - оно продолжается человеком. Религиозное оправдание активности человека Федоров видит в основном христианском догмате о двух природах Христа, который должен быть понят практически, как заповедь. Только монофизитский уклон ведет к отрицанию человеческой активности, к поглощению человеческой природы природой божественной. "Показывая, что Христос был не только Бог, но и действительный человек, тем самым доказывалась и необходимость деятельности самого человека в деле воскрешения, и не только нравственной, но и умственной, и физической, материальной. Соединяя во Христе два естества, две воли, двойное действие, тем самым признавали необходимость в деле искупления или воскрешения двух воль, действующих в полном согласии. Но учение о двух волях, действующих в согласии, оставалось только догматом, теорией, не имевшею выражения в самой жизни; и в таком отпадении теории от практики не видели отпадения от христианства, устранения от дела искупления и воскрешения, не видели отречения от Искупителя и Воскресшего".<<51>>QuestionsMaybe I am confusing myself and everybody else by using this word "resurrection" -- it's not necessary my fault. Resurrection has all attributes of creation; it's "new" (i.e. something which didn't exist before, something like -- God).NotesФедоров вносит в христианство активный антропологизм. Он радикально восстает против той пассивности человека, которая в православии была возведена почти в догмат. Огромное значение придает Федоров тому, что человек занял вертикальное положение. Это оборонительное положение есть знак того, что человек призван к активной борьбе с природой и к управлению ее стихийными силами. Человек не должен пассивно лежать на брюхе. Он - активный борец, повсюду трудом своим вносящий целесообразность. Пассивное отношение к природе Федоров считает язычеством. Лишь человек вносит в природу целесообразность. Сама природа бессознательна и нецелесообразна. В этой бессознательности, слепой стихийности природы - источник всего зла. "В регуляции, в управлении силами слепой природы и заключается то великое дело, которое может и должно стать общим". Это общее дело должно быть распространено не только на всю землю, на явления метеорологические, но и на небесные пространства. Человек призван целесообразно регулировать всю вселенную, внести сознание во всю совокупность бытия. Очень красиво говорит Федоров, что "наш простор служит переходом к простору небесного пространства, этого нового поприща для великого подвига". Кто наш враг? - спрашивает Федоров. "Этот враг - природа. Она - сила, пока мы бессильны, пока мы не стали ее волею. Сила эта слепа, пока мы неразумны, пока мы не составляем ее разума. Занятые постоянной враждой и взаимным истреблением, исполняя враждебную нам волю, мы не замечаем этого общего врага и даже преклоняемся пред враждебной нам силой, благосклонность которой так же для нас вредна, как и вражда. Природа наш враг временный, а друг вечный, потому что нет вражды вечной, а устранение временной есть наша задача". Бог не сам создает целесообразность и сознательность в природе; он поручает это дело человеку, через человека заканчивает творение. "Бог - Царь, который делает все не только лишь для человека, но и через человека; потому-то и нет в природе целесообразности, что ее должен внести сам человек, и в этом заключается высшая целесообразность. Творец через нас воссоздает мир, воскрешает все погибшее". Fedorov...
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. (TI2 4:2)...No, not me, the world I live is the word. In season and out of season, day and night -- paradise is a propaganda machine. Talking, showing, seducing, inviting, convincing, call it whatever you want -- indoctrination, brainwashing -- you have to feel happy, without pauses, breaks, interruptions. Happiness is the dominant emotion of paradise. Because paradise is nothing but emotions, a feeling, my state of mind.
There are many things you have to forget in order not to be a criminal in the world of total happiness. "All long suffering" was for them, the mortals, who lived before us. The word is paradise, the paradise itself. Paradiso is the media and the message. Call it a spectacle, what else did we expect from paradise as being spectacular?
The doctrine of paradise is obvious in the spectacle of hell. If paradise is the best of life how loud and aggressive in its beauty it must be. The world is singing. Turn on your radio, you, skeptic. The world is preaching the word. What do you expect from me, you, sinner? Am I not to a part of celebration? Oh, the wicked! Enjoy it! Dance! Laugh! And this is my last word.RESURRECTION? WHICH ONE?
