web, not books...


summer'09 -- did web serve me well?

It looks like finally I am out -- moving to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Online -- occasionally.


Big question.

Ten year, more... and?

How to measure it, my "internet presence"?

I used it. I like it.

... 2009

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PERSEVERE: This is the most vital point, and the hardest to follow. Sometimes we give up when the destination is just round the corner. As F. Scott Fitzgerald has said, "Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over." Almost all successful people know how to persevere, and how to strive persistently. This takes us back to the point where I said you have to be desperate. Once you are desperate, you don't give up easily.

2006 & After

Web Directory @ Film-North * * WEB = 24/7/365