I think that I have "pomo" pages in every directory... in many, at least.
... something from/for filmplus.org/research : "Virtual Theatre" is after postmodernism! PPomo, or PoPoMo. Double negation? As neo-modernism? Everything I wrote about PM is BEFORE web-as-spectacle. Of course, I used "virtual theatre" in liberal way [ Virtual Theatre with Anatoly ], but, neverthrless, there will be theory of VT... someday.
* 2007 pomo.vtheatre.net - new directory -- notes on virtual theatre, one step to prectice...
books.filmplus.org filmplus.org/classes directing.filmplus.org him.filmplus.org NEW: 2008 Russian Theatre: fest.theatre.ru + cultu.ru (webcast) * Internet2 Day presentation *
Aug. 2004 -- The Taming of the Shrew & Oedipus X are the last two shows I will have online. Webbing takes too much time, I became a webmaster by default. Enough! Goodbye vtheatre! Anatoly 2007 -- "Event Theory" : internet is interactive? Dramatic? ... Theatre? "Postmodernism" is a vague term that often contains contradictory models and ideas. The common denominator seems to be chaos, of impressions, of expressions, received in societies described as multicultural. One of the commonly mentioned effects of this is the death of narratives – at least, the death of the big "meta-narratives". The world is broken down in small, non-coherent epics in daily news reports. Apart from these epics, the "story", is dead.. The most important new medium of the "post-modern" age, the Internet, has some characteristics that differ from or contradict these traits of our time. The revolutionary idea behind hypertext was to imitate the way our brain works through associations, by linking text and graphics through a computer network. Thus, the Internet exposes contexts. Net surfers do it with links. And what are links, unless signs of a logic, a continuity through the cyberspace universe? The whole idea of links has a sense of epic, from this point to that point through a logical connection. Most browsers keep a log, a list of visited sites. The frequent term for this list, is a new reminder of how surfing may feel epic: it is called "history"… Will the Internet help recover the epic feeling from post-modern chaos? ...
"dwarfs on the shoulders of ancient giants"
pomo.vtheatre.net-- practical applications are @ vtheatre.net [?]PoMo POV
pomo script.vtheatre.net + pmdrama
... Web experience is the future theatre.
... What do you mean?
... TECH & PostAmeriKa
Power of Slave = Utopia Project ![]()
2007massman is Master -- XX century
XXI century ...
http://www.thepomoblog.com/papers/pomo27.htm TV News in a Postmodern World : Beyond the World Wide Web
http://opengardensblog.futuretext.com/archives/2006/09/is_web_20_anyth.html --> Is Web 2.0 anything more than just postmodernism? http://www.opengardensblog.futuretext.com/mt-tb.cgi/212
The amorality of Web 2.0 = http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2005/10/the_amorality_o.php
The Cult of the Amateur :
In "We Are the Web," Kelly writes that "because of the ease of creation and dissemination, online culture is the culture." I hope he's wrong, but I fear he's right - or will come to be right.
roughtype.com... Internet and Fascism?
As Mussolini said explicitly, fascism IS corporatism. ... Humankind.Inc... http://www.davidcogswell.com/Essays/FascismFreedomNet.html -reflections on?
From PoMo
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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