Paul: I stand on trail because of my hope in the resurrection. (Acts 23:6)Hope? Belief, not knowledge, they thought. Belief is more emotionally charged than knowledge. Something you can't prove -- and that is a criteria of salvation? Lucky Paul, I envy you, your hope and your trail. You were free. The Knowledge takes away hope. The power of the Christian thought is simple: it's PERSONAL. Highly emotional. Faight! Why not rational? Very rational -- I have to find way out to save myself from the torment of c ontradictions, protect myself from fears. The concept proved to be very practical. (The Greeks didn't feel death? There were not much to remaind it, not in my world when only in kitchen I have three clock, not counting the timers.)
Freedom? How much does God depend on me in such relations? Does The All-Knowing have a knowledge of my existence or just believes in it? Asymmetrical relations?
The children of resurrection shouldn't ask, they must know everything...There's no life allowed outside of resurrection. Look, paradise is not for *knowing* but for enjoying it! Reflections on nature of paradise have to be limited, since it's an experience. Living up prevents from categorization. There's no subject-object separation as before. and therefore no much room left for "observations." You know only what you need to know in order to use it. Do you really need to know how to walk if you're capable of walking without theory of walking? Leaveit to the specialists, doctors, mecnahics, plummers. You have your own area of expertise, mind your business! Paradise is about integration which could be acheaved only through specialization....
Personal Footnotes
Rsurrection is personal and private. It's nobody's business.The duality of Resurrection: First, "I" is an invention, according to the pomo. Second, from Resurrection POV = discovery. Look who is here! Me!
Who?Paul has his problems with self-identification...
Read it slow, I say. You have to do be careful with the Bible studies at the time of Apocalypse. Since I'm a self-taught student of Christianity, I read the book the way I studied math. (I admire the style of writing and learn my poetic lessons as well). I began to read Bible well after I went through the great works of literature. As if I had to be ready for such a test. Actually, I got my own Bible because I needed the answers to questions in other books. Without any guidance I didn't read it, I began with the last book of the Bible. The end of the book and the world.
There were no Bibles in the Soviet libraries when I needed it. You understand why now I am suspicious when I find this book in every hotel room. Why do I need it? What for? Don't see the Word everywhere? The Soviet communists in their Christian Orthodoxy rejected the Book, because the world became the message. What more do you want? What proof do you need? I'm uncomfortable in church... They haven't read much. Including the big book. Since I took the resurrection idea seriously, I can't even call myself a Christian.
For ten years I was a member of the communist party, even some sort of a local elected leader in the Filmmakers Guild. This experience taught me a lot about apocalypse. Communists had no need in Bible studies, they knew that we crossed the line. We celebrated the date of Resurrection. We called it "Great Revolution." It was a fact. We behaved accordingly. We built the future the way you build a dog house -- what is there to believe in? We didn't have to explain the world, we didn't have even to understand it, we were changing it!
My Soviet life was full of biblical revelations. The communists were the true believers, they act in spirit of the holy book. They dropped the archaic linguistics of church and the metaphysics of academia. Atheism? To "believe" while living in paradise is a nonsense. The Soviet souls were primitive and vulgar. Marx himself called socialism a primitive state of resurrection.
Since apocalypse and resurrection is one process, it must be the final judgement -- to separate the corrupt from the incorrupted. "To be or not to be" is "to see or not to see" -- to know or not to know!
(JOHN 5:29) And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.Since I have done both, I face two modes of resurrection, or life = damnation. In the Russian mind of the extreme this equation made a lot of sense. The radicalism of this thought had a natural attraction for me. It was crazy. Also, intellectually, it explained my feelings. If a mortal life was a punishment, what do you think immortal replica should look like?
What a show! That's how Robespiare and Trotsky looked like! American tele-evangelists are good agitators. Of course, our resurrected reality resembles the natural one. Even the church has it place in paradise, not in real space, but in electronic, virtual reality. They preach the end of the world not knowing that this end is not a public event. We are used to the representation of the end of the world in art, you know, in the mind-set of two thousand years mentality. The heaven, the clouds and etc. -- we have this impression that this will take place in front of us, that it's outside and the news will put on tv screen. But, in reality, this is an event on a personal level, with us and through us. The stupid news on the screen IS the manifestation of the end and resurrection!
This lack of understanding in matters of resurrection should not be a surprise. Postmodernism, this wise-up brand of the high modernity, knows that we can't notice anything anymore; we are the process, not observers. Reflective abilities of mind are not needed in the kingdom of god. The absence of self-conscience in a child gives him ability for fast learning.
Madness of resurrected flesh!
