Preface * Intro * Title *
![]() Title ... Trying to clean up the narrative, I made NOTES directory Since I do write online, at the end I have two versions of my manuscript: one for the print -- a linear narrative, another -- hypertext -- weBook. TECH weBook (WB) is here! ![]() Bad Theories, Wrong Subjects View GuestBook Sign SummaryThis book is difficult to write because I want to write about the future. Not the SF kind of book, but the nonfiction about myself -- and therefore about you.Questions"Учением о Св. Духе выясняется план общего действия, в котором долг сынов и дочерей человеческих ко всеобщему отечеству берет окончательный перевес над обществом полового подбора".<<35>> Долгом воскрешения отцов хочет Федоров угасить половую страсть: сила, которая идет на рождение детей, должна быть направлена на воскрешение отцов. Он хочет обратного движения в родовой жизни. Вся родовая энергия должна быть обращена от детей к отцам. С этим связано у Федорова замечательное учение о дочери человеческой. Женщина должна быть прежде всего дочерью. Сначала дочь, а потом уже мать. Дочь - воскресительница, жена - мироносица. В учении о Св. Троице дан образец-пример для жизни человеческой, в Ней должны быть и сын, и дочь. "Если в учении о Троице Дух не будет представлен образцом для дочери, то сама Троица обратится в безжизненную, монашескую, платоновскую или платоническую; если же дочь не будет подобием Св. Духа, не будет духом любви, то проникнется духом разрушения, нигилизма".<<36>> Св. Дух - дочь. Дочь человеческая имеет образ Св. Духа, подобно тому, как сын человеческий имеет образ Бога-Сына. В откровении о Св. Духе заключается открытие, что "женщина, делаясь матерью, не перестает быть дочерью; она есть приснодщерь. И это согласно с другой заповедью, но гораздо определеннее выраженною, если Богоматерь принять за образец для нас. По этой заповеди женщина, делаясь матерью, должна оставаться девою, приснодевою".<<37>> Федоров предвидит, что его учение о Дочери-Духе очень многих смутит, покажется еретическим. "Очень многие, вероятно, смутятся учением о Дочери-Духе, хотя и не смущаются учением о Сыне-Слове; но последнее относится к Троице миссионерской; дело же миссионеров-апостолов приходит к концу. Учение о Дочери-Духе относится к Троице общего дела, которое есть воскрешение и для которого теперь только наступает время; учение о Сыне-Слове относится к объединению живущих, учение о Дочери-Духе к оживлению умерших... В Троице общего дела Св. Дух является... в виде "Дочери человеческой", означающей не одну девственность, беспорочность, т. е. личную отрицательную добродетель, не отсутствие лишь порока, а положительное целомудрие, замену рождения воскрешением... По отношению к родителям умершим дочь есть мироносица".<<38>> Своим учением о сыне и дочери хотел победить Федоров не только сластолюбие, женолюбие, половую страсть, но и властолюбие, стремление к мощи. "Прежде нежели к чему-либо стремиться, нужно родиться; а родиться - значит стать сыном, явиться прежде всего как дитя, которое уже есть тогда, когда еще не раскрывались половые различия, когда еще не зарождался порок властолюбия. Ренегат сыновнего долга забыл, что сын-отцелюбец предшествует властолюбцу".<<39>>Notes![]() 2004 & After
... Good bye, Lucifer.This is the last book of the cycle. Sometimes I call it "Book of the Future" -- no, not the prophecies, but extloration of the present. Since I lost the gender in the last book, learning to be angelic creature, in TECH I gain woman's qualities. I am in the the techno-womb of the second nature and, according to me, even a boy in mother's body is a female.
Dear reader, be patient with me, it takes time to get used to my new identity. I should say to newly discovered indentity. Remember, Anatoly doesn't invent anything, it's prohibited by non-fiction nature of my writing.
