2008 -- biblio * references
2008: 15 min Fest ... my books.google.com + new amazon
-- For 2005: Pygmalion DVD * Play * My Fair Lady (script) * My Fair Lady DVD * Plays by Shaw * Sayings of George Bernard Shaw *
[ advertising space : webmaster ] ![]() Theory of Spectatorship ![]() script.vtheatre.net
![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA ![]() ![]() my eGroups ![]() Script Analysis Directory & DramLit Linksleft frame Featured Pages: See Online Plays listing! ![]() SHOWS: 12th Night NEW: 2005: total directing & total acting * March 2006: Go.dot -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * THR413 Playscript Analysis (Fall)
The Chief European Dramatists: Twenty-One Plays from the Drama of Greece, Rome, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, from 500 B.C. to 1879 A.D by Brander Matthews; Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916 - Agamemnon - Œdipus the King - Medea - The Frogs - The Captives (captivi) - Phormio - The Star of Seville (la Estrella De Sevilla) - Life is a Dream (la Vida Es SueÑo) - The Cid - Tartuffe - PhÆedra (phedre) - The Barber of Seville (le Barbier De Seville) - Hernani - The Son-In-Law of M. Poirier (le Gendre De M. Poirier) - The Outer Edge of Society (le Demi-Monde) - The Mistress of the Inn (la Locandiera) - Minna Von Barnhelm - Goetz Von Berlichingen With the Iron Hand - William Tell - Rasmus Montanus - A Doll's House (et Dukkehjem) SummaryAll I can do now is to place some thmlgear links for playwrighting. Some pages for playwrights are not developed to be linked.QuestionsPlaywright Markets *![]() ![]() * 3 Sisters: showcase *
NotesMiller: My conception of the audience is of a public each member of which is carrying about with him what he thinks is an anxiety, or a hope, or a preoccupation which is his alone and isolates him from mankind; and in this respect at least the function of a play is to reveal him to himself so that he may touch others by virtue of the revelation of his mutuality with them. If only for this reason I regard the theater as a serious business, one that makes or should make man more human, which is to say, less alone.![]() 2004 & After
Fall 2004 THR215 DramLit Hare:
Theatre on the Web:
Complete Shake:
12th Night
Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball; Southern Illinois University Press, 1983 : - Part One: Shape - 1: What Happens That Makes Something Else Happen? - 2: And What Happens Next? - 3: But Do It Backwards - 4: Stasis and Intrusion - 5: Obstacle, Conflict - 6: Ignorance is Bliss (or: the Very Cause of Everyone's Lunacy About Hamlet) - 7: Things Theatrical - Part Two: Methods - 8: Exposition - 9: Forwards: Hungry for Next - 10: Missing Persons (character) - 11: Image - 15: Families - 16: Generalities: Mood, Atmosphere - 17: The Unique Factor - 18: Changing Eras - 19: Climax - 20: Beginnings/Endings - 21: Rereading - 22: What Next? Am Drama: American Theater of the 1960s by Zoltán Szilassy; Southern Illinois University Press, 1986 ...
All right, some of the pages are not there yet. I need them (like the page about books on playwrighting), but I do not have time to work on them. For now use "htmlgear" PLAYS (bottom) listing with Amazon.Fall 2003: Acting One -- last assignment before the finals (scenes) is your own (written) monologue. Playscript Analysis -- a scene. Playwrighting instructions and references (books) will be there....
[ I'll be back ]
The Play: A Critical Anthology by Eric Bentley; Prentice Hall, 1951 - 1: Cyrano de Bergerac - 2: The Importance of Being Earnest - 3: The Miser - 4: Twelfth Night - 5: Othello - 6: Antigone - 7: Ghosts - 8: The Ghost Sonata 1907 - 9: Death of a Salesman
Write directoryhome: appendix * links * list * new * biblio * books * dictionary * sum * popup * archive * 2007 * store * theatre4 * amazon.com/kindle * 2009 and After * WRITE directory ![]()
method acting for directors
Russian Play (new) |
A play is rarely writing for the purpose of reading. A true play is three-dimensional, it is literature that walks and talks before our eyes.
What the characters say is called dialog. Each section of dialog is divided by character, whose name appears on the left side of the page. Some scripts, especially those originating from the Elizabethan times, use character abbreviations (for example: instead of Hamlet, you would see just Ham. or Ha.).
Stage directions are an indication from the playwright as to character movement and action on stage. Stage directions are usually written in Italics. Be sure to read the stage directions as well because often the dialog does not make sense without reading the stage direction before or after it.
When reading the play, try to see the action in your mind. Put a face to the characters and decorate the set. Pretend you are directing the show. You are in complete control!
You should read the play over at least twice, especially for assignments in which you must analyze a script. The first reading should be for the story and plot. Your second reading should be for other elements like key events, believability, etc…
Always refer to a dictionary for words you do not understand. A thesaurus can also be useful. One word can be the difference between understanding what’s going on and being completely lost. Some other key points to remember are:
Read the play aloud, especially for awkward, clever or quick dialog.
Read the play with another meaning.
Sometimes how a word is said can be more important than its true meaning. Watch for words in the dialog written in Italics. Enjoy the play! Lose yourself in it!
* 2007 Fall Theatre UAFR
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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