Never-mind this sexual revolution! The birth is outside of the KOG (Kingdom of God). But men and women resurrected in their original genders! What to expect? Sex. Useless, since there is no reproduction purpose... We call it porno. The fuck. There is a lot of fucking in paradise. We need more. Why? Because.
(MAT 22:30) For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.Yes, yes, "as the angels of God" -- we are working on getting closer to this angelic nature. We getting better every day. Of course, you can married even in paradise, it doesn't matter any more. Have your sex, a lot of it, have children -- you're still neither marry, nor are given in marriage. Haven't you heard about cloning? Artificial insemination? Surrogate parents? Or something else -- "Sexual orientation"! How about that!
We need a compensation for this void of marriage. It has to be big -- the compensation. No, I bet you didn't get it. You haven't heard it right, the kids of resurrection. Would you give up the institution of marriage for immortality? Would you rather marry than live? You rather die but get married! Oh? Excuse me.
And again, LUKE 20:35-36:
"But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
"Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.""Neither can they die anymore" -- aha? Wait! Than -- nothing matters anymore (Dostoevsky). Prisoners of existence! Prisoner's behavior = life sentence. We forced into resurrection no less than into the first mortal life.
The real tragedy is ahead, only immortals know it.How to "live" in R-world?
Live? Life is impossible, because death is forbidden.
We say -- existence, presence.
What for?
Search for a meaning of life is from a mortal mind, whose memories I still have. He needs some answers. Not me, an immortal.
The sense of myself shall be overcome. Than another birth (any birth) is my birth. At least how they (mass) feel. Family? What family?
Is your death my death?
Any death and any birth -- mine. According to laws of paradise.
I thought that Body is my last personal property -- and it shall be overcome!
What is "my" skin"?
Organs donation -- share! It's on my driver's license.
Disappearance of "man" is a faze of resurrection.
If the earth has to be transformed, how I can escape the transfiguration? We have to make you an "open body" --diet, vitamins, cosmetic corrections. If you are an universe, you have to travel your body like a tourist. You to work it out! To make it your creation! Stalon and Shwartinager -- the models.
You are only a material. Sounds familiar?
... [ image ]
The borders between I and You are thinner than between I and Me. I am further away from myself with every step I'm taking to know me. I can't meet myself, I only remember. Pain and pleasure -- meeting my body?
[When Christ is closer to himself than to his Father, he is a mortal.]
Look in the mirror. I did. Who is this man? I don't know him. That's why I want to be the stranger. I love him and he loves me. I am my neighbor.
[Nobody prays in paradise. (Why did Christ pray? It must Jesus who did it.)]
We act. We restored the lost *magic* heritage of religion.
Religion was always an ideological philosophy.
What was this step from theology to ideology (with us in place of God)?
Away from myself (bodily) to myself-I-wish-to-be? Wishful thinking is our future. Wishes are the favorite food of the soul.
Resurrection is anti-creative? Why do we need it, the angelic chronotope? "Thinking" (spirits) without life, by itself. Life (matter) is very (too) stable, evolutionary.
The Third World: existence without life. v. life without conscience. (v. Nothing). R is a war against life, because it's a war against Nothing. R is a reconciliation of life and death, being and nothing, body and mind.
Trinity: IDENTITY OF CHRIST (multiple personality)
Being God -- another expression (face) of Father (miracles), Ghost -- wisdom? Man -- resurrected Adam (life).
Christ is an independent life and a representation (messenger and message) -- sign and symbol (of somebody and something before him). Mission -- resurrection (or existentialism) insists on meaning of human life, even if it has to be imposed on. We're forced to be citizens, humans, educated -- pre-requisites of paradise. Nobody could be left alone. This is pm equality of conditions among non-equals (nature? breaks the equality principle).
Adam: identity of a creature (in addition of being a child). Self-made -- formatted (programmed) by environment and himself. Adam wasn't born -- a myth opposing the nature and "natural.: Creation, invention, construction. Past (biology) and Future (mind) collide in me.
American identity (communist, common man) has to be a mass (production). Family is secondary (village is first). What kind of family did Christ have? Adam? Orphans. Adam (creature) had no parents. And -- the choice? His marriage was prearranged.
Family is a mechanism of rebirth, not resurrection; it's a "line" continuity, not an individual focused on method.
Speaking of being "aristocratic"! What about nature? What about fingertips? Talk to me about "unique" and "exclusive"!
