POMO: "Anti-Logos will announce himself to be the incarnation of God-Father, and the woman whose appearance Lilith has taken by means of a demonic miracle to be the incarnation of Eternal Femininity [. . .] Around himself and the incarnate Lilith, the Antichrist will create a blasphemous cult of world fornication, and vile actions between the two of them, surrounded by fantastic effects and stupefying splendor, will be performed before the eyes of the everyone, allegedly reflecting, in our world, the cosmic marriage of two hypostases of the Trinity" (D. Andreev, 12, 4, 265).
Here is the first story -- about the time. Maybe I am making it up, but seems to me that we had an old German grandfather clock. It was my duty once a day to rewind it. There was a big copper key and I had to turn it dozen or times in order for time to exist. I would get on the chair, insert the long key in the middle of the numbered face -- and will make another day. Of course, later they spent years trying to convince me that time exists by itself, that it has nothing to do the clock or me... I am too old now to hide my true convictions. I think that this boy with his first family responsibily was right. Time doesn't exist outside of me. Not us, but me. Time doesn't exist outside of this clock... I still remember the sound when it was stricking in the dead silence of the night. That is how I learned about the dead time. The clock is a technology. PS. To confuse you more I place the Blake's comments on this page. I got them a friend of mine -- Lucifer. ![]() Bad Theories, Wrong Subjects View GuestBook Sign Summary"Thus the mystical element of Andreev's doctrine, his veneration of the feminine aspect of Divinity, comes into a very complicated and controversial relationship with the eschatological element of his doctrine, an apprehension of the "ritual debauchery" at the very essence of the demonic "Anti-trinity." Andreev himself never succeeded in overcoming this contradiction but, of all Russian mystics, he most expressively testifies to its hidden ironies." Michail EpsteinQuestionsMysticism (list)Notes"Russian mysticism was unique for its combination of spirituality and what might be called sensuality of a higher order." - Stephan A. Hoeller, "Esoteric Russia"![]() 2004 & After + Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy and Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy. + Sergej Bulgakov on Pol and Sexuality Evgenii Bershtein, Reed College
I didn't ask for it. I mind my own business. I read books and I lived my life. When I read good books, I take notes. Then I write what I think about my notes... you know the rest of the story.Bolshevism, if unchecked, will change the world as completely as Christianity did. Three hundred years from now it will no longer be said that it is merely a question of organising production in a different way… If this movement continues to develop, Lenin, three hundred years from now, will be regarded not only as one of the revolutionaries of 1917, but as the founder of a new world doctrine, and he will be worshipped as much perhaps as Buddha. — Adolf Hitler, 1932[18]Technology, tech, techno... bla-bla!
My PC has more brains than that. At least more memory than many I know. Come on! Say it! Say it, for God sake! Don't we know it already?Technology is God!
Everything I value is technology. What is Shakespeare or Rembrant? The Living Knowledge. Working Spirit (Hegel). What is my thought? "Technicos" -- artificial, not "natural" -- nothing is natural about thought...
I never understood why so many would point at the nature as something opposite to a machine. Somehow it is always the ones who believe in creationalism. I wish the great painters could write philosophy books. They can explain that there is no border between me and the nature in front of me. I follow its logic, the structure and shapes, I try to see the mechanics of it -- that is how I can paint it. I do not feel inferior, the admiration makes me a participant...
Maybe I write it because I hadn't paint a single "abstract" canvas in my life. I will die feeling that I haven't seen enough of nature...
Ah, the clock! The clock is still there in Moscow, but there is no boy to make it work. The Moscow Time died. Remember, I told you that it was the looted German grandfather clock.
