I have to come back to business pages after we get to Ethiopia...
... 2007-2008 : ethioY2K ... ethio.vtheatre.net/business & ethio.vtheatre.net/biz * ETHIOPIA Google News + Yahoo Ethio *
history.sellassie.net sellassie.vtheatre.net directing.filmplus.org 2009 -- selassie.info
NEW: 2009 [antohin.wordpress.com] -- 2006: lalibela project sellassie.vtheatre.net 2006 + ethio.wetpaint.com (EM) * "Ethiopia" -- new music from Addis (Teowdros Abera) (winamp 4.46 min) download free * info + flickr.com/groups/sellassie *
"An Ethiopian Boyhood" amazon.com ... biz-blog?
Mailing List & News: subscribe! Business for ethio.vtheatre.net [ Lul-Addis ] LUL[ quotes from the grant ]Lul businesses 3-year plan [ calendar ] Partners Proposals Dinner Theatre Lul Rep [season & box office] Lul Academe [classes] Lul Clubs [members] Lul-ONLINE budgets Opportunities jobs & help wanted lul classified ... anatoly.et
web-business ? notes and thoughts
EthioBizbusiness page(s)Banners: Horizontal = 500X60, vertical = 40X300 (flash banners) -- after 2009 only text-links! link/year = $100 No banner exchange!
Ethiopian & Rastafari by Aster Sellassie, Millennium Ed. ![]() Archives -- 2004: Folks, for Sellassie pages go to Sellassie Cyber Museum -- all updates and new pages will be there. We do not have any established policy on advertising, contact webmaster -- and we will take from there.
Contact webmaster updated 85.09 100 best: Y2K black century project * BIZ directory @ SCM summary2005 sellassie.vtheatre.netnotessee biz page @ sellassie'05... go to filmplus.org/business 2009 -- maybe then I will get to the business of sellassie pages. ... in Addis.
... with Theatre LUL : Esther, Business Manager * contact : POB 11411 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: 011-251-910566800
... links? 2merkato.com [money exchange and etc.] biz-registration-licence + bottom -- links
webmaster's business:Design -- Stay with the flag colors: reg, green, gold.
I put all "txt" files (they would work only in this directory), you decide which one goes to what (old) pages.
Address to Ethiopian webmasters? [when, where?]
... vtheatre.blogspot.com [webmaster's notes]
ART as business:
Art: Click to View or Add Links.
Music (short) LIST (amazon.com) : Ethiopiques, Vol. 1: Golden Years Of Modern Ethiopian Music * Ethiopiques, Vol. 14: Negus of Ethiopian Sax * Ethiopiques, Vol. 13: Ethiopian Groove * Ethiopiques, Vol. 3: Golden Years Of Modern Ethiopian Music * Ethiopian Urban and Tribal Music, vol. 1: Mindanoo Mistiru * Gold from Wax: Ethiopian Urban & Tribal Music * The Sounds of Contemporary Ethiopian Music - Millennium Collection *
sellassie.net * 2008 updates - 2009 move to Addis Ababa
old web business -- google and amazon [advertising on my webpages]
astore-20 : books
... new from amazon [ list ]
archives: gurage * Menelik end of XIX c. * Amhara young man * wikipedia.org/wiki/Haile_Selassie ... v-blog from Addis?
Video: Click to View or Add Links.
[ vtheatre.net/business - virtual theatre business pages + film-north/business ]
http://www.bds-ethiopia.netEthiopian Business Development Services Network (EBDSN)
google search "ethiopian business"
... http://ethiopia.usembassy.gov/doing_business_in_ethiopia.html
rates [right table, top]
@2002-2004 Sellassie WWW *
lul.vtheatre.net/adm -- directory [Lul pages]
anatoly2.0 : Anatoly XXI * Webman's * Anatoly ALL * film * theatre * feeds * links * anatoly.ru * bloglines * myLibrary
Film-North * webmaster.
* You are free to link to any page in filmplus.org/him.
© 2005 by vtheatre.net * books.google.com + scholar.google.com
keys.txt -- anatoly.groups.live.com
I come close to business only as a webmaster or director...
-- back to this page! remove the old stuff!