What is this balance between One (separate) and Many? Individual as a carrier of R. ONE AS A CAPITAL, concentration of time, information, the empire of paradise? (Bourdieu)
Life (birth) is a part of R. process, because life has to be brought back in its totality (including birth and death). Did we say resurrection of "life"?
Identity in RA is a discovery (past) and an invention (creation). Clay, according to Genesis. Communists thought of human as a tabula rasa, blank tape. What else could they say about the genetics -- pseudo-science! The past must be only a material, not with all the bodily memories! What an insult from the nature to a soul!
Americans are the best material for RA (Resurrection Age). They are removed from the natural, they are willing to be resurrected, they like the offer. They love aliens, they feel close to them. Or dinosaurs. Or Disney (fictional) characters. They are practical... with no much attachments to the real?
Anti-religious tendency -- theology has no place in the kingdom of God (technology -- practical fight). No temples -- everything is a temple. I am the place to be. "Me" is a place for "I": my PRESENCE is a space for my life.Life = corruption? Death is a cure. Destruction of corruption, not life; will to live, desire to live. Unfortunately, they are together -- life and sense of living. Death is "incorruptible"? (Xmas thoughts).
Listen up, angels!
"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible..."Very marxist -- the world shall be changed. And fast! Bible as a manifesto. Good news! In a moment? In the twinkling of an eye? Reference to time? To television? And the music!
...incorruptible... Do you want to know what is it, the incorruptible?
Immortality is a child of our mind. And a wish of our body... A tree dreams of immortality no less than a human.
Alas, a tree is unaware of its desires.
Yes, Frederich, the will to live is a sin!
1. Death is a sin (is it shameful to die?) -- death is an "outlaw." Or knowledge of death?
2. No laws = no sin. Written laws? There is no sin in mechanical. Computer is sinless. That's the ideal.
Who does fight the death? We do!
Tricky! Rejecting death -- it is a rejection of resurrection. Inclusion of death is a precondition of living in paradise.
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."2
Is that the way to accept the death? Restoration of unity. Is death real in virtual world? Death of a videotape? Death of a copy? Who cares?
SUMMARY: Paradise is the place to escape from.
Anarchy, or the chaos theory. Including the brains!
(CO1 15:24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
Ah, Beyond Good and Evil! If knowledge is power, the Age of Reason has to end. It's not as if we have to stop knowing, we must not know about our knowing. Like a child. We have to develop our rules to the point of habits. We should go beyond the authority and not be proud in throwing up the light switch. It's not that difficult to put down it all, when you don't need it.
(CO1 15:26) The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Oh, no, please!
Do you mean that nothing could be forgotten? Recorded and filed. Everything would be watched? Surveillance. That nothing evil is allowed into existence? Censorship. Forget the death penalty, the meat is outlawed. Or the death would be redefined?
Their resurrection is simple. The souls were numbered, remember? Concentration camps and social security. Coded souls.
(CO1 15:28) And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
Oh? Could be seen as an outright atheism. Death of God?
(CO1 15:31) I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
Amen. Yes, yes, daily! That's the way to do it! If I die every hour, or better every minute, death loses any meaning. If I'm an American after being a Russian, if I'm totally different today next to me-yesterday, if I don't remember the age, if I can have nine lives, if I change my place of residence every three years, if the world around changes every ten years to the point that I live in different country without changing my citizenship... what death are we talking about?
Listen, Adam, my boy, both of you, listen and -- learn. Whatever was "natural" before is abomination now. Yes, a quickening spirit has some sort of a natural body. Wait and see what our medicine could do with it. Do you know the difference between a living soul and a quickening spirit? Earthy and heavenly?It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. (CO1 15:44-49)More in CO1 15:50-56:Hear me, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God! If I have no fresh -- O death, where is thy sting? If I have no blood -- O grave, where is thy victory? I have to get rid of blood and flesh! How? Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed... The change, as the president said. He plays the trumpet.Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.Destroy the law, man, and yo rap forever! Now you know why the law is the only ruler in democracy. Because there is no law in paradise mind! Freedom from sin!
Resurrection shouldn't a big deal at the time of resurrection. What could Lazarus say? Just go on with living. He died eventually again. So, you see, it's possible to die even after the resurrection. Not in the resurrected world! Lazarus must be among the ones resurrected in the first round.
