NOTES page? No?..
"Anatoly as Newspaper" ... "Describes the cultural history of linear narrative and the veering away from that tradition by film, television, and, most recently, by World Wide Web hypertext. The World Wide Web has new rhetorical and symbolic implications, because coherence in that environment is anchored in associative, linked structures rather than linear ones." Linear is a store. I have none to tell? ... index [dir.txt]
... Maybe, or maybe nor. 2009 and After?
| and sub-dictories
adv.txt ... NEW: * African diary :
What am I doing in 21st century?What?
Did you say it's the new millennium?
... Here by accident, too?
Read/Write -- record?
... No, I am not to restore this directory pages. I do not remember and do not want to remember what pages about writing were here...
-- Keep A Notebook For Your Writing Ideas (especially, if you do not plan to write books).
I show you "silly"!
... Freewriting is writing or typing non-stop for a certain amount of time. Even if you start with "I don't know what I'm going to say about this subject, but . . ."
* back to
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Copyright © 2007 by Permission to link to this site is granted. + * eCitations * search!
I hope I am not overdoing it, the pages on my writing.
I need another HTMLgear for my plays (descriptions)!
Who read my webpages on writing? I do. When I have time.
From time to time I even print some of them, to remind myself what to do and what not to do.
The errors are the constant problem, because you have to read what you write, but can live with it.
Oh yes, there is another aspect on doing it online -- I still hope that there is a style of writing, my own, which will come of out of this experience.
Now, the difference between writing directories. I keep the Theatre w/Anatoly WRITE directory for my textbooks. Ant Theatre -- plays.
Here -- non-fiction.
New @ GeoAlaska? I don't know yet.
Six books, but each of them has three parts -- 3 books. What? 18 books?
Under the title "Anatoly"?
Plots, forget anything else. Do the playwright work.
SELF -- dying? /will he die, will he kill himself? Make me feel that this time he is to do it -- then comes in the woman. /how they struggle to save him? That's the story of each chapter.What is killing him? The thoughts, those notes he keeps writing. Show it! Thoughts do kill.
... RITER?
keys.txt -- :