... I was teaching stage directing and besides my class notes, I had Theatre Theory files [notes not for students]. Directing Theory or STAGEMATRIX -- I call this "area of interest" or research(?), hoping that one day I will have time to focus on it and write a book. Looks like this day will never come. My new (third) life is a few months away from me. What about Stagematrix, the Book? All I can do is to continue my online notes taking... anatoly.org
"stagematrix.com" = stagematrix.vtheatre.netstagematrix.com-a.googlepages.com
... 5.5.09 changes [praxis] anatoly.live.com
Theatre Theory for FILM ?
direct.vtheatre.net/stagematrix -- Anatoly After 2009 :
[ new design/layout ]
FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
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