children theatre and piuppet theatre ? GeoAlaska: Theatre, Film, Writing
![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA ![]() ![]() my eGroups Summary![]() Questions[ 2006? ]Notes![]() 2004 & After
The American segment of the Games and Toys Fetival will include the following children's theater presentations:[ image ]-Yelena Soboleva, of "Theater-Under-the-Roof" (artistic director Vladimir Funtisof): "Puss in Boots". "Puss in Boots" a one-woman musical, a life-size puppet show with singing, dancing, juggling, and drawing. The show can be played in the open air, and is portable enough that the entire set and costumes can be fit into an ordinary suitcase. The full show is 45 minutes long. All songs are sung live, accompanied by pre-recorded music. The English segment consists of 4 musical numbers, of approximately 7 minutes each. The actress, Yelena Soboleva, is a member of "Theater-Under-the-Roof" (artistic director Vladimir Funtisof).
-"Cromlech" Children's Theater (artistic director Lena Nikanorova): "Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse". "Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse" is a short piece involving child actors performing in English, and live, adult musicians. The children act out the short story of poor, unfortunate Tatty Mouse, each taking the roles of horses, trees, windows, and other household fixtures. As the play reaches its climax, everything comes tumbling down, and the children leave behind them a loud crashing and the sort of mess typically left behind after a slumber party. This is specifically a children's show, though adults can also enjoy, and any child with basic English skills can and will find it engaging and fun. It is about 10-15 minutes long.
-Liz Hillard, Sven Holmberg, Daniel Kleinfeld, and Gwendolyn Womack, of the Russian-American Theater (artistic director Anatoly Antohin): Clowning and games. Sven, Liz, and Daniel are all experienced in Russian children's theater, having performed over 50 times in Minsk, Byeloruss, with the show "From Minsk to Far-Off Alaska". Gwendolyn Womack has extensive experience in American children's theater, having written various clown skits and appeared in numerous children's plays at the Arena Theater in Houston, Texas.
[ We had 1992 "American Christmas in Russia" show (Minsk) and 1993 (St. Petersburg), but I don't know where the files and photos are... ]
Только детские книги читать, Только детские думы лелеять, Все большое далеко развеять, Из глубокой печали восстать. Я от жизни смертельно устал, Ничего от нее не приемлю, Но люблю мою бедную землю, Оттого, что иной не видал. Я качался в далеком саду На простой деревянной качели, И высокие темные ели Bспоминаю в туманном бреду. 1908
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