* postmodernism: "1984.0" -- it was long ago.
"The theory of rejecting theories." Tony Cliff see wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmodernism and ... tech.vtheatre.net [ru] ? 2008 -- updates for film600 + kino ?
books.filmplus.org directing.filmplus.org him.filmplus.org meyerhold.us chekhov.us stagematrix.vtheatre.net cine101 [ more ] u21.us
... "Society of Machines" ?
2010 -- here, here! u21.us = Utopia
... "pomo continued" and Beyond Postmodern * knowledge economy [Definition] Economy based on creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge. In a knowledge economy, labor costs become progressively less important and traditional economic concepts such as scarcity of resources and economies of scale cease to apply. * glossary [page]? Business Definition for: Postindustrial Society -- a society in which the resources of labor and capital are replaced by those of knowledge and information as the main sources of wealth creation. The postindustrial society involves a shift in focus from manufacturing industries to service industries and is enabled by technological advances. The idea is associated with sociologist Daniel Bell, who wrote The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting (1973). * Knowledge Society Knoledge vs. Information Theory of Technology -- Studies of human artifacts as cause and consequence of socio-cultural development. ... tech.vtheatre.net/dict : The quality or state of being noble; superiority of mind or of character; commanding excellence; eminence. [for newrussian.org = dreams.vtheatre.net]
... Fedorov and Theo Terminology :Трансцендентное воскресение
воскресениe имманентноe
... self-organizing theory ? Self-organization in cybernetics
Self-organization in human society -- In collective intelligence
Self-organization is a process where the organization (constraint, redundancy) of a system spontaneously increases, i.e. without this increase being controlled by the environment or an encompassing or otherwise external system.... http://www.calresco.org/extropy.htm & The End of Certainty : In his 1997 book, The End of Certainty, Prigogine contends that determinism is no longer a viable scientific belief. "The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism."
dictionary from antohins.vtheatre.net
man, human -- wrong words to use!
film600 -- dict/glossary
... and visual glossaries!
... photobucket.com/anatolant, flickr, picasa collections/a;bums
+ my video places
and pix/images/video in my sub-directories.Combination of word/image -- my "posters"
From Utopia No TECH Albums?
albums at anatoly.live.com, anatoly.groups.live.com, profile.to/anatoly and other my "social web" places?
and -- Notes [ pages] as APPENDIX?
DICTIONARY pages in other directories? System? As tags?
@2009 -- 2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
©Film-North * Anatoly.
@anatoly.org : u21.us biz.vtheatre.net (for now?)
... color?