... smell, touch, taste -- the end of visual culture? [W] The somatosensory system is a sensory system that detects experiences labelled as touch or pressure, temperature (warm or cold), pain (including itch and tickle), as well as proprioception, which is the sensations of muscle movement and joint position including posture, movement, visceral (internal) senses and facial expression. Visceral senses have to do with sensory information from within the body, such as stomach aches. Touch may be considered one of five human senses; however, when a person touches something or somebody this gives rise to various feelings: the perception of pressure (hence shape, softness, texture, vibration, etc.), relative temperature and sometimes pain. Thus the term "touch" is actually the combined term for several senses. In medicine, the colloquial term "touch" is usually replaced with somatic senses, to better reflect the variety of mechanisms involved. ... the boundaries of simulacra? hypocrisy & hipocrite [w]: Whereas hypokrisis applied to any sort of public performance (including the art of rhetoric), hypokrites was a technical term for a stage actor and was not considered an appropriate role for a public figure. In Athens in the 4th Century BC, for example, the great orator Demosthenes ridiculed his rival Aeschines, who had been a successful actor before taking up politics, as a hypokrites whose skill at impersonating characters on stage made him an untrustworthy politician. This negative view of the hypokrites, perhaps combined with the Roman disdain for actors, later shaded into the originally neutral hypokrisis. It is this later sense of hypokrisis as "play-acting," i.e. the assumption of a counterfeit persona, that gives the modern word hypocrisy its negative connotation. -- thr theory dictionary of dreams? [ images ]
"Telepathic Glossary"? -- communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means...
POV sample chapter: Unreal ![]() WRITE : nonfiction POV Guide Book-Page @ Film-North
200X Virtual: Film + Theatre + Web dictionaries I do not have this "anti-theory" glossary, I have to bild it. SummaryFriedrich Nietzsche: modelThe Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
Notes600 Files : idiotopediaor Language of Angels : a book Guildernstein write for his best friend Rosencratz to read after their death. Stoppard 600 dictionary or/and glossary? This entire directory is DICTIONARY! new: 2003 * ... 2010 Of course, I want to make "dictionary" in pix! ... use pomo dictionaries for now! ![]() My language (based on English?)... * semio : Mask, Emblem, no Face? [the signs on my pages -- faces, eyes, hand -- unnoticed semiotics] ... "Soviet language" was based on Russian, "American", "Indian English"? self-reference * summer 2007 : Maybe here I could say it (nobody reads such pages as "dictionary of Russian American theatre project") : I am not sure that we still can use such definitions as "literature", "film", "theatre" [ never mind, genres] -- we're moving into the world of the unknown... hello, 3rd millinnium... [ to continue -- here ] What is poetry? New primitives (we) not equipt to judge. ... What do we know? ... What should we know? Principle of economy = minimum knowledge, enough to function -- idiots? So what? ... EMOTICONwiki --> :) [ Instead of Subtext ] In a New York Times interview in April 1969, Alden Whitman asked writer Vladimir Nabokov: "How do you rank yourself among writers (living) and of the immediate past?" Nabokov answered: "I often think there should exist a special typographical sign for a smile — some sort of concave mark, a supine round bracket, which I would now like to trace in reply to your question." * subjects : love, hope, child, and etc.
... ...
Sorry, folks, go to other Grossary pages!
... Postmodern Internet Resources
POMO, PM, PO ...
Proto-emoticons or PROTO-EMOTIONS
:-) or :) : Smile or Happy[9] :-( or :( : Frown or Sad[10] :-D or :D : Open-mouthed smile - a grin, often denoting laughter :-p or :p : Smile with tongue out - used to denote 'tongue in cheek' in English :-S or :S : Confused Smile :-/ or :/ or :-\ or :\ Blank Smile[ screen shots ]"Cave Feelings" -- how many?
"Seven Blunders of the World" 1. Wealth without work 2. Pleasure without conscience 3. Knowledge without character 4. Commerce without morality 5. Science without humanity 6. Worship without sacrifice 7. Politics without principle - Mahatma GandhiGoodbye, history!... and wisdom.
Yes, friends, we are beyond good and evel. Believe it or not.
* : An emoticon (pronounced (IPA) [iˈmoʊtɪk¨»n]) is a small piece of specialized ASCII art (usually two to five characters, always on a single line) used in text messages as informal markup to indicate emotions and attitudes that would be conveyed by body language in face-to-face communications. They are intended to be relatively simple to type, easy to recognize, and most commonly represent stylized facial expressions although occasionally other representations or imagery are also used.
... Often a smile is represented with a basic smiley :-). The colon represents the eyes, the hyphen is for the nose, and the parenthesis for the mouth. Many variants exist with different symbols substituted for the basic ones. The symbol for the nose is often omitted, for example :) or ;). When the colon is replaced with the equals sign, =), the nose is almost always omitted (so one would not see =-), for example). There are also other smilies such as X ) and 8 ) This is also used to make figures, objects and animals.
POMO dictionary -- recommended!
What are the natural connections between the three medias of the virtual Theatre -- The Book of Spectator? What is my hope? The Plato Academy or the Platonic Girls (muses). Is it the art (not philososphy) that can bring it all together? The new primitives? Right?
+ M. Epstein's IntelNet
[ how do the new definitions look on the screen? ]
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web |
* slideshow (proto-dictionary?) :
death -- visual signs
happiness -- show me!
... god? I don't see it...
... man? I don't understand it. I don't understand your questions!
Spare me knowing what I can live without!
Get lost!
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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