from web.vtheatre.net :
* The World Wide Web, sometimes referred to as "the Web", is an interconnected set of documents and files linked together by hyperlinks
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dictionary for WEB directoryAnchor text is the hyperlinked words on a web page – the words you click on when you click a link.
Anchor text usually gives your visitors useful information about the content of the page you're linking to.It tells search engines what the page is about. Used wisely, it boosts your rankings in search engines, especially in Google.
If you use "click here" as the words people are going to click on, you're telling people the page is about the subject "click here". If you use "Part 2" as the anchor text, your telling the search engines the page is discussing "part 2".
You wouldn't want to rank highly for "click here" or "Part 2".
Anchor text is so important that it's possible for a page to appear in the top 10 in Google's search results for a phrase which isn't mentioned anywhere on the page.
Some blog publishers have fun using "Google bombing" to get pages ranked highly for humorous phrases. If the phrase is obscure, only a handful of links will win the phrase a No.1 ranking. If it's highly competitive, hundreds or thousands of links might be needed.
When asking other sites to link to your site, it's a good idea to provide them with the HTML code ready to cut and paste into their page. That way, you choose the anchor text.
However, if your site is all about purple widgets, you don't want only "purple widgets" to be used as the phrase in every link to your site. Over-optimizing like that would create an unnatural pattern.
You can use anchor text in:
External links – links from other sites
Internal links – links on your pages
Navigation mapsLinks on your main page. A very important spot. Remember that real live humans will read your links as well as search engines, so the words in your anchor text need to make sense!
* A blog, short for weblog, is often described as an online diary. The most recent entries (called posts) - appear on the homepage of the blog with links to archives of older posts. Archives are organized by date and often categorized by topic. Often, each post will have a form for readers to add their own comments and to give their opinion or reaction to the post's content.
Link Popularity - link popularity is the number of other quality sites that link to yours. Because many search engines use formulas to determine a sites ranking, the more quality links that point in to your site, the greater your link popularity.
Deep Linking: Ask for a link right back to the specific page on your site you are going to link to them on. Again, find relevant pages of content to the sites you are going after. People respond well to this, especially if you say you are limiting your outgoing links to "further resources" to 5 per page. (The number is up to you.)
Keyword Density - keyword density is a score that is based on the amount keywords that appear in the title, description, keywords, text, links, etc.
Click-through - a click through is referring to a "cost-per-click" that some search engines charge the advertiser.
Impression - an impression is the number of times your search listing will be displayed to visitors.
Tracking URL - a tracking URL is an internal site URL that records the number of click-throughs (and sometimes impressions) your search listing receives.
Keyword - a keyword is a request made by a visitor searching for something on the Internet, such as 'gifts'.
Phrase - a phrase is a multiple keyword string that is made by a visitor searching for something on the Internet, such as 'gift shops'.
Relevant Keywords - keywords and phrases that best represent what your site or page you are linking to is about.
Page View - a page view is the number of times a webpage is displayed by a visitor.
Ambiguous organisation schemes: (eg library 'subject' category, as opposed to 'title' or 'author' category ) Divide information into categories that defy exact definition. Pros: more useful and more commonly used (backed by extensive library research) - particularly when we don't know exactly what we're looking for. Supports a more associative learning process. Cons: Difficult to design and maintain, difficult to use. Include topical (yellow pages, newspapers, academic courses), task oriented (desktop software applications, directed web sites), audience specific (some education sites, intranets - can be open or closed), metaphor driven (desktop computer interface, virtual office/library/space), hybrid scheme (most web pages). [ In designing a topical organistional scheme, remember that you are defining the universe of content (both present and future) that users will expect to find within that web site. Task oriented when its possible to anticipate a limited number of high-priority user tasks. Audience specific when a need to break sites into smaller subsets. Metaphor driven to help users understand new by relating it to the familiar - and helps with intuition. ]
2005: Hierarchical Tree Structure
Hierarchy: a foundation - simple and familiar way to organise information. Categories should be mutually exclusive, and there should be balance between breadth and depth. Breadth - seven plus or minus two rule (more than 10 options can overwhelm users) and depth - more conservative (4 to 5 levels maximum). Finally, don't let hierarchy constrain development.
Hypertext: provides greater flexibility, but can created disorientation. Without context, users can become quickly frustrated and overwhelmed. Additionally, hypertext links are often personal in nature. It is often more sensible to design the information hierarchy first and then identify way in which hypertext can complement the hierarchy.
Relational database: Allow the use of searches, better content management and personalised content using records and fields. Often better to use databases as subsets of structured, homogeneous information within a broader website.
Hierarchical navigation: typically the primary navigation system of a site.
Global navigation: navigation that spans the site
Local navigation: typically used for subsites. Should complement, not replace, global navigation systems.
Ad Hoc navigation: more editorial than architectural. Generally placed throughout content.
Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited.
Internal linking architecture:
There are three forms that can be assumed while planning the sites internal linking pattern.
Hierarchal -- In this kind of Internal linking all the pages of the website are connected to the home page and home page is individually connected to all the pages of the website, but there is no linking between the pages of the website.
Looping -- In this kind of Internal linking the home page is connected to the primary page and the primary page is connected to the secondary page and this process goes on till the last page and the last page is connected to the home page in this way a loop is formed.
Extensive inter linking -- In this kind of Internal linking each page is connected to each other in the website.
What kind of internal linking is preferable in a certain case, is dependent on the objectives you are trying to achieve in terms of Pagerank optimisation, user navigation ease & site theme.One tip to bear in mind is that internal linking should reinforce the theme. One should not crosslink between the pages on the site which are unrelated by themes. This will dilute the theme intensity & affect the page rankings on SERPs.
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