Useless page -- I use it as NEW : nobody ask me any questions, but I have a lot of questions to myself.
So, I try to answer them. Why 600 pages stay idle for so long? ... & -- two places related to this directory [ yes, I am in search of form for 600 anti-philosophy project ]. -- virtual theatre blog. Will it help? I do not know. The problem is not the concept of "600 Project"... But what? I said -- format. ... language? [ some notes are in Russian ] Maybe this is not a nonfiction book? Poem? ...
... my old places not used : & -- Project Utopia :
Can I Send You An Email? ... if you want to ask me a question, please make sure I have not answered it here first.
Film Bks ...
Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: Movement-Image 0816614008 + Cinema 2: The Time-Image
2003 : new: 2003 *
SummaryФутурологИзм (futurologism, буквально – «будесловие») – разновидность неологизмов, новые слова, которая обозначает еще не существующие, но возможные явления.QuestionsангелОид (angeloid; от греч. angelos, вестник, и eidos, вид, подобие) -– существо, приобретающее в результате технической эволюции некоторые свойства, традиционно приписываемые ангелам, напр., способность перемещаться по воздуху, передавать мысли на расстоянии и т.д.or техноангелИзм (technoangelism) – приобретение человеком сверхъестественных, «ангельских» свойств на основе технической эволюции, преодолевающей ограниченность его биологической природы. or человЕстник (humangel; человек + вестник; human + angel) – человек, приобретающий некоторые свойства «вестника» («ангела») благодаря виртуализации своего бытия и сращению организма с коммуникативной техникой. or человЕсть (humessage; чело-век + весть; human + message) – индивидуальная сущность, энтелехия человека, в ее способности принимать внетелесные формы воплощения и передаваться как «информационный портрет», обладающий свойствами оригинала. NotesПроективный словарь философии -- Новые понятия и терминыTOPOS future glossary * in Russian -- Михаил Эпштейн ... stagematrix:
... Then why we should read it?
-- You shouldn't.
First, see the normal FAQ at Film-North and Theatre w/Anatoly. All sites have it, even the major subdirectories!... This directory cannot have FAQ, because it's about questions nobody asks.Don't ask, don't tell!
"... enjoyed the site. I am looking for information concerning tragedy in literature. My text is the death of Ivan Illyich I am in need of literary commentary in this area. Can you help?"I do not answer such emails about Ivan Illyich -- and, nevertheless, I have my email on every page! The "confusing principle" -- remember?Sorry.
There is Research directory (I am not using), but this is BAD (film) THEORY (I can't keep it in the root directory, of course).
.... Also, I shouldn't have this page because I do not answer emails. Read R/G are Dead : webshow before and after Theatre UAF Spring 2008 production of Stoppard.
... Serious thoughts, and therefore limited. If you read russian, see Book of Fool, a prelude for 600 Files.
I need to explain to myself what I will not be doing here.
... Strange. The new webpages... as if I have the whole life ahead.
©2004 *
They still use words. Yet.
vTheatre: postmodern project + diary [blog] my dictionary page
How to explain the pix, images, graphics -- and should I?
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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