I realize that you do not remember your first nine months of existence. You noticed that I said existence, not life, because it was ahead -- the birth. To help to envision it, use the old symbols of being inside the white or the yellow submarine. Maybe it is easier for me, because I spend most of my time inside and I live in Alaska, but you drive every day, most of you do spend the days of your life INSIDE.
Also, it helps to see that you live inside of your body. That's a known fact.
Before I get myself into more deep intellectual troubles, let me state that I am not the first who gave birth to himself. If you are to read the early Christian writers, you can see that the idea of Father giving birth to himself is the old theory.
Now, I hope that it can be agreed that birth is the most important act of our life. Even death somehow depends on it. But how dramatic is it?
Imagine that you died at birth -- pretty dramatic!
Well, we have to start the story from the very beginning, from the episode when I got pregnant with myself.
I have to be graphic in my descriptions to show you how I impregnate myself, the act known as immaculate conception. In my case there were no angels with the message. In fact, I noticed that I am pregnant rather late. In school, at home they kept asking me -- what's wrong with you? Only now I know what was wrong -- I was pregnant!
Another warning to you, reader. Just because of my writing style, you might get an impression that it is funny, but think how many people exist who never were born! The dead souls that are walking around! Scary? The horror story!
I know that you would like to know if there was any sex involved. Listen, it's normal to love yourself, no matter what they try to tell you. Of course I was in love with myself! How did I make love to myself, besides the mastrubation? I felt myself and I thought about it.
I see some hands, yes, you! Was there a particular day and an hour of the conception?
Good question. And very difficult. You see, since I am constantly in physical contact with myself, it could happen at any moment. It ought to happen, even if you are a total idiot. If you are a moron, you give birth to a handicapped soul; the laws of genetics are very rude. What do I mean by "idiot"? I mean if you do not know how to love yourself, that is what I mean. That is your prime obligation, that is why you exist and before you start expressing your love for anything, you have to express it to yourself first.
No, I can't interrupt myself all the time, answering your questions. Write a note and I will answer some at the end of the class.
Back to the topic. In order for you to make love to yourself, you have to notice yourself. Nothing to smile about! Yes, you have to notice that you exist! Social security number and picture ID are not enough, you have to discover your own identity and only you can do it, nobody else. I am not asking you to know "who you are" -- I am saying that you have to know what you like. You, not the others, not they told you that you like it. You have to know what you do not like. You have to become your friend before you to make love to yourself.
If you do your homework and read the textbooks before the class, you wouldn't have that many questions. Did you use my websites? I spent a lot of time making the webpages so in class we can move further. I have to make some extra prerequisites for the enrollment.
[ pix: In my youth, nineth grade, in our math school we had long discussions about universe and enthropy, big bang and death of the world, about Einstein who hasn't finished the theology of unified fields... Even then I thought that we can't think about cosmology without another force -- us, humans. We have no less power (potential at least) than gravity or electricity. I couldn't tell my friends that hope or love are the parts of the big picture, it was not provable and a bad tone. Going home across Moscow, I talked to myself. No, no, we must include Man into the Big Picture! Man is the most powerful element of the nature.
It's good that then I, a Soviet boy, didn't think about God even reading the theology and philosophy books -- I thought about simple things as we did studying physics. We wanted to know and in this desire was our belief. We never even use the word "God" -- what for? We behaved as if we knew God, as if we lived in His Kingdom. Ever since those teenage times I feel that thought and feeling is the best prayer. Besides, I still do not know what I could ask from God, anything, something I can't get myself. What I do not have? Even in my darkest moments I do not expect more than I already got -- life, mind, soul, spirit, body....
I would walk to the center, saving my bus and metro money, going home, where on the side of the Red Square and Kremlin, on the other side of the Moscow-River was the place, where my father read Pravda and his mother prayed in whisper her gratitute to God that her grown up grandson was finally home and safe...
Now I now that I was missing in real physics and true math, the boy.... ]
@2001-2004 vTheatre *
©2004 *
@2009 -- 2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
©Film-North * Anatoly.