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Russian Readers: my writing in Russian 2005-2006. Второе лето я пишу по-русски. Год назад начал "Дело Антохиных" (Antohins -- 100 лет). Книга Дурака: -- Новый Русский, Новый Американец. Open Book (Открытая Книга), так говорят, когда все ясно. Так я представляю себя; то, что делаю в интернете. Но человек я путанный...
Do it.
You want to learn directing?
Want to learn writing?
Two fundamental problems (at least). Theatre (Art in general) for centuries was studied through apprentenceship. From a master. Under somebody, by observation, not books...
Second, classical culture was secondary to art. Now we have not actors, but personalities (celebrities). They do not act, but behave. They could "sing," "direct," "paint"...
So, what do we do now?...
[ summer 2006 updated ] .... plays: беллитристика: .... classes:
Summer 2003. Sorry, folks, I do not update this directory. You can see many (too many) "htmlgears" on my webpages -- this is the way I list reading links to The two professional companies are better organized than me. I want to focus on my own texts -- I underestemated the time I need to spend developing it...* I like the web-style of writing, very POMO (postmodern), i.e. non-writing. [ .... ]New: all my writing projects got split in two -- plain text and web versions. Since they are written "live" online I desided to leave the web structure (with links, pictures and etc.) -- and even to extend it. The text-only drafts are @ GeoAlaska website (it's easy for me to print out the texts for hard-copy editing).
I thought that web could help me to work on my nonfiction. It was several years ago. I was wrong. Web asks for its own style of writing. We still use words like "webpages" -- but they are as much "pages" as "chapters" on your DVD. What is web -- broadcasting?
Web did not prove of any help for me; my short-hand style writing became even more "note-only" format. Web has its own tempo -- I hardly read what I write. Do I know the laws of this new writing medium?
I write. Is it better than a typewriter?
It's different.
Instead of simply writing I am editor and publisher at the same time. I have to oversee the layout and fonts, I have to think about the public... Very bad for a writer.
Writing online is very different type of writing. When I began my nonfiction notes (almost ten years ago), I didn't think about readers. I still have many notebooks, which are not on the WEB -- they all about my own struggle to communicate with myself, not with you. Now I am serving a differnt task...
I am serving myself. And - I don't think it's right.
Look at this page -- what is it?
Advertising, self-advertising, pix and etc.
Is it really MY pages?
How did it take place?
No, I am not a writer anymore...
I crossed the line.
Why did I do it?
Why do I do it?
New technologies tell me that I do not need anybody. I do not need an editor or publisher. I do not need ANOTHER to discover me, I don't need any recognition, admiration, appreachiation -- I do it all by myself. "Theatre of One" (see "virtual theatre" files)? How about "self-reader"? How about a writer who doesn't need readers? How about readers who do not need writers?
It's coming. It's here. What a world!
"My books" are indeed mine. Mine only. My and only.
Internet is a final goodbye to being together. This internet is hell and paradise we heard so much about. "My books"? Goodbye to books...
Goodbye to myself. I die before I die.
I do it myself. I write it straight to the WEB, not my hand-written diary...
Anatoly, 3.4.04
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2006 Theatre UAF Season: Godot'06 --
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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