The way to "YOU" is an self-alianation : learn how to see ME as YOU.
... 2009-2010...
2009 Project
POV sample chapter: Unreal ![]() WRITE : nonfiction Book-Page @ Film-North
Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: Movement-Image 0816614008 + Cinema 2: The Time-Image ![]() Bookmark FILM-NORTH ![]() SummaryVideo-Poems![]() ![]() Notes![]() Lijit Search
You probably understood already that I see myself as WE and therefore as woman, child, stone, angel, and -- They...What about the Other, them outside?
Me again. Yes, yes, in the 3rd millenium it is too late to talk about me without talking about you, dear reader. [This is another reason why I had open Politics directory, which could only personal by now. Well, I believe that you feel the same way even I don't realize it.
Oh, I hope you understand why I have this directory in -- the new philosophycal ideas could be expressed only in non-verbal forms (film, art, music), the words are only for footnotes... because the new thought is emotional thought!
Tell me, how do you communicated with yourself? Even when you are asleep! The same way we have to communicate with each other! And this is the only way to counter-balanced the universal socialiasation (factual communism), which is comming our way. Sounds like a paradox? Everything in this directory is nothing but paradox, if you insist to see it from the 20th century.
Theatre Theory
600: Research and Film600 + Virtual Film
600 dictionary or/and glossary?
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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Lijit Search
vTheatre: postmodern project + diary [blog] my dictionary page