2009 ?
2008 HAMLET (flickr slideshow) R+G are Dead stagematrix.com & meyerhold.us [domains to work on 'After Theatre UAF'] Maybe. This directory was born out the need not to write on my instructional (classes) pages about "theory" students are not reqired read. There were sevaral "research" projects like Virtual Theatre or Book of Spectator, but was not place to keep msc. notes/references on THR theory. Sometimes notes needed more space and pomo page would grow into pomo.vtheatre.net directory. I do not know the future of my Theatre with Anatoly; it could be around for some time after Anatoly is gone. With no news? I didn't manage to master web2.0 and make my www into "wiki": so, "new" is about what WAS new before 2009. anatoly.org PS. I wish some page would have another "draft"... wishful thinking, of course. "New"? What about "old"? Old pages, old links? ... I have to leave as is.
2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles. Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows ) [ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS ![]() BioMX Forum Summary2005: total directing & total acting![]() Questions![]() ![]() Method: Yoga & Freud ![]() meyerhord.us ![]() NotesDrama **![]() BioMechanics ![]() ![]()
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
![]() The Possessed 2003 ![]()
The Director and the Stage: From Naturalism to Grotowski by Edward Braun; Holmes & Meier, 1982 - I. The Meiningen Theatre - 2. Antoine and the Theatre Libre - 3. The Symbolist Theatre - 4. Alfred Jarry - 5. Stanislavsky and Chekhov - 6. Edward Gordon Craig - 7. Max Reinhardt in Germany and Austria - 8. Meyerhold - the First Five Years - 9. Meyerhold - Theatre as Propaganda - 10. Piscator in Berlin - Ii. Brecht's Formative Years - 12. Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty - 13. Grotowski's Laboratory Theatre Avant Garde Theatre, 1892-1992 by Christopher Innes; Routledge, 1993 - 1: Introduction - 2: The Politics of Primitivism - 3: Dreams, Archetypes and the Irrational - 4: Therapy and Subliminal Theatre - 5: Antonin Artaud and the Theatre of Cruelty - 6: Ritual and Acts of Communion - 7: Black Masses and Ceremonies of Negation - 8: Myth and Theatre Laboratories - 9: Secular Religions and Physical Spirituality - 10: Anthropology, Environmental Theatre and Sexual Revolution - 11: Interculturalism and Expropriating the Classics - 12: From the Margins to Mainstream comedy scripts Monty Python's Flying Circus MY SHOWS:
bloglines.com/public/anatolant Blogger. profile
* anatolant @ google.com
Russian Diary * русский дневник * ...
I wish to write a formal paper on Beckett...
At least, I can bring the links to Chekhov...
and Shakespeare.
3 Sisters and Godot. The Gravediggers and Hamlet is the obvious connection.
And Sophocless? (Irony issue)
And the tragic comedy genre take. Absurd as a tragedy (Existential) and as a comedy (commedia or dada tradition). Polyphonic (conflict), according to Bakhtin? Live of each other?
Plus, "Internet2" paper I commited myself already (shows.vtheatre.net/ps)
"Directing College Show in XXI century"?
[ anatolant.spaces.live.com -- theatre director blog 2007 ]
Anatoly UAF
[ new" and "2007" pages ]
I die every night. I am born every morning...
I have several service pages I do not how to use. This is one of them.New?
2000? 2003? 2004? 2005? 2006...
I have another loser -- FAQ...
and the notes page...
How will I update "new" page? New-new?
Relax, the web is young. We don't know the forms of the future.
Anatoly, August of 2003.
NEW? The domain name = filmplus.org ...
* All I can do at the moment is to give you the new pages listing on this page. Use the "htmlgears."If you see "summary" and "notes" in the right table, it means that the pages were updated in 2003.
2006: anatoly.org
Л. Шестов. Творчество из ничего. (А.П. Чехов)
С. Булгаков ЧЕХОВ КАК МЫСЛИТЕЛЬ 20 октября 1910 года. Москва. Public Lecture:
... "Деятельность научная и художественная в ее настоящем смысле только тогда плодотворна, когда она не знает прав, а знает одни обязанности. Только потому, что она всегда такова, что ее свойство быть таковою, и ценит человечество так высоко ее деятельность. Если люди действительно призваны к служению другим духовной работой, они в этой работе будут видеть только обязанности и с трудом, лишениями и самоотвержением будут исполнять их. Мыслитель и художник никогда не будет сидеть спокойно на олимпийских высотах, как мы привыкли воображать. Мыслитель и художник должны страдать вместе с людьми для того, чтобы найти спасение или утешение". И нам думается, Чехов был именно таким художником, которого здесь рисует Толстой.
"Призвание всего человечества, - говорит Чехов устами художника в "Домике с мезонином", - в духовной деятельности, в постоянном искании правды и смысла жизни... удовлетворить его могут только религия, науки, искусства... Науки и искусства, когда они настоящие, стремятся не к временным, не к частным целям, а к вечному и общему, - они ищут правды, смысла жизни, ищут Бога, душу". В этих словах определяется и общее содержание творчества и самого Чехова, и оно посвящено тому, в чем он видел задачу истинной науки и искусства: исканию правды, Бога, души, смысла жизни. S. N. Bulgakov
* All directories have "new" pages(like this one), and all updates will be there. New @ Biomechanics, new at Stagematrix, new with script.vtheatre.net and so on.
I do not know how else to keep with the changes...
I do not want NEW pages!
No more!
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre