* T-History
Brecht Pages & Meyerhold Files
Go.dot'06 ![]() meyerhord.us ... links: Brecht online scripts online? [ see listing : bottom ]
* 2007 -- Brecht Terms [ Brecht Pages ]
[ advertising space : webmaster ] text LINKS * 1. Brecht director (acting applications) 2. Brecht writer [plays] script.vtheatre.net/brecht 3. Epic Theatre Theory -- ... Bertolt Brecht was already an established playwright of international stature when he completed and published his Short Organum in 1948. He was a recognized iconoclast whose plays and theatrical statements took exception to the prevailing theatre of realism. He had advocated in his many observations radical changes in the form and aesthetic of the theatre and, because he was particularly concerned with the manner in which audiences perceived and experienced a play, he was necessarily concerned about acting. His views toward the actor and acting expressed in the Short Organum were met with violent opposition from supporters of the Stanistavsky system, while they were embraced by some who clearly failed to grasp critical aspects of Brecht's admittedly underdeveloped manifesto. [Playwrights and Acting: Acting Methodologies for Brecht, Ionesco, Pinter, and Shepard Book by James H. McTeague; Greenwood Press, 1994] ... BRECHT PAGES : "To understand Bertolt Brecht's personality it is perhaps best to talk first about his disguises. In the 1920's, the time of Brecht great successes -- Die Dreigroschenoper ( The Threepenny Opera) and Hauspostille ( Manual of Piety) -- it was easy to spot him in Berlin if one wanted to. He was always fully masqueraded: his costume consisted of an old, dark, close-fitting, well-worn jacket of soft leather like a motorcyclist's or a truck driver's, yet underneath he wore an expensive silk shirt which only men of substantial income could afford. Never missing was the cap favored by the proletarian of 1920 or the football coach of today. His head was usually shaved like a convict's or a basic trainee's. But most curious was a pair of steel-rimmed glasses which could hardly be bought in Berlin any more at that time -- the kind a schoolteacher from some provincial town might have worn. When Brecht wished to read, he would carefully take these glasses from their case, clean them, slip them over his ears, and, after the reading, just as carefully replace them in his breast pocket." Bert Brecht by Joseph Fabry, Willy Haas, Max Knight; Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1970 ... another page that isn't linked? ... Eisenstein Rediscovered
[History] Periods : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 [ vtheatre.net/oedipus -- Frive-Through Theatre history ] ... Chorus Against Hero : Socialist Realism (PopArt)
2007-2008 : Two from the Chorus : R/G are Dead [Stoppard] Theatre UAF BB and Shakespeare -- where? BB and Sophocles -- BB and Beckett -- ... and PoMO : Spring'09, Theatre UAF main stage : Caligari
2009 :
google.com/group/directing/web/epic-theatre - 331 class *
The Book of Spectator?
theatre history page -- ?
Meyerhold Files [ stagematrix ]
* theatre theory related pages: audience, spectacle and etc.
"Eisenstein-Theatre" (right table: Eisenstein Rediscovered, ch. 6) in TEATR.US ? [new]
[ photos -- directing page ]* google.com/group/directing -- see (new) class pages!stagematix.com files ?
+ photobucket.com/theatre "7 Days" -- new pages... 1 * 2 * 3 * ...
Russian Directors (album) : Taganka and Lubimov (RAT directory)
... Epic Theatre & Musical [ where? ]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
vTheatre: pomo project'06 * my yahoo: theatre
video page?
... links?
* biomechanics.vtheatre.net/doc/epic
try google scholar!
... Mother Courage and Her Children: A Chronicle of the Thirty Years' War By Bertolt Brecht [ Fall 2007 DramLit ]
From my books.google.com:
Brecht-related titles
Brecht quotes [Galileo]