....Against the Accidental: PERFORMING3 CHRONOTOPE
Birth and death are not excluded but they lost their primacy. (The way we ignore changes such as a renewal of blood every seven days, or a transition from being a child to adulthood). Death still lives on its intellectual inertia. Smooth-space of virtuality makes material death less dramatic, thanks to videotape. If according to Marx, I'm just a sum of social relations (functions), my physical absence doesn't necessary lead to a disolvement of my presence. "Lenin even now is more alive than all the living." (Mayakovsky after Lenin's death). Ancient totemism got individualized. I'm the totem (cult of personality in socio-political terms). If we do accept the event-space organization of the real, Lenin's physical death is almost a non-event, next to his "historical" role (revolution). His birth wasn't important either -- it didn't cause Vladimir-boy to become Lenin, it's only a pre-condition but not a cause/effect link. In fully humanized universe the physical is present but not imperative. In many ways actual death is a necessity of this event-oriented chronotope. What would Christ do if somehow he escapes the crucifixion? It would be anti-climatic -- and a betray of artistic structure (the first law of thermodynamics). Everything in the world of "Good Life" has to be organized dramatically, if it wants to be noticed.
Apocalypse is needed for aesthetic reasons. Beauty rules the paradise (therefore "saves" it from non-being = not being visible, noticed). We needed the end of the world and made it happened.
Birth and death have potentials to be dramatic, even spectacular. But for a coma patient there's very little left to perform, his life lost inner dramatism. We are driven by (safe) eventfulness. CNN headlines is very representative phenomena of the dramatic chronotope. When nothing happens (film "Sleep") it still could be an event. Absence of events could be frame by expectation into dramatic situation. A brick could be picked up on the street and placed in the MOA becoming a statement.
In humanity of big numbers individual birth and death are only statistics. No impact on stability of paradise. They are factual, low energy events. Attention is given to "insignificant" events as soon as those events are performing. Scientific discovery has a low kinematic potential; no immediacy and urgency, no conflict with the near present, no power of the spectacular. Monday night football is more dramatic, it has open ending and asks for participation.
Mediated! The play of emotions. Performative and non-performative act (meaningless = invisible).
Two levels: actual and symbolic.
The theatrical extended its powers totally over total society.
The only task of a super-man in paradise is to survive as a man. To have power over himself. He is the evil and devil in paradise. He can't ask for mercy -- that's you become them. He can't expect an understanding (than you communicate their banalities. This is his hell because he is in their paradise.
What do you do now, Mr. Zarathustra?
Treasure your mortality and knowledge of it. I don't know how to help you, boy. All I can do -- to tell you what I saw. Bland beast could fight and win over others, but not all. They are your environment -- the gravity!
...They would try to make you an idiot from the day you are born and even before your birth they work on you. even before your birth.
Pretend that you are one of them. Play it. Only with yourself you can and must be yourself.
Is this situation forever, mister?
They know how to smell you out, there's a small spark of your spirit in them. And they would let you alone, physically, socially; the danger is you, them-in-you. Them in you would torture you.
You still do not get what they are?
Your father, brother, mother, wife, children, friend, you yourself!
Why should I endure it, why should I go through this pain? Because if you won't learn how to live in paradise, you never will be in paradise. The real is still there, the bliss, the beauty. How to learn? Learn from them -- split. Be both. Read "Prince" -- be Prince, govern! You have your kingdom -- yourself. It's not easy to be a master of your own self. Let me teach you how to be an actor. How to enjoy the game.
Paradise is a theatre. You're not a driver, you perform the role of a driver. Observation and imitation. you are not a citizen (they are), you play this part. I play a professor, even a father (talking with a principle in my kids' school) -- the secret is to know when to play and when to be. It takes a talent, and if you don't have it, too bad, you're one of them.
Pretend that you read this, pretend that you understand it -- this book is not for you. Forget it, close it...
Leave them alone; you have more important thing to do -- to live your life. To feel, to be happy. Look, they do it too -- to get a better pay, better "good life." Better breads better. They are acting, performing (duties), and the best of them are happy.
Do not complain. They are your environment, your nature, habitat, landscape. Like gravity, yea. Be yourself when it's time to be yourself -- and play when it's time to play. Existentialists claimed that life is tragedy. Tragedy is a form of drama, you're a lead actor in your life, aren't you? Do you know your part? Are you up to the task to make your life into a masterpiece? You are your own spectator, you know. Direct yourself.
And then, at the end?
Happiness. When each day is a gift -- your (and therefore) real life. Don't be afraid of them, afraid to lose yourself, your instincts, clear mind, your will. Oh, there's a lot to learn -- you only know that you know yourself. It's them in you talking.
