"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." --Mahatma Gandhi
The Director's Eye Subscribe to my Open Class @ Directing! Featured Pages: Market I do not expect this directory grow unless my students will do their webpages themselves. Theory of Spectatorship Film Directing 101
Theatre w/Anatoly
THR F417 Internship in Theatre Practice 6.0 CRINTERNSHIP Process:
1. Seek-out appropriate sources of information (posted flyers, resources listed below, word of mouth, Career Planning Office files, family friends, etc.)
2. Obtain guidelines from the offices of Career Planning and Academic Affairs
3. Discuss plans with a theatre faculty sponsor
4. If possible, talk to students who have completed internships
5. Locate target programs and research them
6. Prepare resume and cover letters (include SASE)
7. Mail material as early as possible
8. Make follow-up calls
9. Audition or interview (if called)
10. Obtain departmental and college approval if seeking academic credit
THR F416 Performance Studies Abroad 6.0 CR Prerequisites: ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or F213X (or permission of instructor).
Cross-Listed with: NORS F616
Meets: Core upper division writing intensive requirement and Humanities degree requirement.
CRN: 76811 F01 TBA TBA TBA TBA Antohin, A 09/01-12/17 (Stacked with NORS 616)
Intensive course for actors, directors, designers, technicians and playwrights interested in script development/training with the participation of international theatre professionals. Develop new scripts and performances in a multicultural environment under the supervision of a theatre faculty member. Previous faculty and student work abroad includes: Russia, Zambia, South Africa and Scandinavia. Course requirements vary according to the project.
(Prerequisite: ENGL 111X; ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or permission of instructor.) (3 + 9)
Prerequisites: Upper division standing, permission of instructor, and student must have completed at least 18 THR credits.
Recommended: Previous THR credits should be in the student's concentration area: direction, design, etc. Note: Internship must be arranged in coordination with advisor, student and host institution.
CRN: 75376 F01 TBA TBA TBA TBA Antohin, A 09/01-12/17
For section F01: Instructor Approval Required.
Supervised practical work experience to provide application of course work in a professional, semi-professional or community theatre environment. Internships can be in direction, acting, design, management and technical theatre. Internships have included Perseverance Theatre, Fairbanks Shakespeare Theatre, Fairbanks Drama Association and OutNorth Theatre. Course may be repeated twice for a maximum of 12 credits. (Prerequisites: Upper division standing, permission of instructor, and student must have completed at least 18 THR credits. Recommended: Previous THR credits should be in the student?s concentration area: direction, design, etc. Note: Internship must be arranged in coordination with advisor, student and host institution.)
@2005 virtual theatre
THR F499 Thesis Project 3.0 CR
Meets: Humanities degree requirement.
CRN: 75377 F01 TBA TBA TBA TBA Antohin, A 09/01-12/17
Final step in acting/directing/design or playwright training which involves performing a leading role on main stage, or a one-person show, or a directing/designing/writing project for the UAF season. (Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.) (1 + 4) Offered Fall, Spring
http://www.artslynx.org/theatre/acting.htm http://www.artslynx.org/theatre/theatres.htm http://www.artslynx.org/theatre/design.htm http://www.playbill.com http://www.backstagecasting.com/ http://www.theatrejobs.com http://www.summertheater.com/directory.html http://www.theatrejobs.com http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1810/ http://www.stetson.edu/~csata/thr_guid.html http://www.daviestrek.com/pct/pctspt.htm http://www.strawhat-auditions.com/[an error occurred while processing this directive]