I started this directory almost at very beginning of my web (maybe around Y2K): to store/save my notes ...
More pages I made, more were needed. Of course, I didn't know what I got myself in. Many times I wanted simply to give up. ... There is this critical mass? -- I asked. -- When I could enjoy my www and not to be enslaved by it? I still ask it. 10 years later. ...
2006 updated
[ advertising space : webmaster ] BANNERS + POPUPS + LINKS |
I give in! This is a new directory, because I overloaded the THR Directory with the files (and this is on the film site).2006Most of my research is related to "Virtual Theatre" -- something between film and theatre. Sometimes I call it "Theatre behind the Screen" (Big screen, TV screen or the computer screen).
You can find the metaphysics in several non-fiction projects I write for the pleasure of writing, but there are several directories with the practical aim (director's thoughts). Notes around the productions.
Of course, some pages are connected with the classes I teach.
See Theatre w/Anatoly Classes Directory.
Directing Pages are indicated with Triangle and some with dark bgcolor (no good).
Everything about ACTING is at Theatre w/Anatoly and Ant Theatre!
Film-North is about Filmmaking and Film Theory.
Books online are on Books pages and in Mining Directory
I am about to makes a new directory for Film Links, but for now you can check my links at Open Directory Project (Film Theatre) and Absolute Authority (I was an editor at both).
PLACE YOUR OWN LINKS with HTMLgears! My research projects are between my teaching (classes) and non-fiction. Originally, I thought that I will take POV and TECH (Theology of Technology) into scholary directions, but somehow they got developed into "creative non-fiction" books. I had to leave them on that path -- and began to sort "research file" under My Portfolio Project (directory THR Theory). Three years ago, when I began my life as a webmaster, I didn't have a plan. I had no strategy. I used my webpages to store my notes for myself and my classes, but since webbing is done in open, in front of the audience, I began to re-organize websites to make them user-friendly. Who are the users?I myself, you, anybody.
I tried to fill the holes in my net -- and made a lot of pages. Many are with no much text, but I know that I need this or that thread -- so put them on. Many pages need more pages to support them. This is how such directories as SHOWS were born. Again, I didn't have plans for web-showcases of my shows; i simply throwing in the material I have, when I am in pre-production and directing stages. Now with the Web I got myself the Post-Production mode too.
Whatever you see is a result of that "natural" evolution and only now I try to link all those pages together.
You see, what I mean?
The pages in the Theatre Theory Directory are not completed! I can't even edit my Resumes (Director, Writer) and CV. I tried to organized the Online Portfolio and Anatoly-Market directory (to present the academic side of me). Oh, dreams! Oh, hope!
Do you see the Biomechanics Project (right)?
The single Glossary Page is killing me!
Is it me? Is this the world?
I should write a postmodern play "AnatolyMachine"!
Maybe I am writing it, maybe this mad webmaster does it....
2008 R/G are Dead *
2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
2008 © 2005 by filmplus.org. Permission to link to this site is granted.
books.google.com + scholar.google.com