permafrost -- Permanently frozen condition of soil except for surface soils that thaw when air temperatures rise above freezing. Thawing and refreezing cause instability of the soil, which greatly complicates the construction and maintenance of roads, railroads, and buildings. Permafrost covers roughly the northern one-third of the Russian Federation.
* Century of Antohins (new 2005) ![]() GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film
I hope that "thinking" also will be back. GLOSSARY: Bolshevik -- Originally referring to a member of the majority (bol'shinstvo), a name adopted by the radical members of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903. In March 1918, the Bolsheviks formed the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). That Party was the precursor of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU--q.v.). communism/communist -- A doctrine based on revolutionary Marxist socialism (q.v.) and Marxism-Leninism (q.v.). As the official ideology of the Soviet Union, it provided for a system of authoritarian government in which the CPSU (q.v.) alone controlled state-owned means of production. Communism nominally sought to establish a society in which the state would wither away and goods and services would be distributed equitably. duma (pl., dumy) -- An advisory council to the princes of Kievan Rus' and the tsars of the Russian Empire. Duma (In full, Gosudarstvennaya duma--State Assembly) -- Lower chamber of the legislature of Russia, established by Nicholas II after the Revolution of 1905, and functioning until 1917. Unlike advisory bodies such as the boyar (q.v.) dumy of the Kievan Rus' period and city dumy of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Duma originally was to be a national representative body with the power to approve legislation. The first two Dumy (1905-07) were quickly dissolved because they opposed tsarist policies; the next two (1907-17) were more conservative and served full five-year terms. internal passport (propiska) -- Government-issued document presented to officials on demand, identifying citizens and their authorized residence. Used in both the Russian Empire (q.v.) and the Soviet Union to restrict the movement of people. More limited use continued in some parts of Russia in the 1990s. kremlin (kreml') -- Central citadel in many medieval Russian towns, usually located at a strategic spot along a river. Moscow's Kremlin is the seat and symbol of the Russian government. Marxism/Marxist -- The economic, political, and social theories of Karl Marx, a nineteenth-century German philosopher and socialist, especially his concept of socialism (q.v.). Marxism-Leninism/Marxist-Leninist -- The ideology of communism (q.v.) developed by Karl Marx and refined and adapted to social and economic conditions in Russia by Vladimir I. Lenin. Marxism-Leninism was the guiding ideology for the Soviet Union and its satellites. nomenklatura -- The communist party's system of appointing reliable party members to key government positions and other important organizations. Also refers to the individuals as a social group. Russian Empire -- Successor state to Muscovy. Formally proclaimed by Tsar Peter the Great in 1721 and significantly expanded during the reign of Catherine II, becoming a major multinational state. The empire's political structure collapsed with the revolution of February 1917, but most of its territory was included in the Soviet Union, which was established in 1922. Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic -- (Rossiyskaya Sovetskaya Federativnaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika--RSFSR). Official name of the largest of the fifteen union republics of the Soviet Union. Inhabited predominantly by Russians, the RSFSR comprised approximately 75 percent of the area of the Soviet Union, about 62 percent of its population, and more than 60 percent of its economic output. serf -- Peasant legally bound to the land. Serfs were emancipated by Tsar Alexander II in 1861. [ Source: U.S. Library of Congress ]
Also, see CIA Fact Book (year by year) socialism -- "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his work."
You, Russian American, and you, American Russians, think about it! The statements are silly, but the intentions are not. Think about USA 2005, think about Europe... Think. ![]() дневник Russian Mailing List [new]
2006: my updates
History of the 20th century is horrific, story of Russia is dark...
There are some pieces of texts that didn't find their way into the draft of the book. Not even in the Notes Directory. But web can take everything! So here I post some notes and cuts.Why not a "communist capitalism" (China?) as a transition to the full communism? What prevents such a combination? We saw totalitarism and private property (Germany, Italy, Chile). Why not to keep capitalism for a while?I will return to Father-Russia, when I am done with my other books -- SELF, POV and TECH. When?
American and Russian do not mix? Joint-ventures. Russia was afraid of a college kid with a few hundred bucks buying factories. Foreigner still can't buy farm land, Russia had to create its own capital to buy and sell Russia.
[The Tale of Two Cities? Two Countries?]
Russia's a work-progress still...
Loook at a few definitions at the right (Glossary) -- never mind, theories, just give a thought to symbolism!
"Duma"? Not a parlament, or a congress.
Why the Klemlin? "Central citadel in many medieval Russian towns"...
And this is about the "new" ideology of the future? Well, at the headlines!
"Fall Of Russian Communism"?
"Communism as Russian Imperialism"?
"Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx" ...
"Russian Communism is Dead..."
Who is writing it?
Not me.
Not I.
It's not writing.
Никому не нужно то, что я пишу - страшная мысль; не нужно мне самому...
* tundra -- The treeless plain within the Arctic Circle that has low-growing vegetation and permanently frozen subsoil (permafrost--q.v.). The northernmost of the five primary natural zones of the Soviet Union.
@2001-2002 index NEXT: Title *
* taiga -- The extensive, sub-Arctic evergreen forest of the Soviet Union. The taiga, the largest of the five primary natural zones, lies south of the tundra (q.v.).
Silence. Russia, the last century, is a scream. Silent cry...
"Русь слиняла в два дня. Самое большее — в три. Даже “Новое Время” нельзя было закрыть так скоро, как закрылась Русь. Поразительно, что она разом рассыпалась вся, до подробностей, до частностей. И собственно, подобного потрясения никогда не бывало, не исключая “Великого переселения народов”. Там была — эпоха, “два или три века”. Здесь — три дня, кажется даже два. Не осталось Царства, не осталось Церкви, не осталось войска, и не осталось рабочего класса. Чтo же осталось-то? Странным образом — буквально ничего." Rozanov
Cuts? No, the lost and never written.
So much wasted.
I write about myself. As always.
"Cuts"? That's me...
Как можно написать эту книгу без русского языка, хотя у нее и русского названия нет?
Пишу, как дневник, который обычно не читают. Но теперь мода пошла на публичные дневники. Как у Станиславского по системе -- "Публичное Одиночество"... Сколько же ваc одиноких? Говорят миллиарды (хозяева электронных страниц-домов). Короче, все живущие.
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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