Why theatre?
Oscar Wilde : "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth." ... 4th spring fest 2008 : 2009 ...
playwriting.net vs. playwrighting :
"script writer" [ screen writing ] ...
* March 2006: Go.dot -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * THR413 Playscript Analysis (Fall)
2008: 15 min Fest
new : 2007 chekhov pages index
[ advertising space : webmaster ] write wright wrong
![]() 2004 & After
"Study the Masters!" Freud said (the Greek Dramatists and Shakespeare). ...
playwrite ?
... "playR" 2007 : fall -- web-year ends.
(new page)... for now see Dramaturg Pages
Maybe to use Aristotle's The Poetics as base:
Aristotle's Poetics: A Course of Eight Lectures by Colin Hardie, Humphry House; Greenwood Press, 1978 - Lecture I: Introduction - Lecture II: Aristotle's Development - Lecture III: Plot (1) - Lecture IV: Plot (2) - Lecture V: The Relation of Character and Plot - Lecture VI: The Tragic Action and Character - Lecture VII: Catharsis and the Emotions - Lecture VIII: Pleasure and Imitation
[ Aristotle's Poetics by Patrick Atherton, John Baxter, George Whalley, Aristotle; McGill-Queens University Press, 1997 ]
... Mamet: Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama (Paperback) 037570423X
[ Writing in Restaurants (Paperback) 0140089810 ] ... Fall 2008 Playscript Analysis class.
script.vtheatre.net/playwright -- part 5.
plays.vtheatre.net [ my projects RU ]
books page -- section on writing for theatre?
http://lecatr.people.wm.edu/ "The Elements of Playwriting" by Louis Catron
"How To Write A Play" by Raymond Hull
The Playwright's Guidebook by By Stuart Spencer
"Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays" by David Ball
http://www.virginia.edu/drama/playwriting.htm BA
http://www.yale.edu/ydc/writing.html How To Write At Yale
http://lecatr.people.wm.edu/playwritinglinks.html LINKS FOR PLAYWRIGHTS
... Anatoly XXI (blog-write) or google.com/group/playwright for notes? Is it part of VT directory? Book of Spectator?
anatolant.vox.com -- virtual theatre blog [ new ]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2006 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
scripts wanted BareStage
THEA255 Playwrighting [WI07]
(THEA255 WI07) [ k a l a m a z o o c o l l e g e ]
An introduction to playwrighting, examining such topics as script analysis, dramatic structure, characterization, rhythm, and imagery. In addition to specific writing projects, students will also read and analyze representative plays
Playwrighting: Advanced 31-3801 [ Columbia College Chicago ]
Students will develop a full-length script through a series of writing explorations that aim to develop the material from different points of view. Students will experience various written and collaborative exercises to deepen their understanding of story and situation. Play readings from a variety of styles and genres increase student understanding of the range of approaches to playwriting. Concurrent enrollment in New Plays Workshop provides a performance workshop for students to develop their writing in collaboration with actors and directors.
google.com/group/playwright/web -- ...
... Amazon recommendations The Elements of Playwriting by Louis E. Catron (Amazon | LibraryThing | suggestions) Playwriting: Writing Producing and Selling Your Play by Louis E. Catron The Art & Craft of Playwriting by Jeffrey Hatcher New Playwriting Strategies (A Theatre Arts Book) by Paul C Castagno Writing Your First Play, Second Edition by Roger Hall
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