[ from Gnostics ]
.... The ideas advanced by Lunacharsky and Gorky became known as God building, described by one researcher as a “movement of secular rejuvenation with mystery cult aspects.”[15] God building implied that a human collective, through the concentration of released human energy, can perform the same miracles that were assigned to supra-natural beings. God builders regarded early Christianity as an authentic example of collective God building, Christ being nothing other than the focus of collective human energy. “The time will come,” said Gorky, “when all popular will shall once again amalgamate in one point. Then an invincible and miraculous power will emerge, and God will be resurrected.”[16] Years before, Fyodor Dostoyevsky had written in The Possessed, “God is the synthetic personality of the whole people.” According to Mikhail Agursky:[ 15. Richard Noll, The Jung Cult 16. Mikhail Agursky, The Third Rome, 17. The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, edited by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal ]For Gorky, God-building was first of all a theurgical action, the creation of the new Nature and the annihilation of the old, and therefore it coincided fully with the Kingdom of the Spirit. He considered God to be a theurgical outcome of a collective work, the outcome of human unity and of the negation of the human ego.[17]
You, yes, you, who believe that the the nature is the unsurpassed complexity, go to a museum or concert, read a good book. Learn something.
Alright, what do we have here? The Resurrection Book has to talk about Death and therefore about Death Wish. Yes, this is prerequisite for Resurrection, my friends. Technology is the form of the two -- Ressurrection and Death. Technology is a special death, the collective one... and safe one. Remember, we all have to die and according to many books -- at once! Postmodernity is about this existence After the End.
Let see.
The end of the world is experienced as a transition to something new, vaster, and is felt as a terrible annihilation. At first everything seems queer, uncanny, and significant. Catastrophe is impending; the deluge is here. A unique catastrophe approaches. Something comes over the world; the last Judgment, the breaking of the seven seals of the Book of Revelation. God comes into the world. Time wheels back. The last riddle of all is being solved. -- from Karl Jaspers's _General Psychopathology_Do you see them, do you know them?In Blake's Eternity there are seven real spirits of Divinity, the seven "Eyes of God" they were sent in succession by the Divine Family to guard the world. (The name derives from the Biblical Apocalypse, but Blake has reinterpreted the symbolism). The Gaze? (Foucault)
Satan ("organized religion") claims them for his own (38:54-8), but they sound their trumpets (39:3-9, cf. Rev. 8:2) and call on Albion (Humankind) to awake. We learn that Los was placed on earth "that the Eyes might have space for redemption" (23:52). (The Seven are also connected with a mysterious Eighth Eye, identified with Milton himself).
Blake's way of using language might lead us to think that "Eyes of God" may mean "ways people have had of looking at God". The suggestion works. Blake seems to be describing a historical succession of people's concepts of divinity.
The Seven are:
1. Lucifer. The "Prince of Light", the fallen Day Star (Isaiah 14:12), thus an aspect of Urizen. Christian tradition identified him with Satan, who is also identified by Blake with the elemental spirits of animism. Thus primitive man's first conception of the Divine is the powers supposedly at work in nature. The first image of "God" is nature itself, called by Blake the devil.
2. Moloch. Named literally "King", this Ammonite war spirit, at once an idol and a furnace, received child sacrifices. People have come at this stage to view God as a personal being who is as cruel as greedy as ourselves. But they at least see Him as personal. The "thick fires" of Moloch are lightning and probably represent selfish anger (8:27-8).
3. Triple Elohim. Elohim is the name, grammatically a plural, used for the Israelite God in the later strata of the Old Testament. This name is used in the first chapter of Genesis for the Creator, and under this Eye the human body and senses took their present form.
4. Shaddai, literally "Almighty", is a rare name for the Old Testament God, as is...
5. Pahad, literally "Terror". (Blake does not tell us enough about these Eyes for us to be confident about what they mean).
6. Jehovah. The most familiar name of the Hebrew God. The name was, according to one version, revealed at Sinai during the giving of the Law. God is now seen as a lawgiver in the sky, but one that dispenses mercy and makes covenants with people. His "rain" is probably the prophets' pity (8:27-8), in contrast to Moloch's rage. His wind, a symbol of prophecy, disperses doubt (23:31). Many of the laws of the Old Testament concern "leprosy", a skin disease which Blake equated with Albion's disease of sexual shame (J 43:64). Blake wrote that Jehovah is a spirit of guilt and punishment and is infected with his own spiritual disease (13:24).
