NOTES pages in other directories ["research" in theatre page?]
... music [godot] :
cine101 & ... 2009 : Now I need structure more than ever! First, vtheatre -- virtual theatre Second meaning of V-Theatre = Variety : Lul-philosophy? -- virtual theatre as Variety ! ... The new grand beginning? [, lul and stagematrix ] Thanks, Internet!
"A play is fiction and fiction is fact distilled into truth." ~Edward Albee
[ advertising space : webmaster ] BANNERS + POPUPS + LINKS |
no time even to read/redo my old pages...
Webmaster's testimonials:I will do the overview on my traffic in SERVICE directory, where it belongs. The traffic doubles every year (I have the data only for 2003); regardless, how I count it, theatre and film pages are doing over 2000 visitors/day -- and I believe that is now the celling (I am not submitting them to engines). I do not know, how I can handle 10K/day -- 2005? The numbers effect everything. Not only taxing me (labor), but changing the nature of my webpages (comercialization). Less for me, more for consumption... Yes, I didn't expect such a growth. I didn't foresee the subcequences. Is there any way for me to do the analysis of the trends? Any way to balance the webmaster's tasks with the research?... "SPONSORSHIP: Rising Traffic created a minor crisis in spring 2003 as the server kept getting overloaded. The solution required a hike in my server costs to $500 a month, which happily has been covered by increased revenues from site advertising. The Manifesto has been accepting advertising banners from costume companies, and costume book links to, since 2000 to help pay the steadily increasing costs of hosting this high traffic site, without having to go to UAF and beg for server space or funding. This keeps the site free of cost to UAF, and assists me in networking with costume companies around the US. This sponsorship has defrayed costs, which are in the thousands due to the very high site traffic and high bandwidth its images consume.
While this may not seem like the same thing as filling out a “Grant proposal”, it nonetheless generates the support needed to pay for the server and my high-speed connections needed for site maintenance. Given that there are no practical grants to pursue in my area of study, this creative option has allowed me to continue to keep the site in operation on a high-speed server at no cost to UAF, even while the traffic has doubled every year since it’s inception. It also pays for the purchase of the rare books and pamphlets I scan and put online, plus additional equipment purchases (Large format scanner, digital camera, etc) that I could not afford on my salary, nor could my dept afford to buy for this project. All the computer hardware, software, home high speed connection and input peripherals that are used to generate the Manifesto are paid for not by UAF, but by the Manifesto itself. While the money raised by the Manifesto does not turn me a profit, it does pay all it’s own bills." [from Tara's promotion file --] Amen.
Well, well, the living dead -- this directory...
The numbers are in the right table.
Notes for the paper in Germany:* dictionary & glossary ["my-use" dictionary] pages are in ALL directories!1. Define the term -- spectator (see Spectator directory @ Theatre w/Anatoly)
2. Ritual -- What constitutes the new Ritual. The aspects of participation.
3. Show is non-theatrical event -- Game Principle. Play Idea. Show?
4. Online = Live
5. The difference between Spectator (Audience of One) and Public.
6. 3 Sisters v. 12th Night: comparing the experience
7. Video, Film and Streaming video: technology and aesthetics.
8. Web and Net
* Give the titles for each part.
* URL for topic
* Bibliography, Works citedPublic: communal, civic, populace, shared, collective
Ritual: ceremonial, sacramental, behavior *
Theatre: drama, stage, performance
Show: production, presentation, exhibition, display, play, ceremony, spectacle
Actor: performer, impersonator, entertainer, mimic, artist
Act (v. Action): do, behave, dramatize, fake. Antonyms: rest, refrain, cease
Game: amusement, venture, prey, prank, play (Liberty?)
2008 R/G are Dead *
2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
2008 © 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted. +