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![]() Featured Pages: Theatre on the Web:
biblio @ vTheatreVirtual Theatres: An Introduction by Gabriella Giannachi; Routledge, 2004 - 1: Hypertextualities - 2: Cyborg Theatre - 3: The (Re-)Creation of Nature - 4: Performing Through the Hypersurface - 5: Towards an Aesthetic of Virtual Reality
Deathtraps: The Postmodern Comedy Thriller by Marvin Carlson; Indiana University Press, 1993
An Introduction to Digital Media by Tony Feldman; Routledge, 1997 - Chapter 1: What Digital Revolution? - Chapter 2: Multimedia - Chapter 3: The Compact Disc Arrives - Chapter 4: Myth and Reality on the Superhighway - Chapter 5: Online Networks - Chapter 6: Web Commerce - Chapter 7: What Does It All Mean?
Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture by Philip Auslander; Routledge, 1999 - 1: Introduction: - 2: Live Performance in a Mediatized Culture - 3: Tryin’ to Make It Real - 4: Legally Live
Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age by Margot Lovejoy; Routledge, 2004 - Part One: Sources - 1: Vision, Representation, and Invention - 2: The Machine Age and Modernism - 3: The Electronic Era and Postmodernism - Part Two: Media - 4: Video as Time, Space, Motion - 5: Art in the Age of Digital Simulation - 6: Art as Interactive Communications: Networking Global Culture - 7: Transaesthetics
The Dramatic Arts and Cultural Studies: Acting against the Grain by Kathleen S.Berry; Falmer Press, 2000 - Chapter 1: A Modern World in Crisis - Chapter 2: Cultural Studies through Theater - Chapter 3: Major Tenets of Cultural Studies - Chapter 4: Deconstruction of Cultural Constructions - Chapter 5: Hegemonic Resonances - Chapter 6: Acting against the Grain
The Performing Arts in a New Era by Arthur Brooks, Julia Lowell, Kevin F. Mccarthy, Laura Zakaras; Rand, 2001 - Chapter One: Introduction - Chapter Two: Conceptual Framework - Chapter Three: Historical Background - Chapter Four: Audiences for the Performing Arts - Chapter Five: Artists: Creators and Performers - Chapter Six: Characteristics of Performing Arts Organizations - Chapter Seven: Financial Situation of Performing Arts Organizations - Chapter Eight: Where Are the Performing Arts Headed?
Action Art: A Bibliography of Artists' Performance from Futurism to Fluxus and Beyond by John Gray; Greenwood Press, 1993 - 1: Action Art 1909-1952: The Antecedents; Futurism, Dada, Cubism, Russian Performance, the Bauhaus and Black Mountain College - 2: Action Art 1950s-1970s: Gutai, Happenings, Fluxus, Viennese Actionism, Destruction in Art, the Provos, Situationism and Beyond - 3: Biographical and Critical Studies
theatre and theology :
Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays (Hardcover) by Sarah Beckwith ...
biblio page in Spectator Directory
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