2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov I am teaching DramLit -- (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles. Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )
[ advertising space : webmaster ] At first, I used it to store online plays for classes (classics and copyright free)... well, some notes for my plays, too. What does this change mean for you? First, if you write, you can see how I do it. Everything is transparent. Second, the crazy idea about multiple narratives, when I hyperlink the texts (webpages) in different order... You can see it at SHOWS directory. I haven't try it yet -- my Russian Play is the first experience of writing drama online and have two versions: webdrama and a traditional linear play (I call it "draft" for now). This "Russian Play" began to miltiply and some parts (plays) will be in English. Right now I keep the notes for plays-in-progress on myplays page. Some projects are "sleepers" and some will never be realized. But I write them down to free my memory. Anatoly, May 2002
![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA ![]() ![]() my eGroups ![]() Script Analysis Directory Links Scenes from the plays online for analysis are @ Fundamentals of Directing: StageMatrix Write directory
If you don't know how to understand scripts, read the SCRIPT Analysis pages -- and if this is too advaced for you, go to 200X core Aesthetics!
![]() 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan Fall 2003: THR413 * Playscript Analysis Textbook: 2003 Spring:
new: 2006 *
NEW: 2005: total directing & total acting * March 2006: -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * THR413 Playscript Analysis (Fall)
Summary2007 : this directory is moving to DRAMATURGY pages and to ?![]() The Possessed 2003 ![]() ![]() NotesOriginally, it was a database for scripts/plays I like, use, write...![]() 2004 & After
comedy scripts Monty Python's Flying Circus ... Spring 2008 Stoppard "R/G are Dead" [ Theatre UAF ] ... Book of Spectator [updates?]
THR215 Dramatic Literature --- THR413 Playscript Analysis
authors --- themes --- subjects (topics)
plays --- periods --- showcases
[ vertical hierharchy ]
The scripts are in several places, not only here. At Theatre w/Anatoly, and @ Ant Theatre....* GODOT.06: Doing Beckett => main stage Theatre UAF Spring 2006 *Well, they all are FREE (public domain) and I tried to make them usable for my own classes (scene study, monologues, etc.) You know, Hamlet, 12th Night, Oscar Wilde...
So, I placed them on different servers and now I have to "organize" this mess... There is an interesting aspect of webbing: hyper-text in principle is pre-arranged association tragectory (path), thought is the arrow, the process. Freedom (choices) that hypertext offers -- and therefore stronger discipline. "Open structure" texts are messy a priori! But this is like the chios of the universe, the hiest level of organization. Now -- how to learn those new organizational principles? The balance between me and you, the reader... and the third party -- the rest! It's all new and we are used to the linear narratives. More abot this pheomena on Virtual Theatre pages.
Most of them you can find in many other places on the Net, and sometimes even in better conditions (hyper-linked and searchable), but the texts on my pages I intend to work into my comments and course pages. (Some of them already in different directories -- acting, directing, biomechanics, method).
Plays are updated, depending on what I direct and teach. Right now -- The Importance of Being Earnest: the showcase, see WWWilde Forum for details.
You are welcome to search the Lists/Forums (see titles in popup small window) and subscribe yourself!
NB. History. I had two main reasons to start this directory: to dump my own scripts (to store) and the copyright free clasics (for classes).
A few words about navigation and the road signs. (I keep working on it!)
The banners and logos you see on my pages:
[ main banner for (Film-North) ]
[ for Mining Film (links & books) ]
[ glossaries and dictionaries ]
[ film list-forum ]
[ Film Analysis pages (class) ]Flash banner "" takes you to Film Analysis pages.
Popup alert here and there is for my film email
New big and tall popup windows slideshow select pages (like the one that came out with this page).
Well, this is in theory, of course. Other signs and symbols are self-explanatory: film books and etc.
[ POV, nonfiction pages ]and the Film600 directory -- flash banners "Wrong Theories + Bad Subjects" [ film as philosophy ]
Film Directing:
logo +
flash banner "Directing 101"200X class Aesthetics ("Arts Through Film"):
logo (small and big)...Confusing? I pay for Yahoo and Tripod -- and they gave new, shorter domain names:
GeoAlaska =
Film-North =
Oh, yeah! Virtual Theatre! Several symbols, depending of what aspect of VT is in focus -- stage, film, web and etc.
[ what does it? I don't know. Dancing! ]Acting One:
Method Acting:
Script Analysis:
Theatre Theory:
Books directories. Film : Easy to remember?
Theatre: -- you see the logo in the right table (not everywhere).Writing: (Russian)
Plays: -- did you see this flash banner? Well, this directory for my new plays-in-progress. In Russian. You are in English directory: (click -- and you will get to the title page).
Web: and the flash banner with the same URL. Wait! SHOWS: -- no logo? I can't believe it!
If you see my photo
-- it must something about me: resume, bio, cv...
2007-2008 2004 & After play writing amazon list *new: Bergman, Ibsen, scripts online
adaptations: 3 Sisters, HamletDreams, The Possessed
DramLit & Playscript Analysis classes online *
* Forum dramlit * subscribe!
WRITE directory ![]()
Theatre Arts Program in the Performing Arts Department at California State University, Bakersfieldis proud to present a new, on-line literary magazine for theatre people:
Virtual Stages
This premiere issue is available at
It features the complete texts of one-act plays by CSUB students Vaughn Barnett, Beigher Taylor, Nathifa Boss and Robin Goodfellow. Each play was produced at CSUB last fall, and each text includes color photographs from that production.
Warning: These plays display irreverence, incisive wit, true-to-life characters, unabashed theatricality, magical leaps of the imagination, explicit violence, some sex here and there, and a liberal sprinkling of four-letter words. They are not for the faint-hearted.
Anyone with comments or questions is welcome to contact the editor, Jeffrey D. Mason, at, or to contact the playwrights directly via the links provided in the magazine.
![]() |
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2006 by Permission to link to this site is granted. +