Improv for CHARACTER
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Traning for IMPROV ...
... NEW: * March 2006: -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth *
... Lul Theatre ! ...
"Meyerhold constructed a set of 16 etudes as the basis of biomechanics. These etudes were chosen from an eclectic range of sources, including the circus, Chinese and Japanese theatre, and sport, and they formed the basis of his extended movement vocabulary. The etudes were sequences of precise muscular movements intended to evoke particular emotions in the performer. This process attempted to systematize the kinesthetic relationship between outer movement and inner feeling, to enable actors to experience this relationship, and to train them to control it" (Britannica).
THR221 Intermediate Acting
![]() GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film ![]() ![]() Spring 2003: Don Juan ![]() film books ![]() virtual theatre ![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan ![]() Physical Objective and Obstacle The Drunk Darkness Disable ... [To be updated!] Do you see Matisse's "Blue Nude" on this page? Did you read the pages "Your Body is Your Prop"? Take another look at Picasso and cubism. For each role you should have different body (your body) breakdown. See the WWWilde files and how we worked on physicalization of the roles. Lady Bracknell, Ms. Prism.... SummaryYoga = BM + Method![]() new: no descriptions yet *
![]() One Act Fest NotesPlease, read acting for the camera pages in advance: Actors in Film Directing, Film in BM and Camera in Method Acting.![]() 2004 & After * Introducing yoga warmups in segments in each chapter? (bottom) The Viewpoints Book : A Practical Guide to Viewpoints and Composition by Anne Bogart -- The Viewpoints is a technique of improvisation that grew out of the postmodern dance world. It was first articulated by choreographer Mary Overlie, who broke down the two dominant issues performers deal with-space and time-into six categories. Since that time, directors Anne Bogart and Tina Landau have expanded her notions and adapted them for actors to function together spontaneously and intuitively and to generate bold, theatrical work.
Vsevolod Meyerhold * ...
... mini-chekhov and BM
master-classes together with directing class [ class project and finals ]
2009 updates : calendar
Acting is reacting -- and most of the bioMX exercises are to develop it. To teach your body and mind to react. To a thought, a subject, together with the public....The famous "arrow"...
Throwing a stone.
Etudes: I do a handshake in class. Aim, Action, Reaction, Stop.
How you do this cycle will define your character. Try dirrefent 1-2-3, different aim -- who is the lead? You, your partner?
The DOOR exercises. Break your "entrance" into a cycle (ABC), do the same with your "exit" (both ACTIONS are extremely important for establishing your character and developing it).
Physical objective and obstacle!
For articulation I ask them to have pencils between their teeth (Homework, too). When after a few days they take the pencils out, they sound much better.
If they can't do the small steps, we tie their knees together for several rehearsals. I use the working prop from the very start, even if they are still not off the books (they memorize texts faster in order to get rid of the papes and handle the prop).
I force them to be very physical (bold choices), because we always can tune it down later. "Not big enough! Bigger!"
If I can't get the tempo-rythm in the monologue, I ask to do it while doing the pushups or running around. Looks stupid, but when they got it, we cut the motion, replacing it with the one required by the mise-en-scene. You see, actors need to experience the knowledge. I guess this is a mixture of Stanislavsky and Meyerhold. Read the pages from Bulgakov's "Theatrical Novel" ("Black Snow" in English translation). Funny and about Stanislavsky.
[ I lost the translation of a few pages I made. ]
Although many people think this term refers to union between body and mind or body, mind and spirit, the traditional acceptance is union between the Jivatman and Paramatman that is between one's individual consciousness and the Universal Consciousness. Therefore Yoga refers to a certain state of consciousness as well as to methods that help one reach that goal or state of union with the divine.
The 5 Points of Yoga
There are hundreds or more of such techniques and therefore as many different Yogas. In order to simplify and clarify the topic, Swami Vishnu-devananda summarized the vast science of Yoga into 5 principles of Yoga which are easy to understand and to include in one's daily life.
These five points are: Proper Exercise; Proper Breathing; Proper Relaxation; Proper Diet; and Positive Thinking & Meditation.
The Four Paths of Yoga
The various Yogic practices have been traditionally classified into the four Margas (paths). These four paths are:
Jnana Yoga or Jnana Marga which is the Yoga of wisdom and develops the Intellect or will
Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of devotion, opens the heart
Karma Yoga, the path of action of selfless service.
Raja Yoga, the royal or psychological which involves the mind. A branch of Raja Yoga which is Hatha Yoga which prepares the Yogi for the higher stages of Raja Yoga.
Sivananda Yoga, the Yoga of Synthesis
Swami Sivananda recognised that every Yogi, or human being for that matter, possesses and identifies with each of these elements: Intellect, heart, body and mind. He therefore advocated everyone to practice certain techniques from each path. This came to be known as the Yoga of Synthesis. He also taught that in accordance with individual temperament and taste one can emphasize the practice of certain Yogas over others.
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Eagle * Camel * Child * Dance * (from yoga page in Method directory)
See new pages: Biomechanics and Scene Studies: Mikado, !2th Night, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Inspector General!
An online course supplement *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations *
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