First, remember that you have to remember yourself, to be present. Even when you're forced to do what you don't want to do -- learn how not to get yourself in this position again. Education of self is your own business. There is a science of acting and art of behavior.
Welcome things you don't know. Yes, the new things. Like a child. It's only an attitude separates ignorance and arrogance. You don't know that? Good! There's something to learn! Don't look back on wasted time when you took in their poison: that how you learnt what you are and what is yours. You are coming from the gutter and can't come out clean. Clean yourself. Be focused, be ready -- the war, the garbage, the dirt -- is never over.
Training -- what other answer did you expect?
You can be in paradise without leaving hell; paradise is a state of mind, it's a feeling, remember? Always and in any given circumstances.
Do you want to change the world? Change yourself. You're the world. Do you want to have a friend? You're your friend. Do you need father? Be a father to yourself. Be a good son. If it's not enough for your -- do not read further.
Do you know how to love yourself? You are your neighbor, your enemy, the Other. Do you know how to love your enemy?
The universe in you awaits to be discover and to be created. You're the only one who could do it. Deconstruction and changes -- it's all about your job description in relations with yourself. Do it before they will do it for you. Before they kill you.
Don't be afraid of them -- they don't know you. Be ahead of them. Will to power starts with power over yourself, Zarathustra. It takes a lot o will power to withstand the attacks of paradise. Do you know how to get this power? If you're not happy -- you don't.
You should lean how to be happy when you're unhappy. Paradise is about happiness. Your paradise too about being happy. Fear not. nothing can't be taken away from you, nothing of value. What do you have besides you?
Are you in love with a woman? You have to be in love. All the time. You have to fall in love most of the time. That's you who is in love. Love your love. Let yourself travel -- you don't even have to have a woman to be in love with woman.
This is artistic way of dealing with life.
Laugh. Do you know how to do it? Their paradise will be your hell if you don't know how to laugh at it. Learn to laugh at yourself when you see them in you. Laughter is departure.
Teach yourself how to cry. It's called poetry. Oh, you thought it's easy to be a man. do you think you know how to feel? Do you feel that you know how to think? Than you're not ready for a journey. Go back to them, try their way, maybe you would get used to their paradise, and than you're one of them. Be happy there. There's a place between hell and paradise -- limbo. Very crowded place.
Or maybe you are envy them with their happiness in their paradise? Go. I was there -- it's hell.
How long would it take to learn myself?
If you will get to this stage of the final -- you die as a living soul. You're finished. And why would you like to know everything about yourself?
Oh, the question? Are you still interested to know if they ever stop this war against you? Don't you know that this war what makes you into you. Separate, different, individual. This war is your blessing. Ask for more!
I know your question -- but let me ask you.
Don't you, silly, have already enough connections, contacts, links with them? You have more than you ever can swallow. Your relations with me? I never met Shakespeare or Tolstoy. Or maybe I did? The best of them I know, the worse is dead. Are you sure that you are ready to meet us? Write. They will read it.
Read, think, feel -- it will bring us together; you -- closer to yourself.
I hope that by now you know that I can't teach you how to find yourself. Nobody can. I can tell your my story. You have to write your life on your own. It's a pleasure. I won't let anybody to do it instead of me by myself. That would be hell.
Too many wanted to change the world. Their name - communists. Too few strived to change themselves -- they are great men. Change the world? You're the world. If you don't believe in it, close the book.
Let me tell you how little I know about myself. Yes, it's about the world I live in. This world is a part of me. History is a part of m,y identity -- that why I need to discover history. In order to discover, I have to study.
Why do I need to know? Because it's me. The closest, the most complicate and most personal experience of living. This is only partially a discourse. I do not insist on articulating it for others, just for myself. And a poem, or a painting could do it -- it's enough for me. If I have to write a symphony I will compose it (hopefully, I don't have to experience it?) I ask for answers, but I trust that answers can't be forced out of me. We, my many selves, have to get it freely. It's a gift, miracle, revelation.
I have no method. I have many tools, and I have many questions to ask. My questions are my treasure, they are born out of my feelings. It's almost as if in love. I'm seeking a response. That's how thoughts come to live. I'm afraid of professional thinkers. To this day I wonder why would they like to have a system? I went through math special school and a few years of studying thermodynamics till I couldn't stand this insane drive for the full, final answer. There were so much in life I had to think about; physics with its music of precise thought was only a small portion of me. I could not serve it, I thought that science was supposed to serve me. I'm the one who lives, feels, changes.