7. Jesus. Christ appears in two different aspects in Milton -- as the Seventh Eye, and as the essence of the Eight. In either case, He is Divinity as He reveals Himself to people today. Blake explained that Jesus "was all virtue and acted from impulse not from rules" (MHH pl. 22), and He preached the forgiveness of sin, condemned the self-righteous Pharisees, and allowed Himself to be sacrificed for others as a "reprobate" (13:27). Thus the living Christ was the "image of the invisible God" (2:12), as well as "the likeness and similitude of... Los" (J 96:7), i.e., the Blakean prophet. He is the Divine Vision (22:2), the opposite of the False Tongue. As the preacher of apocalyptic love and rebel against Satanic law, Christ is identified with the unfallen Luvah. The rebel that can rise out of the errors that keep him bound to earth will enter the same state.
Oh! You think that it all nothing but a fiction? You didn't read my other books? I didn't convinced you? You do see it?The Christianity that superseded ancient Israel's religion was an improvement, but did not end fallen history. Christ was seen as an external Being, a distant God, not as the Godhead within each human being. While in Eden He is the form assumed by the Divine Family (21:37-42), on earth Christ appears even at the apocalypse only "in the clouds of Ololon", concealed by the limits of revelation. Christ thus appears above the spectres as the ambiguous disk of blood behind clouds and winds.I saw it on my first day in New York. 1980. 43rd Street. The porn-shop "Paradise" -- you put the coins in, take the phone in this mini-cabine, the screen goes up -- and you see it, a naked girl behind the glass, mastrubating for you.
"Put it out, baby, let me see it," I heard her voice on the phone. "Show it to me, baby, lets do it...."
You have to remember to drop more coins in this machine, or the screen would go down and it will be the end of paradise, where in the glass cage, rased up so you can see it better, she with the legs apart, opens herself with her hands for you.
"Do you like it, do you like my pussy? I see, you like it, I see it, baby...."
What could she in the darkness I was in? She behind the glass couldn't smell this air mixed with the sperm. The phone and the coin machine, and her too -- that is technology. Man's Paradise.
"Check it out, check it out, check it out...." and the pimp put his hand full of cheap gold between her legs -- for me, and licked her dark lips with the most red toungue -- for me. "Check it out, check it out, check it out...."
"Live Girls, Live Girls" -- the signs were flashing everywhere.
"Thanks," I said. "Thank you."
Why would they say that the girls are live, unless they are dead? Is that how your Kingdom of God looks like, woman?
In creating the world (Canaan, the Promised Land) for the Seven Eyes to develop, Los constructed a subject-object realm in which the concept of divinity could be reconstructed, culminating in the experience of Jesus. The Eighth Eye, which awakens when Albion begins to stir, is the only idea of the Supreme Being that will remain after the Last Judgment. This Eye is the awakened Humanity, typified by John Milton.
.... He was at the corner of the 43nd and the 7th Avenue, with the cross and the load speaker, Christ, I mean. Talking about the Last Judgement taht was coming on sunday with the Apocalypse and Revelations. I was the only one standing there and he gave a flyer with the instructions how to save myself on sunday. Jehovah wasn't around and I went to the coffee shop at the corner. I thought that I can see it, this Eight Eve, right above me, in the coner of the shop -- the camera, the awoken humanity.End NOTESSource: Blake on Milton. See notes on DEAD MAN in Film-North
Berdyaev: Russian communism is a distortion of the Russian messianic idea; it proclaims light from the East which is destined to enlighten the bourgeois darkness of the West. There is in communism its own truth and its own falsehood. Its truth is a social truth, a revelation of the possibility of the brotherhood of man and of peoples, the suppression of classes, whereas its falsehood lies in its spiritual foundations which result in a process of dehumanisation, in the denial of the worth of the individual man, in the narrowing of human thought…. Communism is a Russian phenomenon in spite of its Marxist ideology. Communism is the Russian destiny, it is a moment in the inner destiny of the Russian people and it must be lived through by the inward strength of the Russian people. Communism must be surmounted but not destroyed, and into the highest stage which will come after communism there must enter the truth of communism also but freed from its element of falsehood. The Russian Revolution awakened and unfettered the enormous powers of the Russian people. In this lies its principle meaning. [23] [Nicholas Berdyaev, The Russian Idea]