new: * March 2006: -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * Caligari'09 ...
Notes : total actor & acting for non-actors?
![]() One Act Fest ... SUM
Course Home
... notes : read t-blog ... a page for "cyber-acting" ? New picasa album? "Celebrity Acting" and Eisenstein vs. Pudovkin debate on film acting (1920s). ... THR221 Spring 2009 :
This part of the work is not spoken about often. Not unless you are a star. Do you want to be a star? Well, start treating yourself as such. Do you have your wish list? The roles you want to play. You should. Write it down, the list. Get the monologues from those play, memorize and rehearse them, audition with them. Do you know what you shouldn't do? You have to know. Do you know your strong and weak sides? You must.... Do you keep your actor's journal? Do you have one? Well, who is your manager? Your agent? Your publicist? No, you are wrong, you have them! It's you. Do the work!
-- Acting? Acting, too!
Pre-Acting (Acting One) is taking over "Acting To" [ acting to behaving ]
... beyond classroom.
Why not online?
Serious acting you do by yourself...
Forget about public, forget about stage, forget abour everything -- Bliz...
* biomechanics.vtheatre.netfilmact.txt* -- list/group
* R/G are Dead (Spring main stage show)
... and beyond acting class
"Postmodern ACTING" = (Pure) Method without System!
Stanislavsky meets Meyerhold. Finally!
... Poor Actors
... : "spectator acts" -- actor is a leader of ceremony (performance and rites). [How to connect with "Book of Spectator" and "Virtual Theatre"]
An online course supplement *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations *
Acting amazon
No-Acting ACTING