All what I did -- I try to find me. Did I "construct" myself? Yes, but not as a goal, not as if I have nothing else to do. There was no theory of "me" and I have to experiment. There's no even image of "me" in my mind. I can't be a slave of myself -- said Stirner.
I was busy. I still am. There's so much to do and the work is never done. That's why I live. When I lose the sense of purpose, when I'm outside of myself -- I want to kill myself. Because there's nothing else is out there -- no me, no path to travel, no world to see. World without me is a nonsense, if I am still alive.
Now you understand why they are after you -- you are the negation of the world, the world without you.
No life is allowed outside of R.
Paradise is not for knowing but for enjoying it. Reflections on nature of paradise have to be limited since it's an experience. Living it up prevents from categorization and abstractions. There's no subject-object separation as before and therefore no much room left for "observation." You know only what you need to know in order to use it. Do you really need to know how to walk if you capable of walking without a theory of walking? Leave it to specialists. Doctors, mechanics, plumbers. You have your own area of expertise. Paradise is about integration which could be achieved only through differentiation.
American Age is the end of history. Not Revolt but the Triumph of the Masses.
What the achievements! Users. Mass is always impressive. The sea. The quantity.
Nietzsche's eternal return as mechanics of resurrection (trail) -- hell, sin, and preventive punishment.
Fight for mortality and reality is the will to power.
If the people use ideology (binary principle of primitive mind) the knowledge itself should be broken into two -- how they and how man define things.
There's enough evidence about the links between the two. The task is to establish the differences.
Man kills himself, people die.
The Bible expressly declares that the rulers of the world shall then be immortal kings and priests (Rev. 1:5-6; 2:26-27; 5:9-10; 12:5); so that -- strange as it may seem -- mortal and immortal men will thus be living contemporaneously upon the earth.4 (By Dr. John Thomas)
What a mess this Bible! The first resurrection, did we miss it? No? Then the rapture -- final resurrection. The third time for poor Lazarus! Too much! It must be too early for the end.
Evil and devil himself do have equal rights for resurrection, no less than good and angels (will they be resurrected as well?). They, the bad guys, have to be brought for a trail first, not last. If they question of existence of evil before, our times document it.
Yes, this first resurrection is a mystery. "Fathers of Christianity"? Are we the second?
The other, the one who struggles miles and years away, the devil tell me about myself only. You who lived before or after -- you know my agony. It's yours.
To place an individual in the center and call it "objectivism"?
Reason should make identification more important that existence?
"Free scientific inquiry? The first adjective is redundant." (Ayn Rand) I would say that both adjectives are unnecessary.
The law of identity does not permit you to have your cake and eat it, too. The law of causality does not permit you to eat your cake before you have it. (Rand)
"Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification."
Understanding -- resolving contradictions.
"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong."
...Europe lost itself in the triumph of modernity (WW II), the postmodern was to follow -- the American Age.
Oh, the pretended plurality of democracy! Don't I remember USSR and the Soviet elections?
Souls = Americans.
The great men have to wait long for their turn in resurrection line.
We are the ruins of Paradise.
How fragile the paradise is! When it falls apart, there's little could be saved. Ashes! The Soviet Grand Might turned into a mighty weakness. What about America?
Of course we believe in Unbelievable. What else "beliefs" are for? Belief isn't a knowledge.
History is Disaster. If not for disasters we wouldn't have any history. Who needs it, I mean, disasters.
...The 3rd millennium and the second coming:
Human feelings -- "hope" -- not for my pomo world. Too late. What gods could hope for? Leave it to children. Borth paradise and hell have no need for it. I never understand why should we "teach" computers "feel" -- to understand our weakness?
When I think about the strict maturity ahead, I understand that we are about to see a lot of silliness. More indiots and more freedoms for them. Didn't I tell you that resurrection is a personal choice? The majority will never vote for it, because you have to die by choice first. Thanks a lot!
The good news is that Resurrection Age is less democractic than laws of nature. And it's here."I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot." I'm sorry. You never right in paradise; you are always wrong but forgiven.
It's coming, it's coming -- the third millennium. First was of the Son's? Second was of the Spirit? The last of the Father? Let me think about it.
NOTES: There are more refine pages on this topic in Father-Russia Book, discussing Fedorov's concept of resurrection as a common task for all.
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